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2003-03-00 Montana: Over 4000 Creator Books Destroyed & Desecrated

Started by Br.Grimm, Tue 12 Jan 2010

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The main problem here is that we are battling 2000+ years of jew propaganda which teaches the destruction of the White Race at its core... The next problem is that we the believers of the principals laid down by our founding father Ben Klassen allowed a traitor not only in our religion but deep enough in our religion that he had access to "Our Holy Books". I speak from first hand experience, I do not see any relief coming from the judiciary government... The nigger who run the government for 8 years did extensive damage towards the White Race with his White Race hating judges he put in place that  it will take a long time to overcome his actions. For that matter until the nigger boy from Kenya who is a homosexual married to another nigger boy from Chicago who is a transsexual are sent to prison I will never have any faith in the judiciary system. I know this act of thief and destruction against our holy books is a hard blow to take, and i hope that we will receive some  help from our judiciary system, but let this be a lesson learned about who we allow in our movement and teach our children and young people to be selective of who they allow in there circles... RaHoWa!!

Harold Wilson Jr is a multi-millionaire who claimed he would put his money and land at the disposal of the CREATIVITY ALLIANCE. We do not want it! This man abandoned his pet dogs - pitbulls - to die without food, water or shelter, chained on his property on Union Grove Rd in Gladewater, Texas, on land he claimed he would give to CREATIVITY. We do not care how many years that Harold Wilson Jr has been a CREATOR, or that he was ordained by BEN KLASSEN. We want nothing from him. CREATORS CANNOT BE BOUGHT! Harold Wilson Jr should be HANGED for what he did to those dogs. He has therefore been EXCOMMUNICATED from the CREATIVITY ALLIANCE.

10456 & 10582 Union Grove Rd Gladewater, Texas 75647

257 County Rd 264 Beckville, Texas 75631


Harold Wilson Jr is known to have CREATIVITY ORIENTED TATTOOS upon his torso. We thank anyone that assists with their removal.

Reverend Dr Joe Esposito - Pontifex Maximus of Creativity
Reverend Cailen Cambeul - Church Administrator


Why would any white person burn our books? There is not reason for that, it can only be burn by world judea. They know that we want strong white race as Romans were in past who had been their deadly enemy. They know that if they allow our books that the would be nothing more than poor land in Middle east, they know that would all path goes not in Jerusalem than in Rome again, they know that they can forget about their dream of Pax judaica. They know that in  Creativity do not exist national division not genetic degradation who would produce stupid rabbits in hand of enemy as they do in past. Creativity is end of judaism and eternal life if the white race.
I am still learning English. Please forgive any errors you may see.

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