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England: White Patriot Uprising - Vengeance for Child Stabbings & Rapes

Started by Rev.Cambeul, Tue 30 Jul 2024

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Southport stabbing suspect, 17, is named for the first time as he appears in court charged with murdering three little girls at Taylor Swift-themed dance class and harming 10 others with a 'curved kitchen knife'


And so the UK government releases pictures of the Rwandan terrorist at ages 5 and 10 because that's what you do when you want sweet innocent Sambo to be spared and angry Whites out for revenge to appear as the savages. Enjoy your government imposed guilt-trip while Blacks and Muslims riot just because ....

Excerpt: A teenager charged with murdering three children and harming 10 others at a Taylor Swift-themed dance class in Southport has been named as Axel Rudakubana

The 17-year-old, who turns 18 in just six days time, was born to Rwandan parents in Cardiff in 2006 before moving to the village of Banks in Lancashire in 2013.

He is accused of carrying out the attack that killed Bebe King, six, Elsie Dot Stancombe, seven, and Alice Dasilva Aguiar, nine.

Rudakubana is also accused of the attempted murders of eight more children, along with dance teacher Leanne Lucas, 35, and businessman John Hayes.

Up until now, the teenager's identity could not be revealed because suspects under 18 receive automatic anonymity in all UK court cases, except for in exceptional circumstances.

But after a successful application to the judge by the Mail, Rudakubana's name can now be reported.

Judge Andrew Menary KC said he had to balance the risk to the suspect's family and the risk to him in custody with the public interest accurately reporting his identity.

Far-right mobs Fed-up with anti-White government and Black on White Crime and Terrorism, ordinary White Britons took to the streets of Southport and and other major UK cities this week after a fake news website spread misinformation about the identity of the suspect.

Russian state media were among those falsely claiming that the suspect had arrived by boat to the UK last year, sharing claims that he was on an M16 watch list.

It led to violent riots, seeing dozens of police officers injured, wheelie bins set alight and emergency vehicles set on fire.

In a bid to quell tensions - after more riots broke out in London, Manchester Hartlepool, and Aldershot - Judge Menary revealed Rudakubana's identity.

As the suspected murderer arrived at the court he was met by dozens of people shouting, with one man having to be held back by police officers as the van holding him past. {sic}

&er Born and raised in the UK?! Just look at the Gollywog! Pea-headed African savage!
The Price is Reich!

Find me on Stormfront as QueJumpingAfghan where I have been banned!
Formerly Based in the Northern Territory
Now in Adelaide, South Australia
The Whitest City in Australia
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When Blacks and Muslims riot in the UK and attack police, it's all OK. The police do nothing but get on their knees and grovel for forgiveness for being White.

When Whites protest peacefully, the police run them down with horses and smash in the innocent White faces of the protestors, before dragging them off to rot in the cells. THAT is when the WHITE FIGHT begins ... every time.

Now the UK government has weighed in spewing their usual anti-White hatred.


Text in {Brackets} has been added so you can read what is meant between the lines ...

UK Prime Minister Calls Brits Protesting Murder Of Three Young Girls 'Thugs' & Promises To Keep Muslim Community Safe

by Kelen McBreen | InfoWars (USA) | August 1st 2024

Recently-elected British Prime Minister Kier Starmer commented on recent protests across the country by labeling demonstrators as "far-right" "thugs" for speaking out against the murder of three young girls.

This week's riots came in response to 17-year-old Axel Muganwa Rudakubana, who was born in Wales to migrants from Rwanda, allegedly stabbing and killing three young girls attending a Taylor Swift-themed dance class.

6-year-old Bebe King, 7-year-old Elsie Dot Stancombe and 9-year-old Alice Dasilva Aguiar were all murdered in the brutal attack.

Rudakubana injured eight other children, with five put in critical condition, and also stabbed two adults.

Instead of vowing to keep all UK citizens safe, specifically innocent young girls, Starmer promised to only protect Muslims.

"In relation to the Muslim community, let me be very clear. I will take every step that is necessary to keep you safe," he told Muslim citizens.

"The far-right is {Whites are} showing who they are. We have to show who we are in response to that," he said.

Speaking about protesters, Starmer added, "These thugs {Whites} are mobile. They move from community to community and we must have a policing response that can do the same. Shared intelligence. Wider deployment of facial-recognition technology and preventative action. Criminal behavior orders to restrict their {White} movement before they can even board a train..."

He also warned "big social media companies and those who run them" that it's "a crime" for {White} disorder to be schemed on their platforms.

Without a hint of irony regarding the three murdered baby girls, Starmer stated, "Service rests on security. And we will take all necessary action to keep our streets safe {from evil WHITEY}."

