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2024-04-03, 05:06:35


2024-04-03, 04:31:45
Mr Bond
Right Music For
Young Whites

6 Gorillian Copies Sold


2024-03-06, 11:33:45


2024-01-30, 22:01:22
RaHoWa!!! Good to be back! 🤚🏻


2023-07-29, 02:08:13
Edit: WE BEAT 'EM! F.T.V!


2023-07-24, 01:07:37
White Rights Right Now!
* * *
Another Win!
She was Rehired


2023-07-06, 11:47:20
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2023-03-15, 11:53:21


2023-03-01, 14:21:52
Audio Book
Eternal Religion

NER Audio Pt 1
NER Audio Pt 2


2023-02-21, 15:17:30
Are you reading NER? You should be. It's Founding Day. ;D RaHoWa!!! Hail Ben Klassen!!!


2023-02-21, 15:01:39


2023-02-20, 18:48:05
75 flyers out this month. This is the last week of February. Are you getting your flyers out? R!


2023-02-13, 14:38:06
Put a flyer on or near a town sign. Take a pic & upload it to our Gallery.

Spread the Word of R!


2023-02-11, 05:32:36
25 flyers a week is all it takes, my fellow Prospects. Show your dedication and march forth with pride. RaHoWa!!!


2023-01-28, 23:22:16


2022-08-19, 22:07:58
Call out the Jewish menace daily.


2022-03-10, 09:28:45
March 10 RaHoWa Day
Creator Calendar Link


2022-02-27, 01:49:13
The Church of Creativity thanks Sister Kerry's generous donation to PM Joe. RaHoWa!


2022-02-21, 06:44:59
Happy Holy Days! RaHoWa!


2022-02-21, 01:06:40
Feb 21 Founding Day
1st Publication of NER
Creator Calendar Link


2022-02-20, 09:59:17
Feb 20 Klassen Day
Creator Calendar Link


2022-02-07, 05:53:00
The Church of Creativity thanks Sister Kerry's generous donation to PM Joe. RaHoWa!


2022-01-20, 03:38:36
Happy Ray Day!


2022-01-18, 02:34:01
PM Joe just called and wishes everyone a

James Earl Ray Day



2022-01-16, 15:26:24
Happy to help. :ok


2022-01-09, 05:14:12
P.M. Joe thanks @Br.FelixRex for his latest donation. R! :ok


2022-01-01, 07:28:40
Today is the Seventh
& Final Day
of Festum Album

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Today is Purity Day


2021-12-31, 13:55:50
Today is the Sixth Day
of Festum Album

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2021-12-30, 06:25:49
Today is the Fifth Day
of Festum Album

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Today is Memorial Day


2021-12-29, 09:37:30
Today is the Fourth Day
of Festum Album
& West Victory Day

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Today is Ingenuity Day


2021-12-28, 03:24:54
Today is the Third Day
of Festum Album

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Today is Unity Day


2021-12-27, 21:12:59
We need more nigger free holidays! Happy Festum Album >:D


2021-12-27, 02:21:45
Today is the Second Day
of Festum Album

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Today is Destiny Day


2021-12-26, 04:10:00
Today is the First Day
of Festum Album

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Today is History Day


2021-10-16, 02:25:32
Notice from PM Joe: The Zionist Swine are now rejecting mail with "Rahowa" included in it. Advises to use alt-:
R! 18! 23/23 31/23 W23


2021-10-07, 12:33:10
Check out our new Shortened Web LinkIt also works for all email addresses.


2021-09-28, 15:02:24
I agree with you Rev Cambeul. Fags must be killed using pneumatic cattle stunners and thrown into the trash compactors of garbage trucks before being thrown into the furnaces of waste-to-electricity power plants to be used as fuel for electric power generation and the production of ash fertilizer and fly ash concrete strengthener. RaHoWa! White Power!


2021-09-28, 15:00:09
It is great news to know that high testosterone badass Rev Joe Esposito is being released in 2023. He is a great asset to the White Power Movement! RaHoWa! White Power!


2021-09-07, 09:10:12
Kiddy fuckers are the worst kind of Faggotry. Gassing is too good for them. They need to be crucified.


2021-07-31, 07:34:02


2021-07-30, 06:37:18
R! Rev. Joe free in 23!


