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Australia: More Than 100K Foreigners Arrive in One Month for the First Time Ever

Started by Rev.Cambeul, Wed 17 Apr 2024

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Australia hits worrying new milestone as more than 100,000 foreigners arrive in one month for the first time ever - and housing crisis worsens

 * Monthly record of 105,460 migrants set in February

Excerpt: The landmark total is eight times the number of new homes approved and is set to further fuel the worsening housing crisis.

February's net intake of permanent and long-term arrivals was 105,460 - almost double January's 55,330 level, new Australian Bureau of Statistics data showed.

This occurred as a large number of {Chindian} international students moved to Australia for the first semester of the university year.

Australia's capital cities also have rental vacancy rates under one per cent as construction activity fails to keep pace with booming population growth.

The 12,520 houses, apartments and government units approved in February was only one-eighth the monthly net immigration arrival figure, with capital city rents surging by double-digit percentage figures during the past year.
At home recovering after surgery

Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
Church Administrator, Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

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Mark Twain.


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This Albo guy! It's equivalent to buying meat for 10 attendees at a BBQ but inviting 50 people!

Replacement & Displacement!

Only cares about Rich Chindians! Whitey ... get lost unless you have $$$!
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Formerly Based in the Northern Territory
Now in Adelaide, South Australia
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Anthony Albanese has defended Australia's multiculturalism as cracks in social cohesion emerge after two stabbing attacks in Sydney, while his attorney general called for men to end violence against women
{They're deliberately confusing a known retarded schizophrenic killing women because he couldn't get a root in a knocking shop with anti-women/masculine ideology on one hand, and an ideological Muslim with an innocent retarded victim of racism on the other. The result is Blame Men and Blame Whitey for both knife attacks.}

Westfield at Bondi Junction in Sydney has reopened after almost a week on from 40-year-old Joel Cauchi's stabbing spree, which killed six people, predominantly women.

There have been calls to designate the attack terrorism, if authorities find it was driven by an ideology of hate for women.

Two days after the Bondi attack, a 16-year-old boy allegedly repeatedly stabbed a bishop during a church service in front of a terrified congregation in Wakeley. He was charged with committing a terrorist act.

Authorities have gathered community leaders together in a bid to prevent retaliatory attacks against different communities, and to keep Australia's frayed social fabric together.

The prime minister said multiculturalism had overwhelmingly been a success and the nation was enriched by the diversity.

"Multiculturalism has been a part of modern Australia, and people in cities like Melbourne and Sydney live in in peace and harmony," he told 3AW radio on Friday.

"We need to like most things that are important in life ... make sure that we nurture our multiculturalism, that we at all times show respect for each other."

Asked if killing women could be made a terrorism offence, Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus said the nation had a scourge of male violence.

"I think we can talk about violence against women without blurring lines into something else," he said on ABC's RN.

"It is time for men to step up."

When asked if Cauchi may have been motivated by the anti-women incel (involuntary celibate) ideology, Mr Dreyfus said it wasn't appropriate to comment with an investigation ongoing.

Dreyfus also defended the decision by police and ASIO to label the stabbing of bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel during a service at a church in Sydney's southwest a terrorist act.

"This was a very distressing attack ... there is a very clear framework here," he said.

"The director-general of ASIO Mike Burgess has said that designation of a terrorism incident is one that's driven by ideology, whether that be religious or political motivation
The Price is Reich!

Find me on Stormfront as QueJumpingAfghan where I have been banned!
Formerly Based in the Northern Territory
Now in Adelaide, South Australia
The Whitest City in Australia
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