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True Creativity?

Started by Rev.JoelDufresne, Thu 02 Feb 2023

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Quote from: Fortem on Tue 04 Apr 2023I am convinced and agree that the above is the only correct one. Very well and correctly explained.

Very true. Just because I don't write like Rev. Joel doesn't mean I disagree. That's why different people need to speak up. I write in one way, Rev. Joel writes in another, and others have their own styles. Together we are a Religious Community. That's how Creativity has always moved forward - right from Day One of the premier Church of the Creator under Ben Klassen.

Quote from: Fortem on Tue 04 Apr 2023Many unsuccessfully tried to show Creativity only through hatred and White Power slogans.
The above is the only correct way: to prove that Creativity is the only way to save the White Race and turn it from the path of degeneration and decadence and that
creativity is not what they think, the nazi skinhead movement.

"The nazi skinhead movement" was where Creativity ceased to move forward, and in actuality went backwards and ceased to be a Religious Community, becoming instead just a gang name for rejects. Good riddance to that era.

Quote from: Fortem on Tue 04 Apr 2023The fact that creativity is currently in a difficult and even non-existent position in the real world should not discourage us.

In a difficult position, yes. Non-existent in the real world, no.

The skinhead era lasted too long because the skinheads were easily used by profiteers and cranks. And then there's Stormfront - a Christian run money making enterprise run by the Blacks, that banned decent Creators while holding the skinhead morons up as the embodiment of Creativity. The Jew and the JOG be buggered! Without Stormfront, the skinhead influences would have disappeared completely within a few years. Instead they lingered, and decent Creators were forced to dump the public persona and adopt very private methods, preferring to work away from the internet in the real world, and actually get on with their lives. It's a fact, Creativity has changed - and for the better.

Creativity does exist in the real world. There are more Creators than any single person knows.

Quote from: Fortem on Tue 04 Apr 2023time has been wasted on ... the street trying to get hold of losers and a handful of parasites.

It's my job to keep out those types. About once a month I'm informed that someone else has decided they are taking control of Creativity, and that I am to hand over everything to them. Every single one of them is the type of parasite that you mentioned. However, a good proportion of them are following orders from their FBI Handlers. I am the point contact: Parasites, thugs, JOG Agents, profiteers, Christinsane, the generally insane, Satanists, faggots, fantasists, time wasters and more do not get past me.

Quote from: Fortem on Tue 04 Apr 2023We need capable people - soldiers, lawyers, administrative workers, construction workers, biologists...

And that is precisely who and what we recruit. Ordinary, decent folk from all walks of life.

Quote from: Fortem on Tue 04 Apr 2023So far time has been wasted on the Internet

Not so. The internet is the global domain for advertising anything in the 21st Century.

Complaints about "the internet" began with skinheads who could barely put two words together and would bitch if anything written was longer than a single short paragraph of a 160 characters or less not ending in the words "White Power!" They believed that all it meant to be a Creator was to have patches, swastika tattoos and "take over bars." If you were capable of writing anything more than a modern Tweet, then you were a univeristy trained spy/JOG informant. (Actually, that "take over bars" thing was Rev. Joel's from twenty years ago - so think about that.) Twenty years ago I merely disagreed with such complaints about "the internet"; but today, I not only deeply resent such complaints, I treat them as outright accusations. After all I've done and sacrificed, it's very difficult for me not take such accusations as a personal insult.

Considering we don't have access to Mainstream Media, or the alternative "Conservative" Media, we are shunned and treated as "Satanic" by the pro-White Christinsane, we cannot upload to video platforms, we are banned from all Social Media and most Internet Web Hosts, and labelled as a "Terrorist" group, we are lucky to have anything online at all. If it wasn't for me, sacrificing my own meagre finances, employment opportunities, time and effort, not a single pixel of the information available on this website and forum would be available anywhere to anyone.