So, the anti-migration movement is being used to further enhance the British police state so it can be weaponized against the people being replaced by the UN's replacement migration strategy.

It's unclear if the murder suspect was a Muslim, but a mosque was damaged during some of the rowdy protests.

BLAMING RUSSIA: Former MI6 head Sir Richard Dearlove recently claimed the demonstrations could be the result of "Russian disinformation," not due to citizens becoming increasingly angry with migrants murdering their countrymen.

The globalist formula appears to be: flood Western nations with an overwhelming amount of Third World citizens and unleash the full strength of the technocratic police state on them when they finally begin to rightfully fight back.

* * * *

UK Prime Monster Sir Kier Starmer Announces New Anti-White Police Capability

Protests Outside Court as Mass Stabbing Suspect Named as Alex Rudakubana, Starmer Threatens White Rioters - But Not Black or Muslim Rioters

The UK Prime Minister has vowed to come down on what he called "a tiny mindless {White} minority in our society" of {White} people rioting against the mass stabbing of {White} children as a judge names attack suspect {Black Rwandan} Alex Rudakubana, citing the dangers of an information "vacuum" being allowed to form.

There have been several nights of protests turned to riots in some cases in towns across England following Monday's attack and many have stated this situation has been fed by a {deliberate} major lack of information from the authorities about the attack {in the hope it would be forgotten}.

a large group gathered and Rudakubana's police vehicle was cursed by some as it left the building. Newspaper The Daily Telegraph reports "a number of people shouted "f****** scumbag" as the prison van pulled out of the complex" and police stepped in to keep some people away from the vehicles.

Protests took place in Southport, Manchester, Hartlepool, Aldershot, and London. Over 100 arrests occurred nationwide.

In a week where a room full of children were stabbed, and where protests against the attack turned to riots, the government has decided to act against the rioters first, with the Prime Minister declaring "the immediate challenge is driven by far-right hatred {White people}" and announcing a new anti-riot police capability.

Speaking at Downing Street this afternoon, Sir Keir Starmer stated there had been no protests in the country, only illegitimate {White} riots caused by "a tiny mindless {White} minority in our society". While acknowledging briefly there is "understandable fear", he said he would not allow that emotion to "curdle into division and hate".

He said: "Let's be very clear about this, it's not protest. It's not legitimate. It's {White} crime, violent {White} disorder... this is not a protest that has got out of hand, this is a group of {White} individuals who are absolutely bent on {White} violence."

* * * *

Many people are contrasting police forces' combative approach towards the mostly white mass stabbing protestors to their habit of simply abandoning the streets when minority communities begin rioting, as when Roma Gypsies flipped police cars and torched buses at a recent riot in Harehills, Leeds.

The British people are sick of being labeled "far-right" for defending their own children from violence.

Keir Starmer declares WAR on the British People!
Video from

At home recovering after surgery

Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
Church Administrator, Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

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Noli Nothis Permittere Le Terere
The only way to prevent 1984 is 2323
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"In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man, brave, hated, and scorned.
When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot."
Mark Twain.


Let's make this clear: The English Defence League does not exist. It WAS an organisation in the past and no longer exists today in any form of organisation. Attempts to criminalise the former EDL is an attempt to imprison hundreds of former members for merely being WHITE. We have already seen this with former National Action (UK) members arrested and imprisoned for five years at a time almost at random. ~ @Cailen.

EDL could be proscribed as terrorists, says former police chief
Former counter-terrorism police chief Neil Basu has said it could be time to proscribe the English Defence League as a terrorist organisation after the group "crossed a line" this week.

Mr Basu told Times Radio: "The EDL used to be a protest group which started off, they have reprehensible views in my view and as a police officer I couldn't say that, our job was to effectively facilitate lawful peaceful protest.

"They very quickly descended into becoming a group of violent thugs and hooligans. There's something about not wanting to glorify them as terrorists but when I look at the scenes from Southport and the extraordinary number of injuries they caused and the terror, the sheer terror they caused the Muslim community in Southport and the wider community in Southport, in my view they crossed a line. 

"So I would be looking to, if I was still doing my day job, I would be sitting down with my counterpart at MI5 and I would be looking at the intelligence for what picture I could produce for the Home Secretary to make a decision as to whether it was time to proscribe them."

Russia claims it is not to blame for far-Right riots
Russia has claimed it is not responsible for stoking far-Right riots which erupted in England following the fatal stabbings of three young girls in Southport.

Its embassy in London said it rejected assertions made by a former head of MI6 that Vladimir Putin's government amplified false claims about the attacker's identity as a form of "grey warfare" against the UK.

Sir Richard Dearlove said the spread of fake news was a "fundamental tactic" used by Putin's regime.