2021-07-29, 13:18:16
P.M. Joe sends @Br.FelixRex his thanks for his latest donation. RaHoWa!

Stop the Asian Invasion: Chinese Takeover of Australia - Politicians 4 Sale

Started by Br.IanVonTurpie, Sun 05 May 2013

Previous topic - Next topic


Australia First party newsletter

The Looming New Crisis All Thanks To The International Student Sector
Mark F

Why are those involved with making the international student sector (ISS) to become a major aspect of the Australian economy now so surprised it's fallen to dust?

So here we are, some 6 months on from when COVID-19 first reared its head, only to realise that is in a resurgence, a second-stage-phase. The economic and social cataclysm that every nation cannot circumvent are of such proportions well nigh on impossible to comprehend. Over the weekend of July 18-19 2020, numerous media reports put the projected global deficit to be in the vicinity of $300 TRILLION! Yes, that's $300 TRILLION, an amount of money that is virtually incomprehensible to grasp!

Obviously, in the richer and developed-economies methods implemented by their governments/treasuries to cope with the situation will lessen the pain. However, in the swathe of poorer societies that over the previous 20 to 25 years became dependent upon richer nations importing the goods they produced, there will be great stress; because people in the richer countries won't be consuming their produce, there will be major recession. Thus, the blow-back those poorer nations will have to bear will be proportionally more significant.

Ostensibly, Australia's conundrum is linked to the insane agendas which have been imposed upon this country from about a decade ago, when mass-immigration programs were inaugurated at the direct behest of big-business concerns and, most certainly, courtesy of major property-developers. A significant aspect of the 'development' program entailed ramping-up the number of international students to fuel housing growth. Since the LNP won office in 2013, it has bolstered the number of ISs in Australia from around 520,000, to a staggering 950,000 at the end of 2019.

Over the past 5 years I have been claimed that the numbers of ISs in Australia have always been between 100,000 to 150,000 more than what was officially designated. In short, everyone from the Ministers of Education at Federal and State echelons and indeed, those involved with the ISS, always understated the numbers. Well, thanks to an article, 'What universities must do to survive the challenges of a post-COVID world'  (Simon Kuestenmacher, the Weekend Australian, July 12-14 2020), a graph was supplied that, TOTALLY, vindicates my figures.

Now, the reason why the true numbers weren't stated by those with highly-vested-interests in the ISS was because they intentionally understated the real numbers so as not to spook the general population.

What is of grave significance for the nation arises from the economic disaster that COVID-19 has spawned within the ISS. There were tens of thousands of people employed in universities, VET and English teaching colleges, who will not have jobs in the ensuing months. Because something between 70-100,000 international students couldn't either return to Australia from holidays in China - or commence courses. According to reports, at least 6,000 people already employed in the ISS had been issued pink-slips prior to June 1.

How couldn't politicians and business moguls not have realised that overdosing on ISs was an inevitable train wreck?

But there's worse to come and that will happen when these desperate ISs, who are dependent upon working here to survive, will start clashing with Australians for a diminished number of jobs.

Aside from the many thousands of unfortunate souls who, either directly or indirectly, will be made redundant in the ISS or otherwise see their livelihoods in extraneous spheres - accommodation and other service sectors – undermined, there is more bad news. The estimated 600,000 ISs still in the country - and who are reliant upon working here to survive - must inescapably work for lower rates of pay than they were in the preceding 6 or 7 years. Thus, coupling this with the fact that up to 1 million Australians will be out of a job and seeking employment – we will see these ISs undercutting Australians in the labour market. It really is going to become a total bun-fight! Australians will have to organize!
The Price is Reich!

Find me on Stormfront as QueJumpingAfghan where I have been banned!
Formerly Based in the Northern Territory
Now in Adelaide, South Australia
The Whitest City in Australia
Click to see map of Australia


From Australia first newsletter 8/8/20

A Threat To Our Country*
Mark F.

We recommend members put this article on their electronic media accounts etc.

The international student sector threatens the existence of our country – and that's no exaggeration!

I was really hoped I could write about something other than the international student sector in. But, due to an article in the Australian August 3, by Ben Wilmot: Plea to let in overseas students – I had to comment again. Wilmot's wrote on the Scape Group which caters for the accommodation needs of international students.

