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Australian Police: Calling for a RaHoWa Against Jews is Now Legal

Started by Rev.Cambeul, Thu 07 Dec 2023

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Well, they did say Jihad was OK. So ... ???

Outrage as cops drop probes into alleged anti-Semitic 'hate speech' calling for jihad against Jews by western Sydney Islamic preachers

* Muslim clerics will not be prosecuted for speeches

* One had recited parables calling for Jews to be killed

Excerpt: Investigations into alleged hate speech by Islamic clerics against the Jewish population have been dropped completely by state and federal investigators.

NSW Police confirmed on Wednesday that the investigation into two Sydney clerics who had called for jihad against Jews had ended due to not meeting the threshold for incitement.

Despite the Australian Federal Police referring one of the sermons – delivered by 'Brother Ismail' – to its terror squad for �assessment in early November, investigators found that he had not committed any crimes.

Another cleric, Abu Ousayd, had also been accused of anti-Semitism after reciting parables which called for Jews to be killed.

Members of the Jewish community blah blah blah ad nauseam.

'The NSW state Police Force understands it does not meet the threshold of any criminal offence. There will be no further investigation into the matter.'

A spokesperson from the Australian Federal Police similarly confirmed that 'no Commonwealth criminal offences had been identified'.

Former Ambassador to Israel & current NSW Senator
(((Dave Sharma))) said "bla blah blah antisemitism."

In an video uploaded to a YouTube channel 'Brother Ismail' claimed that 'jihad is the solution' whether the 'Australian government likes it or not' and compared claims of Hamas terrorism to white colonialism in Australia.
At home recovering after surgery

Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
Church Administrator, Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

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Noli Nothis Permittere Le Terere
The only way to prevent 1984 is 2323
Joining the Creativity Alliance is Free

"In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man, brave, hated, and scorned.
When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot."
Mark Twain.


Radical Islamic preacher calls for a 'final solution' carried out by a Muslim army in shocking anti-Israel sermon in Sydney

Excerpt: An Islamist preacher has called for 'the final solution' and for Muslims worldwide to unite and establish an army to defend Islamic countries against the West.

Speaking at the Al Madina Dawah Centre in Bankstown, south-western Sydney, on Friday, a man known as Brother Muhammad raged about the ongoing war in Gaza.

'This is the barbarity, this is the inhumane nature of this Israeli-Zionist state,' he told worshippers in a video seen by Daily Mail Australia.

'The final solution is we must be united as one state under a Muslim government,' he said.

'All these lands must be united under one leader who implements the Koran and sunnah way of life: it will use its resources, its oil, its army to defend its people.

'The Muslim community needs a Muslim army to defend it and the lands of Islam ... to fight for them and protect them.

'This is the only solution ... everyone has to work for this cause in any way that they can.'

State and federal police have dropped investigations into various anti-�Semitic sermons in Sydney, saying the preachers' calls for jihad did not meet the criminal threshold.

The Islamic centre in Bankstown also made headlines last month when another Muslim cleric gave a sermon telling followers to 'kill Jews'.

He used the name Abu Ousayd, but was revealed to be well known extremist Wissam Haddad, who runs the Al Madina Dawah Centre.

He previously ran the al-Risalah Islamic Centre, also in Bankstown, which gained a reputation for promoting extremist ideology and recruiting Australian Muslims to fight in Syria.

At least one sheikh who lectured at that centre was tied to high ranking figures in terrorist group al-Qaeda, while two prominent members of ISIS who fought in Syria were regular visitors and personally known to Haddad.

That centre was investigated and later raided by Australian authorities in September 2013, closing a month later, which Haddad blamed on being unfairly targeted by ASIO and the media. [There were no arrests.]
At home recovering after surgery

Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
Church Administrator, Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

Crypto Coin Details in Forum Profile

Noli Nothis Permittere Le Terere
The only way to prevent 1984 is 2323
Joining the Creativity Alliance is Free

"In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man, brave, hated, and scorned.
When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot."
Mark Twain.


So, instead of saying:


Kill the Jews!

White Power!

We should just say:


Kill the Jews!


We would still end up with the same result: the annihilation of the Jews. We should just convert our church: instead of calling it the Church of Creativity, we should call it the Mosque of Creativity!

Then we can recruit the 2 billion Muslims in this world to our aid and finally exterminate the Jews!


You know what is strange. Our secret services always want Islam community save in our cuntry. They are  White because Turks had stolen children and islamized them. Our secret service want peace with them. But what about Creativity? It is same,we have RaHoWa instead of Jihad. Same can be peaceful and aggressive,it depends about situation. RaHoWa is here,like we it or not. Our police can also see multiracial problems all around borders inside and outside our state. I can not also deny it in job. Muds told me openly that they do not want us. Anti-eugenic society without having brain for recognize this inside our White garbage gene pool will result with anarchy and chaos.
I am still learning English. Please forgive any errors you may see.


Quote from: N567 on Sun 17 Dec 2023So, instead of saying:


Kill the Jews!

White Power!

We should just ...

Jews constantly promote the GENOCIDE of non-Jews in their Torah - They don't even need orders from their Tribal Spook...

How To Destroy A Nation – The Book Of Esther
From Nature's Eternal Religion, by Ben Klassen
Book I – Chapter 11

In the King James Version of the bible I have, there are a total of 39 "books" in the Old Testament. One of the most revealing of all these is the Book of Esther, which, more than any other, lays bare the essence of the Jewish programme, and the workings of the Jewish mind. It is the favourite book of the Jews. ...

It says the "Jews gathered themselves together in their cities throughout all the provinces of King Ahasuerus, to lay hand on such as sought their hurt : and no man could withstand them; for the fear of them fell upon all the people." How often this has happened in the ensuing centuries, as one people after another have become enslaved by the Jews! The first prerequisite is that the fear of the Jews falls upon the people. It next says that "Thus the Jews smote all their enemies with the stroke of the sword, and slaughter, and destruction, and did what they would unto those that hated them." Undoubtedly the King's lieutenants, following the order of their government, namely the King, were a great aid in helping the Jews do their murderous dirty work. We should remember that when the Jews came to power in Russia, in one of the bloodiest massacres in history, they killed 20 million of the best White Russians and thereby destroyed for all time any leadership or resistance that the Russian people might have had. We must also remember that it was White pilots who burned and slaughtered 300,000 White people of Dresden. It says they slew 75,000 of their foes. Esther also asked the King that Haman's ten sons be hanged upon the gallows. The King commanded it so be done and they were hanged. After it was all over the Jews celebrated and made it "a day of feasting and gladness." To this day the Jews celebrate the feast of Purim every year on the same day of the Jewish calendar month, which falls either in February or March.

The Jews just love the book of Esther. Why? Because Esther was typically Jewish. She deceived and betrayed her husband, the King, who had raised her to great heights and made her Queen. She betrayed the people of Persia over which she had deceitfully connived her way to become Queen. She betrayed her husband, her King and her country. But she was fanatically loyal to her race – the ultimate virtue in the eyes of the Jews – and rightfully so. The Jews love her because she was the epitome of Jewishness.
At home recovering after surgery

Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
Church Administrator, Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

Crypto Coin Details in Forum Profile

Noli Nothis Permittere Le Terere
The only way to prevent 1984 is 2323
Joining the Creativity Alliance is Free

"In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man, brave, hated, and scorned.
When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot."
Mark Twain.

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