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Gaoled Abos Bashed & Gassed for Bad Behaviour/The Softies Grizzle Big Time!

Started by Br.IanVonTurpie, Mon 25 Jul 2016

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Black Muslim Waleed Aly uses Australian Television to Insult White Australia

I can safely bet that this black turd hasn't had an Abo come up to him and demand, "Hey White c*nt, give me a f*cking smoke!" Or had his head cracked open, ribs cracked, teeth snapped, jaw broken, nose flattened or eye sockets caved in while Abos shouted "WHITE C*NT!" at him? How about attempted to burn his home down with him in it using a gas bomb while he slept? Attempt to murder him? Attempt to murder his dog? Murder his friends? Attempt to break into his home and destroy the entire place? Burn his car? Slash his tyres? Threaten to skin him alive and wear his WHITE SKIN as a trophy? Try and bring around "the black brothers" so seven of them can take on two Creators and still bloody lose ... useless black bastards ... only to call the coppers bitching about White Racists attacking poor black fellas? How about Abos calling the coppers to have Aly taken away because Aly's asleep in bed and Abos think it's fun to make up bullsh*t about the White man the black Muslim? How about terrorising poor old White women? How about whispering "Racist" and "Nazi" into those poor old dears ears until they are so petrified they either panic and run or they turn on every other White person in the neighbourhood out of fear of being labelled RACIST? I know, because I've lived all of that and worse, but Aly, the rich TV darky with his high-class traitorous White whore of a wife doesn't know sh*t about real life.

Because of Aly's bullsh*t on national TV tonight, you KNOW that more innocent White Australians - mainly kids - are going to be bashed, going to be hospitalised and murdered, because locking up Abos - any blacks, Asians, Muslims or anything else that just isn't White - is such taboo in Australia, that even the coppers wont lay charges against them if they can get away with it. Coppers know how it is; the courts will drop the charges the moment any minority says that magic word: "RACIST!" So the coppers are relegated to locking up Abos for their own safety - everybody's safety - rather than actual acts of criminal violence that they have committed.

Face it, it's a fact: The life saved by locking up a f*cked up Abo maybe yours or a loved one's ... But WHITE LIVES DON'T MATTER to Aly, his journo mates, judges or your traitorous governing body that you stupidly elected.

F*ck Waleed Aly! He needs that Gold Logie (TV) awards statue of his hammered so deep into his head the gold shines out his arse. Martyr the bastard before he martyrs you.


Waleed Aly urges compassion for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander deaths in custody

Rohan Smith | (Australia) | 19 August 2016

Extract: WALEED Aly has expressed dismay over Australia's willingness to accept black deaths in custody.

He says "Black Lives Matter" overseas, but Australia is "not at a point where we can fully accept that".

The Project host used Friday night's editorial to tackle the huge number of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders being locked up in Australian prisons and the tragic deaths we accept as a normal part of that process.

"I learned in school that the last person to receive the death penalty in Australia was Ronald Ryan, hanged in 1967," Aly said.

"But the truth is, we still have the death penalty. Clearly death is still a penalty we're OK with in this country. As long as, one, the person dying is indigenous, and two, their carers don't illegally murder them outright.

"The difference is, we don't even need their deaths to be signed off by a court anymore. And rather than their crimes being something serious like murder, sometimes the crime for which they're dying is failing to pay some fines.

"Or maybe they've not even committed a crime at all. They've just been detained for their own safety. And this is a penalty we've administered almost 400 times in the last 25 years."

Of those locked up in Australian prisons, 28 per cent are indigenous. That's despite indigenous Australians making up only 2 per cent of the Australian population.

That means the likelihood of being locked up is 13 times higher for indigenous Australians than for non-indigenous Australians.


"In other parts of the world right now, people are protesting that black lives matter. Clearly we're not at a point where we can fully accept that."

"But what I want to ask you is, now knowing everything I've just told you, do black deaths matter? I really hope the answer is yes."

