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Chinese Death Virus: #Coronavirus Report from Germany

Started by FritzGermanicus, Wed 25 Mar 2020

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There is currently a pandemic here in Germany the Corona Virus is about.

Here are all shops except discounters, pharmacies, doctors and hospitals and some kiosks. Money is only accepted with pliers or with gloves. Some wear a mask.

It is currently an exit ban for 2 weeks. Everyone is at home or free. It's very empty outside. But it is slowly becoming spring on some days it was already 20 degrees + warm outside.

Many stores are completely empty, people buy like crazy in the discounters, there is no toilet paper to buy anymore. There are hardly any pasta or other things to buy. You should also buy 3 milk per person and take 1 flour and 3 of pasta if you buy more than 3 milk you have to pay 180 Euros for 1 milk. That is the law.

There were also long traffic jams here on the motorway, 40 kilometers long.

I hope the shops will open again soon and the curfew will be lifted and the Corona Virus is gone.


It's getting ridiculous! Can't touch anything, buy anything, go near anybody, Go anywhere, participate in anything.

We are all prisoners! ... except those on Antarctica, still spared from it.
The Price is Reich!

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As of a week ago, we in Germany have to wear a mask because of the Corona Virus. It costs 50 euros to 150 euros if someone is not wearing a mask.  There have also been no stores open for 5-6 weeks except discounter and drugs stores.

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