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2015-05-20 England: Flyering in Cheshire

Started by JamesCostello, Sun 24 May 2015

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No Br Ian.. believe me, at the minute they are squealing about the stickers and posters, but know that they are not 'illegal' and in themselves can't be called 'hate crime'. Essentially, if and when one of us does get a knock at the door, they have nothing, and will not be keen to take it to court.. more a 'please don't do this anymore'.

Now, if something happened in regards to a tangent, such as you suggested, they will fall on us like a towerblock. This would be then used to hammer us anytime we get coverage.


... Still .. The individual would have taken it upon themselves to remove the sticker/flyer . Had they have not have made their own choice to do this they wouldn't have done this to themselves! You can't be to blame because somebody made their own choice to pull it down with out the use of adequate PPE or the correct tools.

It is a bit like saying "Well I picked up the phone receiver on the Phone booth and I think Mr Brown was the guy that put the LSD  solution on it , he knew it was absorbed through the skin. Mr Brown has been prosecuted for dealing LSD before."
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