Aly is calling on the national rollout of a Custody Notification Service, otherwise known as the CNS. It is a notification service that alerts Aboriginal Legal Services that an Aboriginal person is in custody.

Tom Whitty, The Project's supervising producer, co-wrote Friday night's editorial. [more ...]
Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
Church Administrator, Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

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Noli Nothis Permittere Le Terere
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"In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man, brave, hated, and scorned.
When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot."
Mark Twain.


A TEEN bloody boong linked to the allegations of abuse at Don Dale Youth Detention Centre faced Darwin Local Court yesterday on a raft of drugs, weapons and driving charges.

The teen, whose name is suppressed by a court order, indicated he would plead guilty to the offences during a brief hearing.

In total, the teen is facing 18 separate charges.

He appeared, via videolink, wearing a prison-issued orange T-shirt during the hearing which was over within a few minutes.

He is charged with supplying and possessing a trafficable amount of methamphetamine and possessing or carrying a controlled weapon.

He is also facing charges of trespassing, property damage, three counts of aggravated unlawful use of a motor vehicle and three of unlicensed driving.

He is also charged with two counts of stealing and the unlawful entry of a building.

The plea was set aside for an hour-long hearing because of the volume of charges, the court heard yesterday.
The Price is Reich!

Find me on Stormfront as QueJumpingAfghan where I have been banned!
Formerly Based in the Northern Territory
Now in Adelaide, South Australia
The Whitest City in Australia
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TEENAGER tear-gassed by guards at the Don Dale Youth Detention Centre has been jailed on a string of drug, stealing and weapons charges.

The 19-year-old, who cannot be named for legal reasons, pleaded guilty to nine charges stemming from a drug bust, a break-in, two petrol thefts and trying to sneak a hunting knife past court security guards.

Defence lawyer Matt Hubber said his client started to get into trouble with the law in his early teens, when his dyslexia made high school difficult and when a motorbike accident left him unable to play rugby league.

"He has been subject to some pretty ordinary treatment in Don Dale over the years," Mr Hubber said.

"His plan for the future, and it's a plan which his family has put together, is to move to Far North Queensland.

"It's just unrealistic to think he's going to get out (in Darwin) and things are going to change."

Prosecutor Steve Ledek said the teen was caught with 7.2g of meth and $1750 cash in late June. A week later he was caught by security guards with the 23cm knife in his backpack.

The court heard when police confronted him at the Darwin bus interchange he said: "It's for protection".

The teen was also charged over stealing two tanks' worth of petrol, a shop break-in and driving his mother's car without permission while unlicensed.

The boy, who has been in custody since August, told Judge Elisabeth Armitage he could be "on a plane (to Queensland) by Monday at 1 o'clock".

But Ms Armitage said he had been given too many chances and would be serving more time behind bars.

"You're not going to be on that plane," she said.

"Maybe you were not treated the way you should have been in Don Dale, but this is now your future," she said.

"So whatever has happened in the past, no doubt there are things you have to deal with (and) come to terms with, the fact is whether or not you continue to commit offences is in your hands."

She sentenced him to three months and two weeks behind bars. He is due for release in late November.
The Price is Reich!

Find me on Stormfront as QueJumpingAfghan where I have been banned!
Formerly Based in the Northern Territory
Now in Adelaide, South Australia
The Whitest City in Australia
Click to see map of Australia


Quote from: MSM on Thu 27 Oct 2016The 19-year-old, who cannot be named for legal reasons, pleaded guilty to nine charges stemming from a drug bust, a break-in, two petrol thefts and trying to sneak a hunting knife past court security guards.

Forgetting the other string of offences, If I was dumb enough to try to smuggle a hunting knife into a court house, I'd be immediately locked up without chance of bail and then sentenced to three years ... but then, I'm White.

Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
Church Administrator, Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

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Noli Nothis Permittere Le Terere
The only way to prevent 1984 is 2323
Joining the Creativity Alliance is Free

"In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man, brave, hated, and scorned.
When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot."
Mark Twain.

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