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2024-04-03, 05:06:35


2024-04-03, 04:31:45
Mr Bond
Right Music For
Young Whites

6 Gorillian Copies Sold


2024-03-06, 11:33:45


2024-01-30, 22:01:22
RaHoWa!!! Good to be back! 🤚🏻


2023-07-29, 02:08:13
Edit: WE BEAT 'EM! F.T.V!


2023-07-24, 01:07:37
White Rights Right Now!
* * *
Another Win!
She was Rehired


2023-07-06, 11:47:20
Press the above image to remove this column.
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2023-03-15, 11:53:21


2023-03-01, 14:21:52
Audio Book
Eternal Religion

NER Audio Pt 1
NER Audio Pt 2


2023-02-21, 15:17:30
Are you reading NER? You should be. It's Founding Day. ;D RaHoWa!!! Hail Ben Klassen!!!


2023-02-21, 15:01:39


2023-02-20, 18:48:05
75 flyers out this month. This is the last week of February. Are you getting your flyers out? R!


2023-02-13, 14:38:06
Put a flyer on or near a town sign. Take a pic & upload it to our Gallery.

Spread the Word of R!


2023-02-11, 05:32:36
25 flyers a week is all it takes, my fellow Prospects. Show your dedication and march forth with pride. RaHoWa!!!


2023-01-28, 23:22:16


2022-08-19, 22:07:58
Call out the Jewish menace daily.


2022-03-10, 09:28:45
March 10 RaHoWa Day
Creator Calendar Link


2022-02-27, 01:49:13
The Church of Creativity thanks Sister Kerry's generous donation to PM Joe. RaHoWa!


2022-02-21, 06:44:59
Happy Holy Days! RaHoWa!


2022-02-21, 01:06:40
Feb 21 Founding Day
1st Publication of NER
Creator Calendar Link


2022-02-20, 09:59:17
Feb 20 Klassen Day
Creator Calendar Link


2022-02-07, 05:53:00
The Church of Creativity thanks Sister Kerry's generous donation to PM Joe. RaHoWa!


2022-01-20, 03:38:36
Happy Ray Day!


2022-01-18, 02:34:01
PM Joe just called and wishes everyone a

James Earl Ray Day



2022-01-16, 15:26:24
Happy to help. :ok


2022-01-09, 05:14:12
P.M. Joe thanks @Br.FelixRex for his latest donation. R! :ok


2022-01-01, 07:28:40
Today is the Seventh
& Final Day
of Festum Album

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Festum Album PDF Link

Today is Purity Day


2021-12-31, 13:55:50
Today is the Sixth Day
of Festum Album

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Today is Law Day


2021-12-30, 06:25:49
Today is the Fifth Day
of Festum Album

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Today is Memorial Day


2021-12-29, 09:37:30
Today is the Fourth Day
of Festum Album
& West Victory Day

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Festum Album PDF Link

Today is Ingenuity Day


2021-12-28, 03:24:54
Today is the Third Day
of Festum Album

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Festum Album PDF Link

Today is Unity Day


2021-12-27, 21:12:59
We need more nigger free holidays! Happy Festum Album >:D


2021-12-27, 02:21:45
Today is the Second Day
of Festum Album

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Festum Album PDF Link

Today is Destiny Day


2021-12-26, 04:10:00
Today is the First Day
of Festum Album

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Festum Album PDF Link

Today is History Day


2021-10-16, 02:25:32
Notice from PM Joe: The Zionist Swine are now rejecting mail with "Rahowa" included in it. Advises to use alt-:
R! 18! 23/23 31/23 W23


2021-10-07, 12:33:10
Check out our new Shortened Web LinkIt also works for all email addresses.


2021-09-28, 15:02:24
I agree with you Rev Cambeul. Fags must be killed using pneumatic cattle stunners and thrown into the trash compactors of garbage trucks before being thrown into the furnaces of waste-to-electricity power plants to be used as fuel for electric power generation and the production of ash fertilizer and fly ash concrete strengthener. RaHoWa! White Power!


2021-09-28, 15:00:09
It is great news to know that high testosterone badass Rev Joe Esposito is being released in 2023. He is a great asset to the White Power Movement! RaHoWa! White Power!


2021-09-07, 09:10:12
Kiddy fuckers are the worst kind of Faggotry. Gassing is too good for them. They need to be crucified.


2021-07-31, 07:34:02


2021-07-30, 06:37:18
R! Rev. Joe free in 23!


2021-07-29, 13:18:16
P.M. Joe sends @Br.FelixRex his thanks for his latest donation. RaHoWa!