Wilmot informs us Scape's chief-executive, Craig Carracher is warning, "unless the federal government prepares schemes to allow international students to return from countries that have controlled coronavirus outbreaks", then occupancy levels in the sector could plunge and will undermine 'his' firms earning capacity; this means his employees would be made redundant.

How in heaven's name, did affairs get to the degree they have since the LNP won office in 2013 whereby, the international student sector (ISS) became Australia's third largest source of revenue generation - and, indeed, Victoria's largest source of revenue generation?

From late 2013 the ISS has been for the LNP, a major-plank of its economic strategy and it is now coming back to bite Australia!

To begin with, what are the countries, in question which have controlled the corona virus outbreaks.

Obviously, India isn't one of them and, surely, it isn't China either, those countries which are the jewels-in-the-revenue-crown of the ISS.

Then, there is Indonesia, which proponents of the sector, going back from about 18 months, have been championing as the next big-source.

Indonesia has not controlled the virus outbreak.

Thus, just with the first pair, 55% of the total potential revenue could be cancelled out. But now that, the virus second-wave has struck Melbourne with a vengeance, we have a scuttle-buster for the regeneration of the sector. But what is most intriguing about this article is:

"Scape is expanding in Melbourne and has just bought the Oxfam Australia head office in Leicester Street, Carlton."


"Scape has been active even during the crisis and acquired the $2bn-plus Urbanest portfolio of 14 student accommodation buildings this year which comprised almost 7000 student beds in four buildings in and around the University Melbourne."


"Scape also bought Atira students living last October, including the 576-bed student accommodation buildings on Peel Street, near the Oxfam building."

But, there's more:

"It is building another 9200 student accommodation rooms in Melbourne."

Thus, the total number of rooms in its portfolio-potential is, at least, in excess of 16,200!!!

So, this raises the very pertinent question of:

How could Scape have been so bold to venture into acquiring all this - to the tune of billions of dollars! - unless, it had been given a GILT-EDGED guarantee, by the Federal and State governments, perhaps, as far back as early 2019 that, it was their dedicated intention to INCREASE the intakes of ISs?

Indeed, this must be precisely why Scape acquired the portfolio it has - or has plans to construct - buildings to accommodate ISs!

The ISS is both a sinister means to back-door-in immigrants and to duly bleed them of monies on the way through.

The ISS is a major part of the Federal, Victorian, NSW, QLD and SA governments surreptitious agendas to utilise the ISS as, a prime means to back-door in immigrants! Of course, this is all evident by venturing into the downtown CBDs of Melbourne and Sydney. We readily observe over the past decade, the numbers of ISs who've swarmed into those precincts. In effect, these foreign students have established insular ethnocultural colonies within the main-frame of Australia's two largest cities!

I will again demonstrate how Australia has well and truly OVERDOSED on ISs. Just compare the number of ISs in Australia to that of the United States.

As it stands there are 1.15 million ISs in the US, whilst Australia has 850,000 which would have been 100,000 more had the corona-virus not emerged to inhibit them either returning or commencing studies. However, the US has a population THIRTEEN times that of Australia's.

Those figures prove that the ISS in Australia is an insidious means to re-colonise the country. The guise of these ISs generating $35bn in revenue streams – is just waffle. For the economic-rationalist that seems fine and dandy. However, the key downside is with ISs usurping Australians from getting places in universities in their own country. As well, they must take jobs from Australians?

So, to all of the treacherous colluders in the ISS whether they be politicians, education providers or the likes of the Scape Group, what good will come of this madness when Australians are dispossessed in their own nation?

I note too The Australian on Wed August 5 published two articles exposing the rorts in the ISS. They even record how hordes of IS's can't hold a simple conversation in English - let alone read it and even comprehend the subjects!!!

Those who have authored this catastrophe must be punished.
The Price is Reich!

Find me on Stormfront as QueJumpingAfghan where I have been banned!
Formerly Based in the Northern Territory
Now in Adelaide, South Australia
The Whitest City in Australia
Click to see map of Australia


A newborn girl has been deserted in southern China by her parents who 'wanted to have a son' instead, says local media

The infant was abandoned by her father next to a filthy rubbish bin just hours after she was born because the family already had two daughters

She was later brought to a local welfare centre by the authorities after a street cleaner spotted her and contacted police

The parents were detained on suspicion of abandonment soon after the incident took place in Dongguan city of Guangdong province, according to an official statement.