The Russian Embassy described his comments as "irresponsible" and "predictable gaslighting".

Police have intelligence that the far Right and unaligned hooligans intent on violence are planning to stir up public disorder this weekend and for most of the summer following the attack at a Taylor Swift themed dance class in Southport on Monday.

Expert on Right-wing extremism calls for tougher online laws
Urgent action is needed to tackle the "tsunami of lies" on social media which fanned the flames of protest across the UK, a leading expert on Right-wing extremism has said.

Professor Matthew Feldman said that within 30 hours of fake news emerging online about the suspect in the Southport stabbings, it had spread across multiple platforms, and sparked riots that led to 53 police officers being hurt.

He welcomed Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer's announcement of a new "national" response to the violent disorder but called for a corresponding response online.

Prof Feldman said: "Tougher laws are needed. There has been much debate about the long delayed Online Harms Bill.

"It is difficult to think of a much better example of online harms breaching the real world than a fake story demonising Muslims and people of colour and leading to riots on the streets.

"This is only the latest wake-up call to a problem that we know exists and continues to get worse. I don't doubt the social media companies would prefer this not to be on their platform but I strongly feel they are not doing enough."

'Concerted and co-ordinated' attempt to spread violence
Lord Walney, the UK Government's adviser on political violence and disruption, says police should be prepared to step in if it appears troublemakers are travelling to incite riots.

John Woodcock, who is a crossbench peer, said disinformation contributed to the unrest which broke out in a number of locations around England following the Southport murders.

Lord Walney told the BBC's Good Morning Scotland radio programme there was a "concerted and co-ordinated" attempt to spread the violence.

He said: "Clearly, some of those far-Right actors have got a taste for this and are trying to provoke similar in towns and cities across the UK."

The peer said there is a "symbiotic relationship" between far-Right activists and hostile states on social media.

Nigel Farage gives 'legitimacy' to violent protests, says Liverpool Mayor
Liverpool City Region Mayor Steve Rotheram said Nigel Farage was giving "legitimacy" to violent protesters and "excusing them" in the wake of the Southport stabbings.

Mr Rotheram told ITV's Good Morning Britain: "Whilst senior politicians like Farage should be condemning these people - he's not, he's excusing them.

"He's giving them some legitimacy to go out and perpetrate some of these acts."

Former head of counter-terrorism policing Neil Basu said Mr Farage "should think very carefully" about "the power of his words".

'He [Nigel Farage] doesn't speak for tens of thousands of people, the PM does.'

Former Head of Police Counter Terrorism Neil Basu reacts to Mr Farage's comments after the PM announced plans to help police stop riots like the ones seen in Southport, London and Hartlepool.

— Good Morning Britain (@GMB) August 2, 2024

'We will be watching you' Home office minister tells {White} protesters
A Home Office minister has warned protesters "we will be watching you" as he admitted there may be more violence on the streets.

Asked how concerned the Government is about the prospect of further disorder this weekend, Lord Hanson told LBC Radio: "There is that potential.

"But I always say to anybody who's organising this, we will be watching you. If you are organising this now, we will be watching you.

"We have powers under existing legislation to stop you organising this now and to take action accordingly, and if you do take action and are not part of any organised group, be prepared to face the full force of the law on this criminal activity."

Asked whether those involved are from the far Right, he said: "Some individuals will have far-Right opinions, in my view, some might be caught up in the summer madness. Some might be people who've got genuine concerns."

At home recovering after surgery

Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
Church Administrator, Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

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Noli Nothis Permittere Le Terere
The only way to prevent 1984 is 2323
Joining the Creativity Alliance is Free

"In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man, brave, hated, and scorned.
When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot."
Mark Twain.


"Let's Go Brandon ... I agree!" :ok


To show you how the Jew-owned and controlled media influences your perceptions...

"Let's Go Brandon ... I agree!" :ok


Disturbing footage out of the UK shows hundreds of Muslim migrants armed with knives and hammers attacking and clashing with anti-immigration protesters on the streets in England and Ireland.

Portsmouth: The real 'far right'!
Video from

WHITE GENOCIDE IN THE UK: Word is out that organised Muslims armed with knives, hammers and sticks are attacking Whites. The UK Government, Police and Media are all turning a blind eye to the Black on White violence in order to promote the UN/WEF/NWO ANTI-WHITE AGENDA of KILL WHITEY!

At home recovering after surgery

Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
Church Administrator, Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

Crypto Coin Details in Forum Profile

Noli Nothis Permittere Le Terere
The only way to prevent 1984 is 2323
Joining the Creativity Alliance is Free

"In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man, brave, hated, and scorned.
When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot."
Mark Twain.

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