Never mind the good people we have recruited, imagine all those people we have influenced over the last two decades that would have been lost without at least the initial influence of CREATIVTY? Considering everything that stands opposed to us, I say we've done pretty bloody well. Creators are the original influencers of the pro-White world.

The point is, Creativity is a community - no matter where it is or in what manner of media it is presented. We of the Creator Community all learn from and influence each other in a myriad of ways. For example, I have not checked today's email, but there's bound to be something from someone asking about joining. And while recruits are more often than not from the United States, today's recruit could be from anywhere in the world. As long as they are White, and decent folk, they are welcome to join Our Church. We are the Creativity Alliance.

That's True Creativity.

At home recovering after surgery

Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
Church Administrator, Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

Crypto Coin Details in Forum Profile

Noli Nothis Permittere Le Terere
The only way to prevent 1984 is 2323
Joining the Creativity Alliance is Free

"In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man, brave, hated, and scorned.
When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot."
Mark Twain.


Lots of skinheads have fallen into the lies of the media when it comes to pro-White thinking and are essentially the Hollywood Nazi types that are only in it for the image, which they think is badass, to gain some type of attention for themselves or fulfill some type of edgy politically incorrect satisfaction. Drug use and alcoholism is also heavily promoted and used within skinhead circles as well, which goes against Salubrious Living. Skinheads have a bad reputation for being drunk violent idiots; a good way to bring down any organization and let the feds infiltrate such groups.

With that being said, not every skinhead was a bad man, and I've spoken with a few that are well read, articulate, and very well read when it comes to their views; and those are the kinds that are hesitant to refer to themselves as a skinhead but they do have the dress down still (bomber, boots, etc) and I am more lenient to support the ones of that ilk.

Creativity is the step forward for the White race, the future of our race hinges on this faith. More and more people will come to Creativity as times get more turbulent and filled with strife. When RaHoWa hits, the food supplies will suffer and as history as shown people get pissed when the food supplies get low and they get hungry. That may be the final straw to finally get the White people off their ass and wake up. We will always have a devout core of racial loyalists who are the driving force of the resistance against the occupation of our Western White countries as it is today.

Infuriately lots in the pro-White movement are still fooled by the Jew-God of the Bible and the spooks of paganism. There is to a lesser degree Satanists, and such in the movement (in the case of AWD) but they are a minority and even the Christians can agree that Satanism is incompatible with pro-White ways of thinking.

Rise up ye White Warriors


Quote from: MarkH on Mon 17 Jul 2023
Christian Identity is a plague on our people. Some a very sincere but in my opinion they are sincerely wrong. My first deployment was in 2001 after being in the Marine Corps for about nine years. This was also my first run as a platoon sergeant. That platoon was a learning experience for me. I was fortunate enough to have three Hammerskins that worked under me. At this time it was not uncommon and it was a dont ask dont tell kind of thing. Point is these were three of the finest Marines I was ever fortunate to serve with. Those guys literally planted the seed for my awakening.  Two of them were later killed on their second deployments and I still talk to the third on occasion.  Creativity is the ONLY way in my opinion but there are some decent skinheads out there. The problem I think is their youth most times. I have heard good and bad about the Hammerskins and nothing about them in years, but the ones I served with were pure warriors. We ALL just needed people to shoot at us for the rest of our lives LOL.

I concur. Ideally a skinhead is a shock trooper, a sturmtruppen for RaHoWa but many of them do not live up to the warrior standard of the Hammerskins that you served with. I judge men based off of their merit and how they conduct themselves, rather than the way that they dress. So I'll give anyone who is racialist in their thinking an honest chance before I draw conclusions.

Christian Identity is probably the best type of Christianity out there, if such a thing does exist. White people are not the true Jews of the Bible, as a matter of fact the Bible has nothing to do with White people at all. We are not the descendants of superstition stuff like Adam and Eve. There is thousands of years of history of our glorious race and that cannot be taken away from us with some superstation belief like Christianity.