Stop the Asian Invasion: Chinese Takeover of Australia - Politicians 4 Sale

Started by Br.IanVonTurpie, Sun 05 May 2013

Previous topic - Next topic


Have you ever wondered what we CREATORS mean by KOSHER CONSERVATIVES? With CHINA we have a MARXIST REGIME that is the worst threat the world has seen since STALIN. And what do the KOSHER CONS call it? Another HITLER and the NAZIS on Australia's doorstep ...


Fucking Kosher Lunatic!

But, to give him a fair go, beyond his Yiddish Semantics, Bolt (and some of his Sky News pals) is however correct about his declarations of China's urge to launch an attack on Australia.
Recovering after surgery.
Expect 3 Weeks. Pass it on.

Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
Church Administrator, Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

Crypto Coin Details in Forum Profile

Noli Nothis Permittere Le Terere
The only way to prevent 1984 is 2323
Joining the Creativity Alliance is Free

"In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man, brave, hated, and scorned.
When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot."
Mark Twain.


Australia is looking to offer skilled Hong Kong nationals the opportunity to resettle Down Under

Prime Minister Scott Morrison said Australia is 'prepared to step up and provide support' for residents endangered by new national security laws imposed by China.
It's likely the government will use the skilled migrant visa as an avenue for those wishing to flee Hong Kong, The Australian reports. 

Ministers were 'actively considering' safe haven arrangements, which would allow all residents a path to Australia, but the fast tracked resettlement of skilled workers is the most likely outcome.

It comes after the United Kingdom opened a path to citizenship for millions of Hong Kong residents.

The cabinet will also deliberate options for Hong Kong nationals who are already in Australia as tourists or on other visas.

A senior government source told the publication the skilled migrant visa had been the topic of conversation as an effective option for Hong Kong nationals.

The visa allows people to sponsor eligible relatives for permanent residence in Australia.

Liberal MP Tim Wilson welcomed the consideration of the safe haven

&:(Just great! Just when you thought your count try Stopped Chinks from coming, you learn than both the UK and Australia are going to be swamped by more! The virus has messed the economy up! We don't need more people competing with us for jobs and housing!
The Price is Reich!

Find me on Stormfront as QueJumpingAfghan where I have been banned!
Formerly Based in the Northern Territory
Now in Adelaide, South Australia
The Whitest City in Australia
Click to see map of Australia


Quote from: MSM on Thu 02 Jul 2020

Australia is looking to offer skilled Hong Kong nationals the opportunity to resettle Down Under

In the 90's when Britain handed over Hong Kong to China, the UK government gave away thousands of British Passports to all Hong Kong residents and practically any Chink that could get to Hong Kong and put their hand out. Hong Kong is the back door to Britain and now to Australia.

Remember when Australia said about accepting persecuted White Farmers from South Africa? Apparently that was so racist, they dropped even the idea of allowing White South Africans to apply to enter Australia, and the government went back to looking the other way while career civil servants continued with their old stance of treating White South Africans as unwanted criminals born with the original sin of being White. Meanwhile, Black Africans pour into Australia and immediately declare war on the White populace from the moment they arrive. Now we're at war with China, and that same government plans to bring in a minimum of tens of thousands of unknown Chinks - many of whom intend to wage war on China's behalf from the inside of Australia.

Recovering after surgery.
Expect 3 Weeks. Pass it on.

Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
Church Administrator, Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

Crypto Coin Details in Forum Profile

Noli Nothis Permittere Le Terere
The only way to prevent 1984 is 2323
Joining the Creativity Alliance is Free

"In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man, brave, hated, and scorned.
When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot."
Mark Twain.


The Prime Minister announced on Wednesday that Australia will spend $75billion on the navy, $65billion on the air force, $55billion on the army, $15billion on cyber security, and $7billion on space

China's state-owned media responded on Friday saying the communist nation won't back down to the 'provocations' and could counter by upgrading its forces.

'These weapon procurement plans have widely been interpreted as being aimed at China,' an article that appeared in The Global Times on Friday stated. 

The English language newspaper is controlled by the Chinese Communist Party and has recently run another article that alleges Australia is sending spies to China. 

The Global Times article titled 'China prepared against military provocation from Australia' quoted 'Chinese experts' who said Australia is a 'follower of the US'.

'Chinese experts said on Thursday that while the Chinese military has no intention of provoking Australia, it is also not afraid of Australian provocations.' the report reads.

The article also quoted Beijing-based Naval expert Le Jies, who warned China could develop military defence systems in retaliation.

