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Tucker Carlson Downunder

Started by Rev.Cambeul, Thu 20 Jun 2024

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Anti-woke American Tucker Carlson issues an urgent warning to Australians, reveals his true opinion on 'Welcome to Country' and exposes our political leaders' huge mistake

Carlson, who is attending the Australian Freedom Conference on the invitation of mining billionaire Clive Palmer, also took aim at Mr Albanese and his government's record on immigration.

Last week, it was revealed that a record 500,000 migrants, half of whom are students, will enter the country this year - a rate of 60 every hour.

'But you want a government in a democratic society to put its own citizens first and to improve their lives in material and measurable ways, and any politician who's committed to mass immigration is not serving his own population.'

Carlson continued, describing governments who pursue a policy of mass immigration as undertaking an 'expression of hatred toward their own people'.

'I would say that's true in Australia. If you let a million people in over a short period of time, how does that help the people who live here?' he asked.

'It doesn't. It hurts them. I think it's an expression of hatred.'

He urged Australians to resist the rise of 'wokeism'.

'Don't allow people to attack you on the basis of your race. Wokeism is anti-white politics and I think it's immoral,' he said.

'I would think it was immoral if it was anti-black politics or anti-Indian politics. I think racism is wrong and I thought everyone in the West believed that, I thought it was one of our core beliefs.   

'But in the last 10 years, governments have made as a sort of philosophical pillar, hatred of white people, and they say it out loud and I find that remarkable.   

He added: 'It doesn't make you a white supremacist to demand to be treated as a human being.'
Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
Church Administrator, Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

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