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Meet Australian Aborigines

Started by Rev.Cambeul, Wed 11 Mar 2020

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An Aboriginal woman has branded modern Welcome to Country ceremonies 'bulls*** money making schemes', and is encouraging employees to take their bosses to court if they are forced to attend one

Madison King, who describes herself as a 'proud Kimberley woman', said there was a long history and tradition to smoking ceremonies but claimed they had been 'bastardised' for modern audiences, often for profit.

'That's not our culture. We didn't just go around and have corroborees (an Aboriginal ceremonial meeting) and stuff whenever we felt like it,' Ms King said in one of two videos which have since gone viral on social media.

'There was a purpose and a meaning for it. And what an insult to all the mob that do corroboree as a tradition and you mob make a mockery out of it and turn it into entertainment and for money purposes.'

She added: 'It's a private matter, a personal matter and doing it for thousands of people at the same time, I reckon it' bulls***.'

Ms King, who co-wrote a book called 'Kimberley Bush Medicine: Medicinal Plants of the Kimberley Region of Western Australia' last year, gave short shrift to modern ceremonies which now take place in schools, workplaces and before sporting events.

She likened them to 'forcing someone's religion on to you' and accused those involved of trying to 'milk our culture and tradition for money'.

'They'll try and make it out that it's normal. That's not normal,' she said.
'I grew up in the community. I didn't grow up in a big city, I grew up in the community of Forest River Commision, Oombulgurri. So I know what smoking ceremony is and what it's about.

'But it's turned into a money making scheme and the true value of it is not what it is.'

In another video, which she entitled 'doubling down on cultural awareness', Ms King claimed that modern Welcome to Country ceremonies were 'made up' by Richard Walley's theatre group, which included a young Ernie Dingo.

While Indigenous communities have greeted strangers through smoking ceremonies and performances for tens of thousands of years, modern Welcome to Country ceremonies were only created in 1976.

Maori and Cook Islander performers attending the Perth Arts Festival that year refused to set foot on the lawns of the University of Western Australia, where they were due to perform, until they had been welcomed in an Indigenous ceremony.

Mr Walley's Middar Aboriginal Theatre group - which included a young Ernie Dingo - created the ritual after consulting local Nyoongar Elders, and that enabled the show to go on.

This then became the blueprint for all future ceremonies.

But Ms King said 'everything about it is wrong'.

'When you let a lie go on for that long that people now think it's what our culture is,' she said.

'Now it's just for entertainment. If you looks at all these people who go into boxing rings clapping sticks, shame job. That's not out culture.'

Ms King suggested some performers were making from '$5,000 to $50,000' per show and questioned whether any of that money was going toward indigenous groups

'You think them people in the community are making that money? No. It's the purple circle. So when you go around clapping for all these people, you're clapping for only a small group of people,' she said.

'We already see in Aboriginal corporations our money being used and spent by the purple circle. They're not looking after our mob.'

Ms King encouraged people to 'fight back'.

'If they are forcing you to  do acknowledgment or Welcome to Country in your workplace, take them to court,' she said.

'You don't have to sit there and do anything. If they want to call you racist, whatever. They call me racist and I'm black.'

Reconciliation Australia, a non-government body promoting dialogue between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians, said that a Welcome to Country ceremony 'shows respect' by 'upholding cultural protocols'.

'Taking the time to Acknowledge Country, or including a Welcome to Country at an event, reminds us that every day we live, work, and dream on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander lands,' its website states.

It adds that 'protocols for welcoming visitors to Country have always been a part of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures' and consist of welcoming visitors and offering them safe passage and protection.

'Today, while these protocols have been adapted to contemporary circumstances, the essential elements remain: welcoming visitors and respect for country,' it states.
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Sky News host Andrew Bolt criticises cultural educator Brendan Kerin's AFL semi-final Welcome to Country speech which has divided many across Australia.

"Brendan Kerin has to be the last straw, I mean, this man gave a Welcome to Country at Saturday's AFL semi-final that just showed this supposed traditional ceremony has become an insult to our intelligence," Mr Bolt said.

Watch the video. The AFL pay this stupid, nasty, Boong $$$ for this rubbish to make everybody who built this place unwelcome?! WTF have they done of any worth?!

Been here Gorillions of Years

The Price is Reich!

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Formerly Based in the Northern Territory
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Standing Up for Australia: Rejecting Welcome to Country Division
Video from

If "Welcomes to Country weren't invented to cater for White people ... then why are White people constantly subjected to them?"

The Price is Reich!

Find me on Stormfront as QueJumpingAfghan where I have been banned!
Formerly Based in the Northern Territory
Now in Adelaide, South Australia
The Whitest City in Australia
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At home recovering after surgery

Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
Church Administrator, Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

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