'China can also take countermeasures in terms of politics, diplomacy and economic measures,' he said. 

The article said analysts have noted the specific weapons and equipment that Australia will acquire were 'obviously' not for defence within Australian borders but for 'long-range' combat.

The article said the communist nation has 'no intention of challenging Australia militarily ... But if Australia wants to provoke China, China is also ready to defend itself'.

'Australia is only a follower of the US and its capability in the South China Sea will be limited despite the new plans,' the report reads.

. . . .

About 80 per cent of China's energy imports and almost 40 per cent of the country's trade passes through the South China Sea. 

Beijing has been widely condemned internationally since embarking in 2013 on a military expansion into disputed areas within the region. 

Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, China and Vietnam have claims over various islands and maritime waters in the area

Beijing has been constructing man-made islands complete with air bases in the South China Sea, contributing to escalating tension in the South Pacific

Wednesday's announcement by Australia's Prime Minister includes long-range missiles that can hit targets up to 370km away.

In a post-pandemic world of the 2020s, Mr Morrison hinted the likelihood of a hot war on Australian soil was the greatest since the 1940s, when the Japanese bombed Darwin and sent midget submarines into Sydney Harbour.

'We need to also prepare for a post-COVID world that is poorer, more dangerous and more disorderly,' he told the Australian Defence Force Academy in Canberra on Wednesday

The Australian Strategic Policy Institute's director of defence, strategy and national security, Michael Shoebridge, said China under President Xi Jinping was increasingly aggressive - making a war in the Asia-Pacific more likely within the next decade.

'The most obvious source of military conflict in our region is Beijing under Xi Jinping,' he told Daily Mail Australia.

'This all means that major military conflict in our region is now credible well within the 'ten years warning time' that Australian strategy has been based on until now.'

In 2020, Mr Shoebridge said China was Australia's biggest military threat, despite being Australia's biggest trading partner, and the number one buyer of iron ore exports used to make steel

:-\ OK they are spending big on military to stop a Chinese invasion but that doesn't stop them!
They come with :- suits, brief cases and cheque books and now Morrison is going to stick Hong Kongers here easy.

The Price is Reich!

Find me on Stormfront as QueJumpingAfghan where I have been banned!
Formerly Based in the Northern Territory
Now in Adelaide, South Australia
The Whitest City in Australia
Click to see map of Australia


Revealed: How the United Nations is smashing Australian businesses by making it cheaper to order goods from CHINA than from local sellers

* A United Nations' agreement forces Australian businesses to pay more post fees
* The Universal Postal Union was set up to help disadvantaged developing nations
* China is recognised as a developing nation despite it's huge economic power
* There are growing calls for Australia to renegotiation the unfair agreement

Levi Parsons | Daily Mail (UK) | 4 July 2020

Excerpt: There are growing calls for Australia to tear up a United Nations agreement which makes shipping online goods from China cheaper than buying from local suppliers.

The Universal Postal Union is a specialised UN agency which regulates international postage prices so that disadvantaged developing nations can afford to send and receive vital goods.

But under the agreement, China, the world's second largest economy, is considered a developing nation and countries such as Australia are forced to pay as much as double. 

The issue will be thrust into the spotlight next week when a senate inquiry into Australia Post's delivery standards gets underway in Canberra.

In a submission to the inquiry, Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman Kate Carnell AO said it's time to 'renegotiate' the deal which has hit businesses particularly hard during the coronavirus crisis.

'My Office has received a number of complaints from small businesses regarding the price competitiveness of domestic parcel as opposed to international parcel delivery for same or similar products,' she said.

'For example, a product sold and shipped from a seller may attract free or low cost delivery (e.g. $5).

'The domestic cost for the same product, shipped to the same location, from an Australian small business could be double that of the international seller.'

China is home to the world's largest e-commerce platform Alibaba and is expected to become the world largest economy in the 2030s.

Do NOT order anything from China ...
The Chinks are taking your money - but not delivering

The 'perks and advantages' it receives as a developing nation have long been a point of opprobrium for Australia and its allies.

The UN allows countries to 'self designate' whether they are a developing nation.

But China strongly rejects criticism. 'China is the largest developing country in the world,' commerce ministry spokesman Gao Feng told reporters. 'Blah blah ching chong ching. Blah blah blah RACIST! Blah blah ....'
Recovering after surgery.
Expect 3 Weeks. Pass it on.

Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
Church Administrator, Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

Crypto Coin Details in Forum Profile

Noli Nothis Permittere Le Terere
The only way to prevent 1984 is 2323
Joining the Creativity Alliance is Free

"In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man, brave, hated, and scorned.
When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot."
Mark Twain.