The 21-year-old mother, Ms Li, gave birth to the baby in the wee hours of July 29 at a rented flat. They were said to be disappointed after discovering the newborn to be a girl.

The father, 24, known by his surname Zhang, told the police that 'his dream of having a son was shattered' when their third daughter was born, reported Dongguan Television.

Clearly some :- sick and depraved "people" these chinks are! We fed them with our jobs for 40 years! Now they are headed our way to try take over!
- Covid 19
- South China Sea islands
- who besides North Korea and Russia likes them now?

Maybe the bloody business people who took their money to invade our lands?! But ..who cares if you can sell up and retire in Thailand early?!
The Price is Reich!

Find me on Stormfront as QueJumpingAfghan where I have been banned!
Formerly Based in the Northern Territory
Now in Adelaide, South Australia
The Whitest City in Australia
Click to see map of Australia


Some interesting letters sent to Australia first news letter 16-8-20

Dear Ed,

The Chinks have just duded the Australian Cotton industry!  Right whack for sucking up to them!

They set up a Cotton buying company, bought cotton on the buy now and pay later scheme then, went bankrupt.  Oldest scam in the book!  Got a new twist but!  The people who owe us for the cotton are in China along with the cotton!  Not a snowballs chance in hell of ever seeing a red cent!

But if we weren't governed by gutless, unwanted, immigrant, traitors, from the major parties, we'd simply repossess every thing owned by Chinese in Australia, pay the cotton farmers what they're owed and pay off our national debt with the rest!  Wouldn't hurt to send back every Chinese immigrant these traitors have let in!  Rip them off for everything they've got first!  Show the Chinks how to be crooks!

Frank Brown

Dear Ausfirst,

During the Hawke and Keating era, amongst the most damaging policies to be introduced (and unnoticed by most Australians was the so called "positive discrimination" policy, which was copied from similar failed, and disastrous initiative in Britain at the time.

This blatant betrayal of white Australia delivered well paid and secure jobs to principally Asian immigrants who were experiencing difficulties in finding employment in the private sector, ignoring the needs of Australians battling unemployment.

This is why many government departments (particularly Immigration) are stacked with non white staff, who work against Australia, and for their own people. There has been plenty of evidence, over many years, that has substantiated that claim, particularly in granting permanent residency and related visas, enabling Asians to gain a foothold in Australia in ever increasing numbers.

A European applying for a visa is subjected to a rigorous and stacked, quite lengthy interview, in which they are asked the most extraordinary questions, while usually, their Asian counterparts are granted their documents without delay, as in most cases, the interviewer is Asian.

The traitors, Hawke and Keating, both friends of China, are responsible for the rapid Asianisation of Australia, even proudly proclaiming it to be, the first "truly Eurasian country on earth"!!!

Poor Australia!

Arnold (our writer fought in Vietnam – ed.)

Nationalism - Independence for Australia. 

Australia is an economic colony of the USA. After the Poms didn't come to our rescue during the Second World War we fell in behind the yanks.

By not rushing into the first & second WW until the latter stages the yanks built up a massive amount of money, which was mainly gold.

By the end of WW2 the yanks had half the world's GDP.

By being so rich they had to buy investments in other countries to keep the value of their currency from going through the roof. This is what China is doing now.

   The System really can't say no when the USA wants us to fight another bull dust war.

Whitlam tried to be independent of the yanks, but look what happen to him.  The yanks and Poms used their embassies to undermine him, with a compliant press.

  Rather than consolidating our wealth with Australian owned industry, more migrants were brought in and used more foreign capital to create jobs for them.

In the 1970's there were 5 car companies in Australia, now we have zero.

The yanks will only be our best friends until they get a better offer.

Their economy is likely going down the gurgler soon, so it will be interesting to see if they turn their backs on us like the Poms did after the fall of Singapore.

Fairdinkum Australians need to get off their knees!

Peter O
The Price is Reich!

