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Australians Evicted from Own Land Due to "Cultural Sensitivities"

Started by Rev.Cambeul, Fri 17 May 2024

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Reports are that the same local government authorities ordering this couple from their own land allow homeless people living in tents in parks and next to the railway line ...

Cultural Sensitivities = Offensive to Abos

Two friends who were forced to camp on their own land after being priced out of the housing crisis now face being evicted off the site.

Nathaniel Muller bought the two-and-a-half-acre block of land near Castlemaine in central Victoria in 2020, intending to use it for camping.

But he now lives on the site with his friend, single mother Beck Myers and her two children aged seven and ten, after renting became unaffordable.

Yet Mount Alexander Shire Council plans to evict them from the property amid concerns it has 'serious' constraints and is not suitable to live on.

Council workers are set to visit on Friday to ensure Ms Meyers and Mr Muller are complying with council's instructions. Council insist the block is not suitable to live on due to concerns including bushfire risk, cultural sensitivities, environmental impact, and the fact it is in a farming zone.

 * Bushfire Risk: The entire country is a bushfire risk

 * Farming Zone: Means nothing when the government are closing farms in order to give the land to Abos - who do not farm

 * Environmental Impact: Climate Holocaust Hoax!

That leaves what the anti-White Australian government considers to be the All-Important Issue: Cultural Sensitivities/White People are offensive to Abos that have already been granted your land!
At home recovering after surgery

Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
Church Administrator, Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

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