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Jewish Press Explains Why No Mass Graves Found After War

Started by G.L.R., Sun 30 May 2021

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Jewish Press Publishes Cover Story To Explain Why No Mass Graves Of Jews Would Be Found After The War

28th May 2021

This makes no sense - a bunch of  smelly old shoes, but no bodies and no graves.
BTW The "pile" of shoes is sitting on a raised wooden board leaning against the wall.

[The freaking elephant in the room of the Jewish claims and lies about  the stupid holocaust, is that there are no actual bodies ... no mass  graves ... No Jews have ever been exhumed. No Jewish bodies have been  studied by forensic experts or scientists. Even if, the Germans had  crushed the bones of the dead Jews, you would still be sitting with  THOUSANDS OF TONS OF REMAINS of these six million Jews. Even if you had  to dig through ground up bones, you could still, with science, study it.  That is what scientists do all the time. The reality is: There is no  physical evidence to support the idea that the Germans killed six  million Jews. There is no physical evidence at all. Jan] Despite all the allegations for the last 75 years of 6 million™ Jews  murdered by the Germans during World War II, there were no mass graves  ever found after the war with scientifically documented remains of Jews.

The Dresden, Ohio train crash of 1912 looks very similar to what the "photograph" shown of 1944 looks like.  This "proof" of the 'hollowhoax ' is even being shown today

During the war, the Jews clearly anticipated this problem, which would undermine their pre-planned Holocaust narrative, so they planted stories in the newspapers, which they largely controlled, with stories explaining why no such mass graves with Jews in them would be found after the war ended:  In 1943, the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, a major Zionist newspaper, published one such cover story...Jewish groups claimed that 2 million Jews were "liquidated" at these  three camps alone — literally the population of Chicago — without a  trace. These numbers are so absurd that there are many prominent Jews now who are openly questioning the Holocaust dogma. A major problem for these jewish "exterminationist" conspiracy  theorists was that there was no room in these tiny camps to bury 2  million people, so they came up with an elaborate explanation why no  mass graves were ever found — and why even ground penetrating radar studies showed no evidence of mass burial of any cremated remains.

According to this jewish conspiracy theory, the "Nazis" forced the inmates to dig up 2 million corpses that had previously been gassed and buried, and then those 2 million corpses were cremated on open air 'barbecue' pyres. The cremated ash and bones were then allegedly pulverized by hand into dust and then reburied. After the war, a massive cement memorial was conveniently built over the spot were the Germans allegedly ordered  the Jewish inmates to bury the ash of 2 million fellow Jews so that the  "evidence" could never be "disturbed" and  exhumed for verification.

"Let's Go Brandon ... I agree!" :ok

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