Either way, the time for Christian Identity in the movement is over. With groups like the Aryan Nations, and others where they had militias and such, yes that was admirable but that is not the case anymore and the influence that Christian Identity has now is more and more obsolete every single day.

People in general, whether they are pro-White in their thinking or not, just in general the White population is waking up to the Jewish lies of Christianity. People are moving away from Church in Europe and North America. Now, more than ever, and coming into the future is the time to promote the racial creed of Creativity. Creativity is the way forward for our people to move in a more direct racial way and live according to nature.
Rise up ye White Warriors


Quote from: MarkH on Mon 17 Jul 2023
You spoke about the Christian churches on the way out. A truer statement has never been spoken. I just saw on the news that their is a archdiocese in Jew York that has filed for bankruptcy protection.  Good riddance to them LOL. I'm sure you have heard about the movie concerning child trafficking.  It's no doubt the absolute truth, but I find it ironic that Mel Gibson a staunch Catholic is worried about child trafficking or quite frankly pedophilia as a whole considering the church of priest pedophiles he so adamantly supports.  Christian people are literally insane.

Hypocritical like most Christians. Like what Klassen points out in Nature's Eternal Religion, if you were to truly follow the teachings of Jesus Christ in the Bible it is literally suicidal. I'm sure the Catholic Church gives the teachings for the followers to "forgive" the pederast priests because it would be the "Christian" thing to do. Such lunacy is unacceptable and should not exist within a proper White society.

I believe that Mel Gibson is a Sedevacanist, like his father. His father was a staunch Holocaust Revisionist, right winger and a devout Sedevacanist; and I believe this is where Mel learned most of his views. Sedevacanists deny the Catholic Church after 1965 and view the popes who have came after the Second Vatican Council in 1965 to be illegitimate and still practice their masses in Latin.

Mel Gibson would be best to drop the stupid Christian Jew-God and come to terms with a more ethno-centric faith based on nature that we can see with our own eyes, and common sense logic like Creativity. At times he sounds very smart on the Jews and the muds but he is still very much brainwashed by the Jew-God that is preached from the Bible.
Rise up ye White Warriors


You're both right about the skinheads. Creativity's had its fair share of problems with them. The information is all over CREATOR FORUM - although relegated now to a single area. It's all over STORMFRONT and VNN FORUM too because the Christinsane that run SF and the arsehole that runs VNN are anti-Creator.

If you are looking for a simple explanation without the skinhead soap operas/drama, look to our Church History pages:
At home recovering after surgery

Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
Church Administrator, Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

Crypto Coin Details in Forum Profile

Noli Nothis Permittere Le Terere
The only way to prevent 1984 is 2323
Joining the Creativity Alliance is Free

"In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man, brave, hated, and scorned.
When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot."
Mark Twain.


Quote from: Rev.Cambeul on Tue 18 Jul 2023
You're both right about the skinheads. Creativity's had its fair share of problems with them. The information is all over CREATOR FORUM - although relegated now to a single area. It's all over STORMFRONT and VNN FORUM too because the Christinsane that run SF and the arsehole that runs VNN are anti-Creator.

If you are looking for a simple explanation without the skinhead soap operas/drama, look to our Church History pages:

That's a great history of the Church and the Creator movement from the start. I would of loved to of been involved with the early days of the Church and the times that followed; but alas, it was a little before my time.

Either way, the words of wisdom of Ben Klassen is contained with in the erudite reads of Nature's Eternal Religion and The White Man's Bible as well with the Racial Loyalty newsletters. Which, the Racial Loyalty newsletter was one of David Lane's favorite newsletters and he was an avid read of, so I've heard.

Creativity is needed more than ever for the future of our people. It is the ideological perfection of pro-White thinking, the time for Creativity to rise to the forefront of the pro-White movement is NOW! Nature's Eternal Religion should be on the shelves of every single White family across the world.
Rise up ye White Warriors

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