Australia First party newsletter

The Looming New Crisis All Thanks To The International Student Sector
Mark F

Why are those involved with making the international student sector (ISS) to become a major aspect of the Australian economy now so surprised it's fallen to dust?

So here we are, some 6 months on from when COVID-19 first reared its head, only to realise that is in a resurgence, a second-stage-phase. The economic and social cataclysm that every nation cannot circumvent are of such proportions well nigh on impossible to comprehend. Over the weekend of July 18-19 2020, numerous media reports put the projected global deficit to be in the vicinity of $300 TRILLION! Yes, that's $300 TRILLION, an amount of money that is virtually incomprehensible to grasp!

Obviously, in the richer and developed-economies methods implemented by their governments/treasuries to cope with the situation will lessen the pain. However, in the swathe of poorer societies that over the previous 20 to 25 years became dependent upon richer nations importing the goods they produced, there will be great stress; because people in the richer countries won't be consuming their produce, there will be major recession. Thus, the blow-back those poorer nations will have to bear will be proportionally more significant.

Ostensibly, Australia's conundrum is linked to the insane agendas which have been imposed upon this country from about a decade ago, when mass-immigration programs were inaugurated at the direct behest of big-business concerns and, most certainly, courtesy of major property-developers. A significant aspect of the 'development' program entailed ramping-up the number of international students to fuel housing growth. Since the LNP won office in 2013, it has bolstered the number of ISs in Australia from around 520,000, to a staggering 950,000 at the end of 2019.

Over the past 5 years I have been claimed that the numbers of ISs in Australia have always been between 100,000 to 150,000 more than what was officially designated. In short, everyone from the Ministers of Education at Federal and State echelons and indeed, those involved with the ISS, always understated the numbers. Well, thanks to an article, 'What universities must do to survive the challenges of a post-COVID world'  (Simon Kuestenmacher, the Weekend Australian, July 12-14 2020), a graph was supplied that, TOTALLY, vindicates my figures.

Now, the reason why the true numbers weren't stated by those with highly-vested-interests in the ISS was because they intentionally understated the real numbers so as not to spook the general population.

What is of grave significance for the nation arises from the economic disaster that COVID-19 has spawned within the ISS. There were tens of thousands of people employed in universities, VET and English teaching colleges, who will not have jobs in the ensuing months. Because something between 70-100,000 international students couldn't either return to Australia from holidays in China - or commence courses. According to reports, at least 6,000 people already employed in the ISS had been issued pink-slips prior to June 1.

How couldn't politicians and business moguls not have realised that overdosing on ISs was an inevitable train wreck?

But there's worse to come and that will happen when these desperate ISs, who are dependent upon working here to survive, will start clashing with Australians for a diminished number of jobs.

Aside from the many thousands of unfortunate souls who, either directly or indirectly, will be made redundant in the ISS or otherwise see their livelihoods in extraneous spheres - accommodation and other service sectors – undermined, there is more bad news. The estimated 600,000 ISs still in the country - and who are reliant upon working here to survive - must inescapably work for lower rates of pay than they were in the preceding 6 or 7 years. Thus, coupling this with the fact that up to 1 million Australians will be out of a job and seeking employment – we will see these ISs undercutting Australians in the labour market. It really is going to become a total bun-fight! Australians will have to organize!
The Price is Reich!

Find me on Stormfront as QueJumpingAfghan where I have been banned!
Formerly Based in the Northern Territory
Now in Adelaide, South Australia
The Whitest City in Australia
Click to see map of Australia

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Due to a 2003 CE decision in the US 7th Circuit Court Of Appeals, the name “Church of the Creator” is the trademarked property of a Christian entity known as TE-TA-MA Truth Foundation-Family of URI®. Use of the name “Church of the Creator” in any context is historical, and is presented for educational purposes only. The Church of Creativity makes no attempt to assume or supersede the trademark. Trademark remains with the trademark holder. [More ...]
The Church of Creativity is a Professional, Non-Violent, Progressive Pro-White Religion. We promote White Civil Rights, White Self-Determination, and White Liberation via 100% legal activism. We do not promote, tolerate nor incite illegal activity. [More ...]

Creator Origins
Church of the Creator: Founded by Ben Klassen - Year Zero (1973CE)
Your Own Creator Forum: Continuously Online Since 25AC (1998CE)
Creativity Alliance & Church of Creativity: Founded 30AC (2003CE)
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What is good for the White Race is of the Highest Virtue;
What is bad for the White Race is the Ultimate Sin.

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