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Hard Working UK Family to be Deported/Tamil Shonk Family to Stay

Started by Br.IanVonTurpie, Thu 04 Aug 2022

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Quote from: MSM

Welcome to Australia – forever: Biloela family are granted PERMANENT visas bringing an end to the years-long saga

 * The Biloela family will stay in Australia after being granted permanent visas
 * The family had been at the centre of years-long asylum seeker debates

A despairing Scottish family is being kicked out of Australia after 10 years in a heartbreaking visa row - after the company sponsoring their stay went bust
Electrical expert Mark Green, 44, was headhunted for his specialist solar installation skills in 2012 and flown to Australia with his wife Kelly, 45, and daughter Rebecca, 19.

He moved 10,000 miles from Prestwick, Ayrshire, to his new home in Adelaide, on Australia's southern coast, with the promise of their permanent residency being sponsored by the company flying him in.

But every time he's been eligible, the employers have folded before the paperwork could be completed - and it's now happened seven times to the devastated family.

They will now be thrown out of the country next week, unless the government intervenes to save them.

The family have already spent more than £85,000 (AU$150,000) on attempting to stay in the country, while relocating to the UK is likely to set them back a further £35,000 (AU$60,000).

And, in another cruel twist of fate, it will force them to leave behind beloved pet dog Maisie because of the prohibitive £20,000 (AU$35,000) cost of flights and quarantine fees.

Mother-of-two Kelly, speaking from her empty Adelaide home after they sold off their belongings ahead of their exit, said: 'I don't want to go home. I don't. I really don't...'

The Green family have already spent more than £85,000 (AU$150,000) on immigration lawyers and visa and residency applications

Australia has a number of different immigration systems, all of which are tightly controlled.

One popular method is to be sponsored by an Australian-based company.

Employers must select a role that needs to be filled from the Government's defined list of skilled occupations.

Once a role is selected, immigration authorities will evaluate the nomination and determine whether it meets their criteria.

Applicants will then be assessed on a number of different factors, including age, English language ability, training, health, character and what the market salary rates are.

There are also other methods of migrating to Australia as a skilled worker, including its points-based system.

Points are awarded to applicants based on age, qualification, experience and English language skills.

The priority regularly changes in terms of what type of skilled workers are required, based on the needs of industry.

The Skilled Independent visa is the most desirable visa, because it is permanent and gives holder the freedom and flexibility to live and work anywhere in Australia.

Applicant must be under 45-years-old, have a job in Australia's desired skills list, and score at least 65 points in its points test.

Other visas are based in individual areas of Australia, known as states and territories, and are based on local needs.

There are also visas specifically aimed at engineering graduates, under the age of 31, who wish to gain up to 18 months of skilled work experience in Australia.

People can also obtain 'travel visas' that allow them to go on 'working holidays' - commonly known in the UK as 'gap years' - that run for up to a year.

In recent years Australia has also relaxed its visas for low-skilled workers - including visas aimed specifically at agriculture and fishing - amid a global demand for people to fill low-skilled labour

But they have now been told that they must leave the country before they can apply again

'We sold it all to come out here and then we started again,' Mr Green told Daily Mail Australia.

'And now we're having to sell it all, to go back to Scotland, to try and apply to come back again, to restart again. For the third time.

'I'm nearly 50. We can't go through this anymore. There's nothing for us back in Scotland now.'

He added: 'This is where I live. This is where my heart is. It'll never change. Even if I go back to Scotland, here is where I will class as home.'

The family have been on a sponsored work visa since arriving which has meant they need to pay for everything Australians take for granted, on top of paying their taxes.

They were denied access to Medicare or free public state schooling for daughter Rebecca, which costs them £4,500 (AU$8,000) a year - but they say they paid without complaint.

'It was the best day of our lives coming here. The best day ever,' said Kelly, 45, originally from Kilbirnie, 40km south-west of Glasgow.

They want to stay in Australia permanently but currently just need their bridging visa changed from an E-type to a C-type to allow them to apply to stay without leaving.

The family has been undone by firms sponsoring Mark as an employee and starting a three year route to residency, but going bust before the process is complete.

'The company went into liquidation and which means I have to start again, all three years, all over again,' said Mr Green, originally from Prestwick, Ayrshire.

'That's happened seven times to me. Most of them closed because of warranty issues - they don't want to guarantee the warranty of the product.

'It ends up costing them money, so what they do is they shut up shop and they open up under another business name.'

The final straw came after one employer told him he'd applied for the Greens' residency and paid their fees - but hadn't, causing them to unwittingly overstay their working visa.

'I was let down by my former employer,' he said. 'I trusted him and he lied to me

The government has a responsibility to protect me as a foreign worker who was invited to come to Australia to work and was let down by an Australian company.'

