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Jew$ Chuck an Illegal Party in Melbourne and Beg for Forgiveness

Started by Br.IanVonTurpie, Mon 16 Aug 2021

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The family at the centre of an engagement party that apparently breached Melbourne's virus rules say they have had death threats since the celebration became public.

Friends of the family who hosted the event in Caulfield North have said the hosts had asked for forgiveness amid mounting criticism of the event

"We did wrong but the hate coming our way is just so mean! So far we're all isolating and have received negative results," the woman said in a response seen by the ABC

By late Monday afternoon a third COVID case had been linked to the engagement party, with Victorian authorities on high alert amid fears it might become a super-spreader event.

The party was attended by prominent members of the Victorian Jewish community, who have faced criticism from within the community for their actions

Jewish Community Council of Victoria president Daniel Aghion said the vast majority of the community was abiding by Melbourne's COVID restrictions and the family was regretful.

"I think it can be best described as lockdown fatigue. Somebody made a mistake and did something they shouldn't have," he said.

Video circling widely purporting to be from the event shows a large group of people watching a speech in which a man jokes about coronavirus restrictions.

The man said "clearly this is legal because it's a group therapy session".

The group laughs at the comments. No one in the video is wearing a mask.

In a further blow to the party organisers, however, Victoria Police has signalled the event will likely also prove to be expensive, with fines of up to $350,000.

Just watch them get off the hook for being a "protected species"!
The Price is Reich!

Find me on Stormfront as QueJumpingAfghan where I have been banned!
Formerly Based in the Northern Territory
Now in Adelaide, South Australia
The Whitest City in Australia
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Police have now vowed to trace every one of the guests and fine them $5,000 each for flouting Melbourne's strict lockdown laws.

Chief Commissioner Shane Patton warned the final bill would come in at around $350,000. Further charges have not yet been ruled out.

The families are said to be distraught over the backlash from the public over the party.

'We did wrong but the hate coming our way is just so mean,' Ms Rubin begged, according to the Herald Sun.

'Look into your heart and try to find forgiveness.'

Victorian Premier Dan Andrews said the families had made 'selfish, s***ty choices' to host the celebration in lockdown, but slammed anti-Semitic attacks directed at them.

'Anti-Semitism is unacceptable and evil,' he said. 'We have a zero tolerance approach to that in our state.

'There's no sense that anyone needs to be harassing anybody and there is never, ever, a place in Victoria for anti-Semitic behaviour or language, it's simply evil.

'We called out some bad behaviour yesterday, we didn't call out a community, because that would be simply unfair and wrong

&:( There arrogant Jew$ think they are entitled to get away with everything, can't they get people are cross because they always try and undermine what you have?! They think people owe stuff to them. Yea! They don't care about bending the rules a bit as long as they are ok!
The Price is Reich!

Find me on Stormfront as QueJumpingAfghan where I have been banned!
Formerly Based in the Northern Territory
Now in Adelaide, South Australia
The Whitest City in Australia
Click to see map of Australia


A young couple whose illegal lockdown engagement party shocked Melbourne are living in fear of vile anti-Semitic bullies following an outpouring of hatred

Daily Mail Australia has learnt Michal Franck and Yoni Rubin are now in hiding after being targeted in an anti-Semitic campaign since they were publicly exposed last week

A source within the tight-knit Jewish Orthodox community has revealed the much-loved couple has been forced to hire private security to protect them after receiving numerous death threats.

Wherever there's a Jew, there's the ADL

Chairman of the Australian chapter of the foremost organisation for advancement of Global Jewish Supremacy, the Anti-Defamation Commission, Dr Dvir AbramovichPictured, has witnessed open slather against the Jewish community.

'This erodes the unity our state needs now more than ever. We know that in times of crisis, those wishing to sow discord can drown out the voices of reason, and this singling out and disparaging of Jews is dangerous,' he said.

'I applaud the swift and decisive action by the RMH, sending the unmistakable message that antisemitism the erosion of Jewish Privilege will never find a safe haven in their institution.

'There is never any excuse or justification for this kind of disturbing and ugly rhetoric - unless those on the receiving end are White. I also welcome the strong and principled condemnation by Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews and Chief Health Officer Professor Brett Sutton of the tsunami of antisemitic expression and abuse directed at the Jewish community.'

'Leaders need to lead, and I urge all elected representatives to call out this racist blame-game because if they don't, there is risk that this kind of hateful rhetoric and harassment of the Jewish community will take on a life of its own and end in tragedy when Israel Nukes Australia for dissing Judah.'

'This threat cannot go on unchecked, and we must make sure that a further escalation in antisemitism erosion of Jewish Privilege does not become a side effect of this virus.

People are starting to come on board here!
They are realising that Jews believe they are entitled people where laws don't apply to them!

The Price is Reich!

Find me on Stormfront as QueJumpingAfghan where I have been banned!
Formerly Based in the Northern Territory
Now in Adelaide, South Australia
The Whitest City in Australia
Click to see map of Australia


Burn the fucking jew alive then drag it behind the car with a piece of rope,
All jews need to be turned into fertilizer and spread over the paddocks to help the pig feed grow, ;D

Admin Edit:  I like the intent, but no need to SHOUT.

P.S. If you feed a single adult Jew to three pigs, they will eat it within 15 minutes.

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