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Capitalism vs Whites

Started by Rev.JoelDufresne, Wed 13 Sep 2023

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Capitalism vs Whites

When looking at threats to our Breed none stands out quite like Capitalism.

It's alluring to think that in this tiny little package a man could save himself, his family or own the world.

It's been packaged like this for years and people still follow its narcotic allure.

Despite years of outright examples of the rich getting richer and our families never quite making it, the people still demand it, despite our children falling behind, despite falling wages, even though unchecked immigration is used merely to keep it alive,and despite its abuse by Zion, whites the world over fight for it even though this has been the one solution for our enemies and their campaign to divide us since time immemorial.

Capitalism brought in the Mexicans, Puerto Ricans, Asians and Africans to work in American and European fields, factories and the homes of the rich.

After all, the Whites didn't want to do the work did we?

Even though there are literally millions of our people unemployed.

Somehow our billionaire task masters decided we didn't want to work so they needed to bring in cheaper labor to do it, and it wasn't at all about the pay differential and the win fall profits, it was about freedom and equality but then it always is, isn't it?

Thus we were given the non-White immigrant, who are very convenient until they wise up and demand more of those dollars everybody goes crazy for.

They build them barrio's, ghetto's and slum's and by all means despite the cost to the PEOPLE rinse, repeat and do it over and over again until our Nations choke on them.

But the conservative will look to me and say well obviously we can't do that we'll just pass laws to forbid it, and we'll issue them permits and paperwork and our Capitalist wonderland will be safe and orderly.

And I will say to all of you...

When Capital becomes your (ISM) it becomes the centerpiece of your culture and way of life.

Said and unsaid it will find a way to dominate every aspect of our lives and give tacit approval to everything from the oppression and exploitation of the poor to the mass introduction of their third world coworker's.

And when you give rise to these poor and oppressed classes you give rise to the parasitic rich bourgeois liberal and all of their hybrid marxocapitalist nonsense.

Look at the treatment of Whites by the Royalty of Europe and the Business oligarchs of America and you will see the true nature of Capitalism.

Whether it was Russian serfs or the American hillbilly our people were oppressed, not only by Orthodox, Protestant, Catholic, Anglican and later Evangelical hoax's but by our own leaders.

Capital might have owned the crown but God held the whip to the poor and kept our ancestors in line.

Don't want go to hell? well, walk the line because the desert god hates the willful and the proud, so bend that neck until it breaks.

These sect's managed to supplement the peoples want of a god with a two faced sufferer and convinced our people that profits were rewards for hard work even if it screwed ones neighbor, land or family.

Hollywood and the Media are essential to our Capitalist owners the world over.

The task masters keep us fat with tons of processed food (we'll call it bread) and the Media provides us with something that can't be described as anything but a circus.

Capitalism fueled colonialism, gave rise to slavery, integration and now assimilation.

Our peoples oppressors whether their victims were Ben Smith, Kathrine Ainsworth, Sacco and Vanzetti, The light brigade, serfs, red shanks, white trash or the most hated one of all the modern white European/American are and were oppressed in the name of the same thing (Capital).

Look at the hatred exercised against Russia for not wanting to see Ukraine be the next California, or Kiev the next Detroit.

The actions of our bourgeois elites on behalf of our oligarchy toward the Rus borders on the insane but guess what?

It's all in the name of capital.

Nations and Corporations invested almost a trillion dollars since 2014 to destroy yet another nearly pristine White Nation.

Hell, a Zionist even got so called White Nationalists out there to fight against their own kind with some transgender Mexican as their spokesperson.

So Capital once again set our people against themselves, which is the same story of the same scam "Freedom is Capitalism" even though all this freedom appears to be the only in the places being drown in non-Whites, wage slavery and militant anti-White Zionism.

Somehow, if you can make a buck selling white kids thongs you should have that FREEDOM but a one doesn't have the FREEDOM to speak ones mind do we?

I'll just say it like this I've read all the Anticommunist hand bills and I agree with most of it, but I've lived through Capitalism and let's face it sometimes it isn't Zion sometimes its us and so long as we hold on to this system its our fault.

Our shackles are made of fools-gold and always have been.

But really who can we blame for it all?

America's traitorous greedy globalist oligarchy? The American government? Zionists? The Media? Or me and you?

We not only accept but promote our own poison, we shackle our own minds, and by the looks of it we'll fight for anyone who flatters us.

So the question remains who is to blame?

How can we fight back, which way can we turn?

The answer is simple we only need to break ourselves from societies dead cultures and from the systems dead economics to offer all of our people a way out of this mess.

Speaking to all people of European decent whether of Germanic/Celtic/Roman/Greco/Slavic ethnicity and regardless of religion we must cultivate an alternative for all of our people based on the principles set forth by Ben Klassen regarding Racial Socialism.

Active and substantial care and concern for kith and kin and community.

Concrete rights based on the traditional rights of our ancestor's.

Common sense social welfare programs to help those who might need assistance and to protect those who cannot protect themselves.

Limits on animal testing, pollution and strict regulations on corporations.

Some people will say aren't there people who preach the same things today.

True but I'm sure they'd work better if the people who proposed them weren't owned by said corporations.

But all and all, I don't claim to know economics but I know right from wrong and I can see that if things don't change, the last change we'll see will be the extinction of our people.

So, please step forward, stop looking back and help change the future of our people and the world.

Blood and unity is the only solution to the problems we face.
Joel Dufresne #257173
Lakeland Correctional Facility
141 First St
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