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Melbourne Synagogue Fire 'Likely' Terror Act, Police Say

Started by G.L.R., Tue 10 Dec 2024

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Melbourne synagogue fire 'likely' terror act, police say
A fire which ripped through Melbourne's Adass Israel synagogue is being treated as a likely terror attack, Australian police say.
Three suspects are being hunted over Friday's early-morning blaze, which left one man with a minor burn to his hand and caused extensive damage. Witnesses say they saw masked figures spreading what appeared to be an accelerant in the building, before setting it alight.
Victoria Police say they have no evidence that further antisemitic attacks are planned, but patrols are being increased to reassure the community.  After a meeting with Australian Federal Police and domestic spy agency Asio, the state police force said additional "intelligence" had led them to conclude the incident should be treated as a probable terror attack... Read more ...


"Let's Go Brandon ... I agree!" :ok


Quote from: Rev.Cambeul on Mon 09 Dec 2024The latest news on the synagogue fire is, the Jews did it!

If you don't believe that, you're Islamophobic.

If you do believe that, you're anti-Semitic.

Consider This: If a Muslim, Jew or any random nigger burns down a Christian Church, it's a case of Arson. When a Mosque burns, it's a Hate Crime. When a Synagogue is burned, it's Terrorism. Whom is it that has the privilege?

... detectives say they are closing in on three suspects after police admit it was a terrorist attack

Police had no evidence to suggest there would be further terrorist attacks, but would not rule anything out.

'We have between 20 and 30 extra police officers deployed in those areas where there are high numbers of Jewish persons living and congregating, we have our public audit response teams there, we have high visibility police presence.'

Quote from: Comment at Article SourceCd147
Melbourne, Australia

To draw a relevant comparison to the synagogue fire:
Just a couple of weeks ago, St Paul's Anglican church near Geelong in Victoria was burned down completely in a suspicious fire still being investigated by police.

No media uproar. No demand for a new taskforce. No hysteria from the political class.  You probably didn't even know about it.


after 9/11 we imported millions of people from western hating counries in the blind belif it would protect us from attacts, the press was shut down on reporting on any crimes perptrated by them, I know I was a broadcaster in the 90's 2000's and we would get memos on what we could and can't say. even if they found the 2 guys that did this it would be twisted so that insted of 2nd gen ME guys it would be 2 white bread guys

Marseille, France

That was a powerful bomb. Not a do it yourself amateur effort.

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese Tennis Photos Spark Jewish Outrage Just Hours After Synagogue Terror  :kike

The Jew will order Australia to sack the prime minister, and then they will choose the next PM. They did it before with KRudd and Juliar Gillard after KRudd expelled Israeli diplomats after a Mossad terrorist operation.

The order originated from the Israeli Knesset/Parliament, and was given to Australia via the US Ambassador. The information came from Wikileaks ... and is available somewhere here on Creator Forum.

Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
Church Administrator, Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

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Mark Twain.


"Each Jew has the duty to work to burn down and exterminate Christian churches. The saints must be insulted and the priests killed."
 - Schulchan-aruch, Jore be'ah, Page 146, 14. Aboda zarah and Hilschoth.

"Let's Go Brandon ... I agree!" :ok


A synagogue in Sydney has been vandalised with swastikas, with CCTV showing hooded men in the act, just a day after another synagogue was targeted

Around 10 red swastikas were sprayed on the front walls of the Newtown Synagogue, on Georgina Street, in Sydney's inner-west, in the early hours of Saturday.

NSW Police were notified of the incident around 7.30am

Police have since released CCTV footage of two hooded men seen outside the synagogue around 4.25am on Saturday.

One man was seen pushing a mountain bike along the street. He was seen wearing a black backpack and was also wearing a white glove on his right hand.

The other man, who appeared to be dressed in a wet weather jacket and tracksuit pants, was seen vandalising a part of the wall and the fence.

Police allege the men attempted to set the synagogue on fire before they left the scene a short time later.

The pair were later seen walking down another part of the street with the second man seen pushing a motorised scooter.

Just hours later, similar graffiti was spray painted on a house in Henry Street, Queens Park, in Sydney's eastern suburbs around 6.30am.

It comes after the Allawah synagogue in southern Sydney was also vandalised with several swastikas and the words 'Hitler on top' on Friday morning.

NSW Police are investigating all three incidents and said in a statement that they take all hate crimes seriously.

'It is important that the community and police continue to work together to make NSW a safer place for everyone,' they said.

NSW Premier Chris Minns condemned the incident in Newtown and urged anyone who may have witnessed the act, to come forward.

'These people are determined to divide our community in two. We will always call out these acts for what they are - monstrous and appalling,' Mr Minns said.

The Premier also announced the extension of a one-off grant of $340,000 towards enhanced temporary security measures for the NSW Jewish community.

Police were seen outside the Newtown Synagogue on Saturday and the area had been cordoned off with police tape.

Chairman of the Anti-Defamation Commission Dr Dvir Abramovic told Daily Mail Australia the graffiti on the Newtown Synagogue was a 'gut-punch' to Jewish Australians.

Dr Abramovich described the vandalism as 'grotesque'.

'In just a matter of days, two synagogues—sacred places meant for reflection and peace—have been defiled in acts of unparalleled malice, he said.

'These aren't mere incidents of vandalism; they are calculated assaults drenched in symbolism meant to intimidate and sow terror.'

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese also condemned the incident and said in a post to X on Saturday that those who committed the act 'should face the full force of the law'.

'The vile graffiti we've seen overnight, including at the Newtown Synagogue, is abhorrent and needs to stop immediately,' Mr Albanese wrote.

'We made it illegal to use Nazi and other hate symbols because there's no place in Australia for antisemitism.'

About 100,000 Jewish people live in Australia, with large congregations in Melbourne and Sydney's eastern suburbs.

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Our enemies the jews are to be silenced and exterminated, with no mercy or sympathy.
Jewish Supremacist Quote: "The goal for which we have striven so concertedly for three thousand years is at last within our reach. I can safely promise you that our race will soon take it's rightful place in the world with every Jew a King and every Gentile a Slave." - Rabbi Rabinovitch, Budapest Conference of European Rabbi's - 12 January 1952. [More ...]

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