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NT proposes "Boot camps for the dole"

Started by Br.IanVonTurpie, Mon 29 Jul 2013

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YOUNG job seekers would be forced into army-style boot camps to qualify for the dole with the revelation that Federal Labor - like the CLP here - wants to introduce them.
The Territory Government already plans to trial two youth boot camp programs of its own - one for young people at risk of offending and the other for those who have already committed crimes.
Federal Education Minister Bill Shorten confirmed to the NT News yesterday that the youth boot camps were being proposed.

"The Youth Start proposal would provide motivation, focus and employment skills for young job seekers," Mr Shorten said.

"Every young Australian who is unemployed deserves another chance."
He said they deserve the chance to fulfil their dreams.
     An election policy being considered by the Rudd Government would see young people looking for jobs forced into army-style boot camps in order to qualify for the dole.

If the boot camps go ahead Labor could employ the same providers chosen by the CLP in the Territory, Tangentyere Council and South Australian-based charity Operation Flinders Foundation
Other organisations such as the Brahminy Foundation and Boystown could also be given the tender.

Mr Shorten said the youth boot camps were still only a proposal and no provider had been considered but said, "We are committed to consulting with experts on any such proposals. This proposal was raised as part of the Government's ongoing policy development process."

Ha ha! So in the NT if you are at risk of offending or have been convicted of a crime  and you are on the dole you get sent to a boot camp.

The NT's gaols are 85% Indigenous Abbo!

This is going to be interesting to see just how they are going to discipline "the dingo breed" to find a job.. Imagine getting that scum in the boot camp and trying to get them to be motivated to do ANYTHING! Most of the coons don't work or go to school .. what are you going to do to get them to show up!?

So the Labour government want local people to have jobs? Well how about they do something to bloody stop internal outsourcing of jobs and also stop bigwigs from sending out jobs abroad! That old , Labor bugger Whitlam signed the Lima declaration sending our manufacturing abroad.

Waste of time! Best thing they could do is set up a central Australian Bio diesel plant or fertiliser factory with those useless Abbos they have and give the jobs to people who would turn up and work there!

The only boot you can give the Coons is a boot up the bum hole! Considering in the NT the jobs are in abundance and the second highest performer and if they don't want to endeavour to work them.. a boot in the backside is what they need!
The Price is Reich!

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