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Woolworths:- Wishing Shoppers a "Happy Ramadan"

Started by Br.IanVonTurpie, Wed 13 Jun 2018

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WOOLWORTHS is wishing some customers a "Happy Ramadan" — but not everybody is celebrating.

The supermarket giant has Ramadan promotions in 239 stores in areas with big Muslim populations.

At Sunshine's Marketplace Woolworths, posters and a display of nuts and dried fruit greet customers.

The month-long Islamic religious festival involves fasting in daylight hours.

But some customers have complained the promotion is offensive and un-Australian.

On the supermarket's Facebook page, one person accused the chain of "pandering to a minority".

Another said: "I find this kind of advertising OFFENSIVE, as an Australian & as a female!!!".

And another said the signs were offensive to her beliefs and she would boycott stores where they were displayed.

Woolworths spokesman Russell Mahoney said the promotion was running in 239 stores around Australia.

"We celebrate as many international festivities as possible to support the diverse population of Australia," he said.

That included Diwali, Lunar New Year and Passover.

Islamic Council of Victoria secretary Ghaith Krayem welcomed Woolworths' promotion and said people who opposed such initiatives did so out of ignorance and unsubstantiated fears.

"Ramadan is a time of reflection and renewal and maybe it is also a time for all of us to be inclusive rather than push each other away."

Oh! For F's sake?! What's the go with making these sand niggers welcome?
The Price is Reich!

Find me on Stormfront as QueJumpingAfghan where I have been banned!
Formerly Based in the Northern Territory
Now in Adelaide, South Australia
The Whitest City in Australia
Click to see map of Australia


I hate to hear that about the Woolworths stores... they shut there doors here in the states back in 1997-98. I remember them when I was a kid, of course that was a long time ago and we defiantly had a brighter and whiter world back then. But in the big scheme of things I would not worry about the Woolworths stores catering to the muslims/sand niggers/niggers, as much as I would about the muslims themself and the muslims religion... What the muslims have done with there religion is what "We Creators" must do, band together behind our beloved White Race and teach our children the truth, we are different, we  are smarter and to co-mingle with niggers or any type mud race is only detrimental to the White Race. I realize there is little to no hope for a lot of people who are members of the "White Race", but I urge each Creator to be on the lookout for Members of the White Race who are searching for a answers and realize that the "Big Spook in the Sky book" the bible was wrote to destroy the white race, bring them in your circle, introduce them to "NER and the  White Mans Bible"

Harold Wilson Jr is a multi-millionaire who claimed he would put his money and land at the disposal of the CREATIVITY ALLIANCE. We do not want it! This man abandoned his pet dogs - pitbulls - to die without food, water or shelter, chained on his property on Union Grove Rd in Gladewater, Texas, on land he claimed he would give to CREATIVITY. We do not care how many years that Harold Wilson Jr has been a CREATOR, or that he was ordained by BEN KLASSEN. We want nothing from him. CREATORS CANNOT BE BOUGHT! Harold Wilson Jr should be HANGED for what he did to those dogs. He has therefore been EXCOMMUNICATED from the CREATIVITY ALLIANCE.

10456 & 10582 Union Grove Rd Gladewater, Texas 75647

257 County Rd 264 Beckville, Texas 75631


Harold Wilson Jr is known to have CREATIVITY ORIENTED TATTOOS upon his torso. We thank anyone that assists with their removal.

Reverend Dr Joe Esposito - Pontifex Maximus of Creativity
Reverend Cailen Cambeul - Church Administrator


A Hindu man who ate beef that was wrongly labelled as lamb has asked the supermarket to pay for his flights back to India so he can be cleansed by priests.

Jaswinder Paul claims he bought the meat from Countdown Blenheim on New Zealand's South Island in September.

He said he cooked the contents and began eating it before discovering the dish was beef instead of lamb, as labelled. 

In the Hindu culture, cows are considered sacred and not to be touched.

By eating beef, Mr Paul said he broke his religious vow and needed to be flown back to India to be 'purified' by priests, reported.

'According to my religion, I have to go back to my country and do sacred things for four to six weeks, and be purified by priests, so I can continue on my religious path. It's a long process,' he said. 

Mr Paul said he would have to close his small business to pay for the overseas trip, which would substantially affect his income.

He also said his family has stopped talking to him since he ate the beef

Mr Paul approached Countdown who apologised for the mistake and offered him a $200 gift voucher.

He rejected the gift voucher and is requesting the supermarket pay for his travel abroad for his purification.

Following several months without a reply, Mr Paul went back to Countdown in February.

The supermarket once again apologised to him and said the gift voucher still stood.

Furious at their response, Mr Paul is now seeking compensation through the courts.

'I don't want to go to court against a big corporation. I just want to go home,' he told the publication.

'I understand this looks like a simple matter, but for me this is very hard. I break my religion [vows] because of someone else's negligence
The Price is Reich!

Find me on Stormfront as QueJumpingAfghan where I have been banned!
Formerly Based in the Northern Territory
Now in Adelaide, South Australia
The Whitest City in Australia
Click to see map of Australia


Quote from: MSM on Mon 11 Mar 2019
In the Hindu culture, cows are considered sacred and not to be touched.

By eating beef, Mr Dothead said he broke his religious vow and needed to be flown back to India to be 'purified' by priests, reported.

He also said his family has stopped talking to him since he ate the beef

I wish those dot-headed bastards would stop talking to me. They're always calling.
Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
Church Administrator, Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

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"In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man, brave, hated, and scorned.
When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot."
Mark Twain.

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