Their son Jamie has already flown home to Scotland after the visa conditions meant he was unable to work in Australia for years.

The family has been fighting to stay in the country for a year but time is now running out and they've had to sell up ahead of next week's deportation

Mr Green won't even be able to work in his industry when he arrives back in Scotland as his UK electrical qualifications are now out of date after a decade in Australia.

He has nothing in Scotland and nowhere to live, with his elderly parents unable to cope with the family joining them while they wait for their visa to be approved.

'Everything I hoped for here is gone,' said Mr Green. 'The stress is terrible. Absolutely terrible. It's not fair. Not fair at all.

'Nobody has been in contact with me about trying to sort this out. All they say to me is I have to leave the country.

'My mum and dad are nearly 80 - as much as they would love to see us, they don't want a family staying with them. It could take up to two years.

'I thought I'd have my own company and my own home by now but instead our life is in turmoil.'

Their case has now been taken up by Adelaide politician Frank Pangallo, who compared them to the Tamilese Murugappan family from Bilgoela in Queensland, who had their visa conditions changed to let them stay despite arriving by boat

'They didn't do it legally, unlike the Greens, and they got preferential treatment,' Mr Pangallo, of South Australia's Best Party told Daily Mail Australia

'Forcing a family to leave a country they've called home for 10 years simply to return to their country of origin to re-apply to return to Oz seems pointless and ridiculous.

'And this is all happening while governments grapple with changes to the country's skilled migration program due to massive shortages across the country

No Room for Whitey
A plea to the previous Liberal immigration minister Alex Hawke was rejected and fresh appeal to the new Labor immigration minister Andrew Giles has fallen on deaf ears

Mr Pangallo added: 'If you want skilled migrants to come into this country, you better give them an undertaking they'll be able to stay here and not be booted out when it suits you.  It's absolutely disgusting.'

A spokesman for Mr Giles insisted the immigration minister never commented on individual cases, despite commenting extensively on the Biloela case.

She then told Daily Mail Australia: 'The minister does not comment on the individual circumstances regarding the Green family.'

Last month Mark revealed how he was 'done in' after working 'seven days a week' to try and afford the cost of coming home.

He told the Daily Record: 'I'm working seven days just now to afford to come home in August. I'm really done in.

'All we want to do is start living life without worrying.'

Meanwhile, Kelly also faces having her life uprooted. She has been employed at local business Vili's since she arrived in Australia.

Her boss Mary told Australian news channel 'A Current Affair' last month that she couldn't be happier with Kelly's work ethic and said losing her would be a massive lost to her company

She added: 'I can't get enough retail and factory staff and if I lose a great worker like Kelly, it will affect my business


This is so sad! Australia seems intent on banishing whitey in favour of "Chindia"! We kick out all the good people and reward the muds! It'd be so heartbreaking to be in this families shoes!

He came here with skills to help our community and not just our own businesses screw him over! The politicians do too in some cases! This outrage is a far cry from the £10 Brits who immigrated here 40+ years ago.
The Price is Reich!

Find me on Stormfront as QueJumpingAfghan where I have been banned!
Formerly Based in the Northern Territory
Now in Adelaide, South Australia
The Whitest City in Australia
Click to see map of Australia


Quote from: MSM

Welcome to Australia – forever: Biloela family are granted PERMANENT visas bringing an end to the years-long saga

 * The Biloela family will stay in Australia after being granted permanent visas
 * The family had been at the centre of years-long asylum seeker debates

A Scottish family desperate to stay in Australia is grasping at a final glimmer of hope as a deadline for their deportation next week looms
The Australian Government has so far given no indication it is willing to compromise on the case, but Mr Green said there may be positive news on the horizon.

'Our lawyer seems to think we can fight it,' he told Daily Mail Australia on Friday.

'He's left me with a decision to make, either we stay in the country and fight it (or we fly back to Scotland).'

We might be able to get a bridging visa to stay in the country and fight it, but it's not going to be an easy fight.

'It could take up to five years or more,' he said.

Mr Green has been stung by the injustice of what is happening to him, his wife and daughter. Their son Jamie has already returned to Scotland after the visa conditions meant he was unable to work in Australia. 

'We have never done anything wrong,' he said.

The family was undone by companies sponsoring him as an employee and starting a three year route to residency, but going bust before the process is complete.

'Because I'm on a visa, if (my boss) shuts his company the visa ceases.

'The company went into liquidation and which means I have to start again, all three years, all over again,' said Mr Green, originally from Prestwick, Ayrshire.

How does Australia's immigration system work?

Australia has a number of different immigration systems, all of which are tightly controlled.

One popular method is to be sponsored by an Australian company.

