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2020-10-06 Pennsylvania: Skinhead Race-Traitor Hardy Caroll Lloyd Released

Started by Rev.Cambeul, Thu 08 Oct 2020

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Quote from: Br.IanVonTurpie on Sat 21 Aug 2021This clown has been on here saying how he thinks the German Alliance with Japan was good.

Such an alliance is not enough, the whole world should ally together to annihilate the Jewish race!


White Power!


Quote from: N567 on Fri 26 Nov 2021
Quote from: Br.IanVonTurpie on Sat 21 Aug 2021This clown has been on here saying how he thinks the German Alliance with Japan was good.

Such an alliance is not enough, the whole world should ally together to annihilate the Jewish race!


White Power!

I think the Curry munchers and Gooks in particular have learned a lot from the Jew$ and now they use the same tactics .
What you do learn from travel is that ina Western nation you have it good! You take things for granted.

I've seen less fortunate people in Indonesia and Egypt trick you to get into your pockets! They have no welfare and are rat cunning! They've been "around the block ". If they get no money they go hungry . You think you won't get tricked .... But unless you are told of their trick before you go ... they'll get in your pockets!
They use that third world cunning when they come here.
The Price is Reich!

Find me on Stormfront as QueJumpingAfghan where I have been banned!
Formerly Based in the Northern Territory
Now in Adelaide, South Australia
The Whitest City in Australia
Click to see map of Australia


Quote from: Br.IanVonTurpie on Fri 26 Nov 2021I think the Curry munchers and Gooks in particular have learned a lot from the Jew$ and now they use the same tactics .
What you do learn from travel is that ina Western nation you have it good! You take things for granted.

I've seen less fortunate people in Indonesia and Egypt trick you to get into your pockets! They have no welfare and are rat cunning! They've been "around the block ". If they get no money they go hungry . You think you won't get tricked .... But unless you are told of their trick before you go ... they'll get in your pockets!
They use that third world cunning when they come here.

The crime rates and corruption in these 3rd world countries are off the charts.

Majority of the people working in the government, religions, charities, activist groups, and companies, embezzle money from these organizations which is why projects are either never finished or are badly executed because of a lack of funds.

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