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Australia Appoints Anti-Semitism & Islamophobia Envoys to the UN

Started by Rev.Cambeul, Mon 30 Sep 2024

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Two reasons you should hate this:
 1. It's anti-White - solidification of the idea that They are more important than Us.
 2. It's a waste of taxpayer money.

To be fair, where's the Europhobia expert?

Excerpt: Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has named Jewish lawyer and business leader Jillian Segal as the nation's first anti-Semitism envoy, in response to the rise of Jewish people being targeted amid the ongoing Israel-Gaza conflict.

Ms Segal is an accomplished lawyer with experience serving on the board of the National Australia Bank and as a president of the Jewish supremacist group, the Executive Council of Australian Jewry (ECAJ).

Ms Segal will advise the prime minister and Multicultural Affairs Minister Andrew Giles on issues of anti-Semitism, and promote education and awareness of the issue.

Jewish people in Australia have reported feeling unsafe, with cases of children at Jewish schools being fearful of wearing their uniforms, Jewish business being targeted and the Australian War Memorial vandalised with graffiti that the prime minister said was anti-Semitic.

Ms Segal said "we need to be vigilant to protect our tolerant and peaceful way of life. Anti-Semitism erodes all that is good and healthy in a society — as such, it poses a threat not just to the Jewish community, but to our entire nation.

"Anti-Semitism is an age-old hatred. It has the capacity to lie dormant through good times and then, in times of crisis like pandemic, which we've experienced, economic downturn, war, it awakens."

The ECAJ commended Ms Segal's appointment, saying she would be able to inform the development of targeted policies, legislative proposals and programs which will address anti-Semitism.

"She will bring deep knowledge of the issues and immense energy to the role, and we are confident that she will carry out her duties with integrity and distinction," the ECAJ said in a statement.

Excerpt: A special envoy to combat Islamophobia has been appointed by the federal government, months after it named Australia's first anti-Semitism envoy.

Aftab Malik, a United Nations Alliance of Civilisations "Global Expert" on Muslim affairs, has been named as the government's Islamophobia envoy.

Mr Malik was born in Britain to Pakistani parents and migrated to Australia in 2012.

The government promised to appoint envoys in the wake of social disunity after ... Blah blah blah the latest excuse.

Jillian Segal was appointed as anti-Semitism envoy in early July, and the prime minister promised then the government would also name an Islamophobia envoy "shortly", noting the announcement had been brought forward in order for Ms Segal to attend an international conference on anti-Semitism.

Immigration and Multicultural Affairs Minister Tony Burke said the appointments would bolster the $90 million in initiatives already invested wasted by the government to tackle the ongoing impacts of the Hamas-Israel conflict in Australia.

As special envoy, the government says Mr Malik will listen to and engage with members of the Muslim community, religious discrimination experts and directly with "all levels" of government on combating Islamophobia.

In a statement, Mr Malik said he also looked forward to engaging with his counterpart, Ms Segal, "to bring our communities together on a common ground".

"Anti-Semitism and Islamophobia are not mutually exclusive: where there is one, you most likely will find the other lurking," he said.

The Goal?
Kill Whitey!
At home recovering after surgery

Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
Church Administrator, Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

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