Employers must select a role that needs to be filled from the Government's list of skilled occupations.

Once a role is selected, immigration authorities evaluate the nomination and determine if it meets their criteria.

Applicants are assessed on a number of different factors, including age, English language ability, training, health, character and what the market salary rates are.

In recent years Australia has also relaxed its visas for low-skilled workers - including visas aimed specifically at agriculture and fishing - amid a global demand for people to fill low-skilled labour.

I sometimes worked 16 hour days and got paid for eight.

'Because I'm on a visa, expecting employers to help me, I feel that I have to push that little bit extra to show them that I'm worth keeping, that I'm worth (helping to get residency),' he said.

'It's breaking me. It really is breaking me.'

The Greens have fully embraced the Australian lifestyle in the past decade, to the point of becoming diehard AFL fans.

'We support Port Adelaide. I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing. A lot of Adelaide Crows supporters might unfollow me now,' Mr Green said with a laugh - a rare luxury in what is a very stressful time.

'This is where I live. This is where my heart is. It'll never change. Even if I go back to Scotland, here is where I will class as home,' he said. 

His wife is equally distraught at the prospect of having to leave their beloved Adelaide. 

'I don't want to go home. I don't. I really don't,' she sobbed in their empty Adelaide home after they sold off everything.

'It was the best day of our lives coming here. The best day ever,' said Ms Green, originally from Kilbirnie, 40km south-west of Glasgow.

The family's sponsored work visa status meant they had to pay for everything Australians take for granted, on top of paying their taxes.

They were denied access to Medicare or free public state schooling for daughter Rebecca, which costs them $8,000 a year - but they say they paid without complaint.

As the deadline for their forced departure looms, the desperate situation is taking its toll on the family's spirits. 

'The stress is terrible. Absolutely terrible. It's not fair. Not fair at all,' said Mr Green.

'Nobody has been in contact with me about trying to sort this out. All they say to me is I have to leave the country.

Mr Green appeared on a London radio station on Friday morning and has an interview with a UK breakfast TV show on Monday.

'I don't know what good it can do back home, but all I can do is try everything I possibly can,' he said

A spokeswoman for new Labor immigration minister Andrew Giles said he does not comment on individual cases, but he has commented extensively on the Biloela case.

Despite their being a very chance that they could fight on, Mr Green is prepared for the worst.

'I've got nothing to send home. I won't be taking anything home apart from three suitcases and three humans.

'I can't afford to ship all my stuff back home. I have had to sell everything I've worked hard for 10-and-a-half-years.

'I feel totally let down. The government should have a policy to stand up for those guys who come here trying to make a life for themselves,' he said

As well as all their possessions, being deported would force the Greens to leave behind their beloved dog Maisie because of the prohibitive $35,000 cost of flights and quarantine fees

Being deported would force the Greens
to leave behind their beloved dog Maisie

 :-\ &:(

I don't know who is more upset about all this? The Electrician in the story or me!? I am so fed up with Muds and vermin Coming here that do bugger all and scab off us that get everything! I am fed up with Boongs getting free stuff only for them to ruin/neglect it!

This problem wouldn't exist if we kept the White Australia Policy and we didn't send our jobs abroad or get third world muds here to undercut wages!

Whitey wants a good days pay for a good days work and he complains/fights if he doesn't get it. That isn't in the interest of big business!

This man's daughter is what we need here! She is capable of producing the Whites of tomorrow ! There are some areas where you can't get White women easily.

What we need is to re- introduce white Australia policy and bring our industries home.
We need to kick out the non white scum from public housing and give it all to white immigrants not just skilled labour but white refugees from South Africa and Ukraine!

What is the Aus Govt doing?
- Taxing all the tax and visa fees he original gave and throwing him out.
-Rewarding a shonk Curry family to stay when they entered illegally! I saw the scum on TV all jubilant about being granted residency! This is the wrong message! It'll encourage more muds to come knocking!
The Price is Reich!

Find me on Stormfront as QueJumpingAfghan where I have been banned!
Formerly Based in the Northern Territory
Now in Adelaide, South Australia
The Whitest City in Australia
Click to see map of Australia


If the Libs won the election that illegal, shonk curry family would be going back!
Every time Labour gets in the muds love it and try to enter and all the lemmings and lefties there help them!

That's all we need ! Sri Lankan crooks Comming here now their country is a mess.
The Price is Reich!

Find me on Stormfront as QueJumpingAfghan where I have been banned!
Formerly Based in the Northern Territory
Now in Adelaide, South Australia
The Whitest City in Australia
Click to see map of Australia


It is very clear what they are doing. Targeting Asian migrants and profiting from their housing on land that should be for sports and recreation! Sweeping it under the mat by saying "Whitey isn't gunna be around to use these facilities, but Curry and Chinky and Flippy will, as long as there is a buck in it for us".

