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2024-03-14 Canada: Are Libtards Claiming Tucker Carlson as the New Ben Klassen?

Started by Rev.Cambeul, Sun 17 Mar 2024

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Dear modern confused Conservative,

This is what we told you people decades ago when you accused us of being extremists and attempted to deny us our right to Freedom of Speech. We warned you and you refused to listen, and the time is now here when a moderate voice that speaks up in disagreement is shouted down under the threat of imprisonment and murder. We live in a time when a vote for the wrong party is justification enough to call for your placement in so-called re-education camps. We live in a time when sitting members of government call for violence and murder against the White majority of the population because that same government has declared that White people are the biggest threat to peace and democracy.

Consider Tucker Carlson. Unlike today's disingenuous teleprompt reading newsreaders, Tucker still has journalistic principles. He is a genuine voice of moderation amongst a plethora of screaming anti-White extremism. A man that sticks to the facts rather than feelings. A law-abiding man with morals that has refused to change his beliefs based on whom it is that pays his salary. Tucker was sacked from North America's most successful news report in history, at the demand of the Anti-Defamation League - a Jewish Supremacist group that dictates to mainstream media, online social networks, government and government agencies. When the FGO ADL barked, the two (debatedly) most powerful men on Earth, POTUS Biden, and globalist media tycoon, Rupert Murdoch, leaped to OBEY! All because Tucker Carlson is a White man that unflinchingly told the unpopular truth. Tell me, who is it that rules America?

While Tucker is undoubtedly a good, decent and moral White man, he certainly is no Ben Klassen. I assure everybody reading this that Tucker Carlson will definitely not be taking up any position in the Church of Creativity, now or in the future.

It was decades ago that you Conservatives accused us of being extremists. It is now that we can say, we told you so. And it's too late. Now we tell you that this mess that you made is not a mess that you can vote your way out of. You cannot vote your way out of a hangman's noose!

It's either fight or die. What's it going to be, White man?

@Reverend Cailen Cambeul,
Church Administrator - Creativity Alliance,
Incorporating Your Church of Creativity.

Canada's Right Is Moving Further Right—And Closer to the U.S.

Tess Megginson | Time (USA) | 14 March 2024

Excerpt: In late January, Tucker Carlson visited Canada, meeting with influential Canadian politicians and political commentators. Speaking at an event hosted by Alberta premier Danielle Smith, he mocked Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in front of thousands of Canadian spectators. But why did a media personality known for courting the far right in the U.S. visit Canada to comment on its politics? And why did he have such a strong support base there?

Since the 1980s, though, the right in the United States and Canada has worked to strengthen its relationship. More recently, far-right groups in both countries have found common ideological ground that helps empower right-wing leaders and supporters in both countries.

Liberal leaders also worked to craft an identity in opposition to their southern neighbor. They criticized the imperialism and racism in the United States that they claimed did not exist in Canada and encouraged economic distancing between the two.

Liberal Pierre Trudeau was elected as Canada's Prime Minister in April 1968 and became the country's first leader to reach a "celebrity" status outside the country.

But Trudeau encouraged distancing Canada from the United States, not just in ideology, but in economic ties. While the U.S. had an embargo against Cuba following the Cuban Revolution, for instance, Trudeau strengthened ties between the country and Canada, declaring "Long live Cuba and the Cuban people, long live Commander Fidel Castro."

In October 1970, Trudeau made headlines across the world after he gave the federal government the power to suspend civil liberties under the War Measures Act for the first time in peacetime. Under this Act, Trudeau declared a state of "apprehended insurrection" in Quebec after Members of the Front de libération du Québec (FLQ) kidnapped the deputy premier of Quebec and a British diplomat, and after hundreds of bombings and robberies around the province that left six people dead.

Major U.S. media outlets reported on the crisis. The U.S. media struggled to reconcile Trudeau's image as a progressive liberal leader with his actions under the War Measures Act.

As those on the U.S. and Canadian left struggled to find common ground, the 1980s saw closer ties between the Canadian and U.S. right.

When Canadians voted conservatives into power in Parliament in 1979, it resulted in the first Liberal defeat in 16 years. The 1984 election of Brian Mulroney resulted in Canadian conservatives embracing policies that were further right, growing closer to the ideology of the right in the United States.

As politicians on the right in the United States and Canada worked to strengthen diplomatic relations between the two countries, far-right activists and organizations have also strengthened cross-border ties. Ben Klassen, for instance, was raised in Canada, but founded the Church of Creativity—a white supremacist church—once he moved to the U.S.

Now, as the Canadian far right has gained more power domestically, these connections have deepened. In 2022, a trucker convoy took over the downtown of Canada's capital, Ottawa, to protest the vaccine mandate for truck drivers crossing the Canada-U.S. border. The trucker convoy itself seemed to signal how the ideologies of the U.S. and Canadian right had converged.

In this way and others, the far right in the United States is helping to empower the far right in Canada. The ideological gap between the Liberals and Conservatives in Canada is growing larger as the far right gains more influence in the Conservative Party.

A week after Tucker Carlson's visit, Conservative Premier Smith's government banned gender-affirming care for children under the age of 15 in the province of Alberta. Prime Minister Trudeau observed that "the most anti-LGBT policies of anywhere in the country" had passed one week after Carlson visited the province, condemning Premier Smith's decision. In fact, the Liberal Party frequently compares the Conservative Party to Republicans, even claiming the Conservatives are embracing "MAGA" policies.
At home recovering after surgery

Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
Church Administrator, Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

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