Find me on Stormfront as QueJumpingAfghan where I have been banned!
Formerly Based in the Northern Territory
Now in Adelaide, South Australia
The Whitest City in Australia
Click to see map of Australia


Quote from: Br.IanVonTurpie on Sun 16 Aug 2020A European applying for a visa is subjected to a rigorous and stacked, quite lengthy interview, in which they are asked the most extraordinary questions, while usually, their Asian counterparts are granted their documents without delay, as in most cases, the interviewer is Asian.

Jobs in the 80's and early 90's were typically, "Do you speak Vietnamese?" (Especially in Queensland - the warm North of Australia where the Yella Terra just loves the sunshine.) Many factories were either all Chinese or all Vietnamese. Many were owned by Japs - which shows Racial Preference against Whites. If it was bad then, how bad is it now? I remember back in those days spitting into the face of a White Race-Traitor who wasted my time, forcing me to apply to work as a Storeman at his business, when he only wanted GOOKS that could speak Vietnamese - and there's me, a former soldier that just got out, someone he was accusing of killing Vietnamese babies.

Do you wonder why I spat in his face?

I was born in 1969.

Recovering after surgery.
Expect 3 Weeks. Pass it on.

Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
Church Administrator, Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

Crypto Coin Details in Forum Profile

Noli Nothis Permittere Le Terere
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"In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man, brave, hated, and scorned.
When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot."
Mark Twain.


Victoria's controversial Belt and Road Deal with China could be scrapped by Scott Morrison under a proposed new law

Victoria made a deal with China under the country's Belt and Road Initiative, a scheme that sees the communist superpower invest in huge infrastructure projects around the world, in October 2018.

Premier Andrews said he made the agreement to increase Chinese participation in Victorian building projects, manufacturing and trade in order to boost jobs.

Several government politicians, fearing the expansion of Chinese power and influence, have urged the Victorian government to scrap the deal but it has refused.

Under the proposed law, the foreign minister will be able to terminate the deal and any private contracts that are part of it.

Once the law is in place, governments and universities will have six months to reveal their foreign deals to the foreign minister, who will then decide which ones must be stopped

The law will cover dozens of deals with China and other nations including India and Israel in areas such as culture, education, health, science, tourism, infrastructure and even sister-city arrangements.

It will also require states get approval from the federal government to start negotiating a foreign deal and seek approval again when the negotiations are done.

Under current laws, states can make a deal and not even tell the foreign minister for three months.

Victorian state premier, Daniel Andrews caused outrage by only telling the Morrison government about his Belt and Road agreement on the day it was signed

Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton described the Belt and Road Initiative as 'a propaganda initiative from China' that could lead to an 'enormous amount of foreign interference'.

He said: 'Victoria needs to explain why it is the only state in the country that has entered into this agreement.'

Federal Liberal MP Andrew Hastie told Daily Mail Australia that Mr Andrews had 'gone off the reservation by conducting his own foreign policy with China

The Australia's Foreign Relations (State and Territory Arrangements) Bill 2020 will be put before federal parliament next week in the hope it will be signed off this year.

Scott Morrison said: 'Australia's foreign policies and relationships must always be set to serve Australia's interests.

'Australians rightly expect the federal government they elect to set foreign policy.

'These changes and new laws will ensure that every arrangement done by any Australian government at any level now lines up with how we are working to protect and promote Australia's national interest.

He added: 'Many agreements and partnerships are of a routine nature but it is important that the federal government is notified of all agreements.

'Where any of these agreements undermine how the federal government is protecting and promoting our national interests they can be cancelled

In October 2018, the Victorian Labor government signed a memo of understanding with China under the country's Belt and Road Initiative.

The BRI is a Chinese plan to establish maritime trade routes and invest in infrastructure projects around the world.

More than 170 memos of understanding have been signed with 125 countries.

Premier Andrews said he wanted to increase Chinese participation in Victorian building projects, manufacturing, and trade.

Mr Andrews, you gotta go! Failure with Covid outbreak and being in cohorts with China! Nobody trusts you!
The Price is Reich!

Find me on Stormfront as QueJumpingAfghan where I have been banned!
Formerly Based in the Northern Territory
Now in Adelaide, South Australia
The Whitest City in Australia
Click to see map of Australia

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Church of the Creator: Founded by Ben Klassen - Year Zero (1973CE)
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