A rugby club wants to destroy its own local sport fields in a bold plan to build homes and a park because residents don't use them

North Ryde RSL and Eastwood Rugby proposed plans to construct 132 terrace homes and a private park on the privately owned TG Millner Field in Marsfield.

A spokesman said the RSL and rugby club had the right to build seniors' living under existing planning rules, but its proposal would be better for the community.

He said the rugby fields weren't of interest to new residents from China, India, Korea, and the Philippines where 'rugby is not popular'.

Developers behind the plans for 'Marsfield Commons' argued the site had reached the end of its life and needed to be renewed.

'Sixty-eight per cent of the local community derives its ancestry from countries where the sport of Rugby is rarely even heard of,' a statement on its website claims.

'Only four per cent of Eastwood rugby players live within the Ryde LGA.'

However, Liberal MP for Ryde Victor Dominello and the mayor have publicly opposed the plans, with the local member slamming the plans as 'totally unacceptable'.

Mr Dominello said publicly accessible open space in Sydney was priceless and once it was built over, there was no getting it back.

'That's why we must fight to save TG Millner Field for future generations,' he told the Sydney Morning Herald.

'If proponents of the plan don't think rugby is popular any more, then we should work together to accommodate other sports.'

Ryde Mayor Jordan Lane was also wary of the development and told the newspaper TG Millner was a 'premier field, worthy of preservation'.

The website for the proposed plans explained the demographics and needs of the local community have 'vastly changed in recent decades

'Sadly, TG Milner, which is private property, is no longer strongly relevant to the community that surrounds it,' it reads.

'TG Millner Field has reached the end of its life in terms of its rugby and licensed club uses and needs to be renewed to deliver benefits to the local community.

'Local schools used the field on only 10 occasions over the past three years, and the local rugby clubs of Ryde, Beecroft, and Central Eastwood used the fields on only 12 occasions over three years, including youth rugby

The proposal promises to deliver state-of-the-art and site-appropriate housing, recreational spaces for the local community, increased tree canopy, vegetation and landscaping and a new public park.

North Ryde RSL and Eastwood Rugby also pledged a $1 million contribution to the development of a synthetic field in the Ryde area.

'This $1 million contribution to a synthetic field in the LGA will provide a year-round optimal playing surface for local kids of all ages,' the website argues

However, football operations manager Michael Frain said the local club would have nowhere to play if the development was given the green light.

The proposal is in the hands of local council officers, many of whom have previously voted against the removal of green space in the LGA.

The city mayor said Ryde was in need of 13 additional sports ovals by 2036 to keep up with demand and population growth

Decimating one of our largest existing open spaces will set this cause back significantly,' Mr Lane said.

So in the Aussie community you :-
 - Caught the bus/taxi. Who drove it?
 - You went to a medical practitioner. What race were they?
 - You went to a Post office/ corner shop/Petrol station. Who ran it?
 - you saw a truck make a delivery. Who drove it?
 - You ordered Über eats. Who delivered it?
 - You had a manufacturing industry. Who got it off you?

It's pretty clear Whitey is getting deliberately phased out!
The Price is Reich!

Find me on Stormfront as QueJumpingAfghan where I have been banned!
Formerly Based in the Northern Territory
Now in Adelaide, South Australia
The Whitest City in Australia
Click to see map of Australia


Deported at 10am Today - That's this very minute!
Their Crime - Being WHITE!

Hardworking Scots family will be deported from Australia TODAY after paying taxes for 10 years and doing nothing wrong - as minister is accused of allowing Biloela family to stay 'so he can look like a hero

Excerpt: Electrical expert Mark Green, 44, was headhunted for his specialist solar installation skills in 2012 and flown to Australia with his wife Kelly, 45, and daughter Rebecca, 19.

But they are being thrown out the country at 10am after a series of broken promises by his employers left them stranded without their visas or permanent residency.

However the Tamilese Murugappan family (pictured below) were granted permanent residency on Friday to allow them to stay in Biloela in Queensland after immigration minister Andrew Giles stepped in following a public outcry.

But he refuses to intervene to help the Greens - and won't even comment on their case.

The Labor minister was slammed this morning by 2GB radio host Ben Fordham for his apparent hypocrisy.

'Don't ignore the double standard here – the minister is happy to show compassion when there's enough publicity for him to look like a hero,' said Fordham.

'He'll step in to help one family but allow another to be kicked out of Australia. It exposes the hypocrisy of the federal government and politics of large.'

Pictured Above: Tamil family celebrate being allowed to stay
At home recovering after surgery

Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
Church Administrator, Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

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