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2024-04-03, 05:06:35


2024-04-03, 04:31:45
Mr Bond
Right Music For
Young Whites

6 Gorillian Copies Sold


2024-03-06, 11:33:45


2024-01-30, 22:01:22
RaHoWa!!! Good to be back! 🤚🏻


2023-07-29, 02:08:13
Edit: WE BEAT 'EM! F.T.V!


2023-07-24, 01:07:37
White Rights Right Now!
* * *
Another Win!
She was Rehired


2023-07-06, 11:47:20
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2023-03-15, 11:53:21


2023-03-01, 14:21:52
Audio Book
Eternal Religion

NER Audio Pt 1
NER Audio Pt 2


2023-02-21, 15:17:30
Are you reading NER? You should be. It's Founding Day. ;D RaHoWa!!! Hail Ben Klassen!!!


2023-02-21, 15:01:39


2023-02-20, 18:48:05
75 flyers out this month. This is the last week of February. Are you getting your flyers out? R!


2023-02-13, 14:38:06
Put a flyer on or near a town sign. Take a pic & upload it to our Gallery.

Spread the Word of R!


2023-02-11, 05:32:36
25 flyers a week is all it takes, my fellow Prospects. Show your dedication and march forth with pride. RaHoWa!!!


2023-01-28, 23:22:16


2022-08-19, 22:07:58
Call out the Jewish menace daily.


2022-03-10, 09:28:45
March 10 RaHoWa Day
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2022-02-27, 01:49:13
The Church of Creativity thanks Sister Kerry's generous donation to PM Joe. RaHoWa!


2022-02-21, 06:44:59
Happy Holy Days! RaHoWa!


2022-02-21, 01:06:40
Feb 21 Founding Day
1st Publication of NER
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2022-02-20, 09:59:17
Feb 20 Klassen Day
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2022-02-07, 05:53:00
The Church of Creativity thanks Sister Kerry's generous donation to PM Joe. RaHoWa!


2022-01-20, 03:38:36
Happy Ray Day!


2022-01-18, 02:34:01
PM Joe just called and wishes everyone a

James Earl Ray Day



2022-01-16, 15:26:24
Happy to help. :ok


2022-01-09, 05:14:12
P.M. Joe thanks @Br.FelixRex for his latest donation. R! :ok


2022-01-01, 07:28:40
Today is the Seventh
& Final Day
of Festum Album

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Today is Purity Day


2021-12-31, 13:55:50
Today is the Sixth Day
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Today is Law Day


2021-12-30, 06:25:49
Today is the Fifth Day
of Festum Album

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Today is Memorial Day


2021-12-29, 09:37:30
Today is the Fourth Day
of Festum Album
& West Victory Day

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Today is Ingenuity Day


2021-12-28, 03:24:54
Today is the Third Day
of Festum Album

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Today is Unity Day


2021-12-27, 21:12:59
We need more nigger free holidays! Happy Festum Album >:D


2021-12-27, 02:21:45
Today is the Second Day
of Festum Album

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Today is Destiny Day


2021-12-26, 04:10:00
Today is the First Day
of Festum Album

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Today is History Day


2021-10-16, 02:25:32
Notice from PM Joe: The Zionist Swine are now rejecting mail with "Rahowa" included in it. Advises to use alt-:
R! 18! 23/23 31/23 W23


2021-10-07, 12:33:10
Check out our new Shortened Web LinkIt also works for all email addresses.


2021-09-28, 15:02:24
I agree with you Rev Cambeul. Fags must be killed using pneumatic cattle stunners and thrown into the trash compactors of garbage trucks before being thrown into the furnaces of waste-to-electricity power plants to be used as fuel for electric power generation and the production of ash fertilizer and fly ash concrete strengthener. RaHoWa! White Power!


2021-09-28, 15:00:09
It is great news to know that high testosterone badass Rev Joe Esposito is being released in 2023. He is a great asset to the White Power Movement! RaHoWa! White Power!


2021-09-07, 09:10:12
Kiddy fuckers are the worst kind of Faggotry. Gassing is too good for them. They need to be crucified.


2021-07-31, 07:34:02


2021-07-30, 06:37:18
R! Rev. Joe free in 23!


2021-07-29, 13:18:16
P.M. Joe sends @Br.FelixRex his thanks for his latest donation. RaHoWa!

Nigger Jokes

Started by Br.IanVonTurpie, Thu 25 Aug 2016

Previous topic - Next topic


Nigger Jokes and Racist Humor Jokes

These nigger jokes are for you . Just sit back and laugh at niggers !!

   What's the difference between dog * and niggers?
When dog * gets old it turns White and quits stinking.

What's the difference between a jew and a pizza?
A pizza doesn't scream in the oven.

What's the difference between a nigger and a snow tire?
A snow tire doesn't sing when you put chains on it.

What would you call the Flintstones if they were black?

Why don't sharks eat niggers?
They think it's whale *.

What do you call a nigger in a tree with a briefcase?
Branch manager.

How come there aren't any Mexicans on Star Trek?
They don't work in the future, either.

How do you stop a nigger from drowning?
Take your foot off the back of his head.

How do you get a nigger out of a tree?
Cut the rope.

What did the Alabama sherriff call the nigger who had been shot 15 times?
Worst case of suicide he had ever seen.

What do you get when you cross a retard with a gang banger?
Someone who spray paints on a chain link fence.

Why do niggers stink?
So blind people can hate them too.

What do you get when you cross a nigger and a spic?
Someone too lazy to steal.

Why don't niggers take aspirin?
They refuse to pick the cotton out.

What do nigger kids get for Christmas?
Your bike.

What's a niggers idea of foreplay?
"Don't scream or I'll cut you, bitch."

Why do spics drive low-riders?
So they can cruise and pick lettuce at the same time.

What do you get when you cross a jew and a gypsy?
A chain of empty retail stores.

Why don't nigger kids play in the sandbox?
Cats keep covering them up.

What do you call an apartment full of niggers?
A COON-dominium.

Why are there no nigger astronauts?
Their lips explode at 50,000 feet.

How do you babysit a niglet?
Wet his lips and stick him to the wall.

How do you get him down?
Teach him to say "Mother*er."

How else do you babysit a niglet?
Put Velcro on the ceiling and tell him to jump.

How do you get him down?
Invite the spics over, blindfold them and tell them it's a piñata

Why do jews have big noses?
Air is free.

What is a nigger on a bike?

What's long and black and smells like *?
The welfare line.

What do you call 50 niggers at the bottom of the ocean?
Good start.

What is the worst 3 years of a niggers life?
First grade.

How was break dancing invented?
Niggers trying to steal hubcaps from moving cars.

Why do niggers keep chickens in their back yards?
To teach their kids how to walk.

How do you know Adam and Eve were not black?
You ever try to take a rib from a nigger?

What is a nigger?
Proof that skunks * monkeys.

What's the difference between a dead dog in the road and a dead nigger in the
The dead dog has skid marks in front of it.

What did Abe Lincoln say after a 3 day drunk?
"I set WHO free?"

Why are chimps always frowning?
They know in a million years they are going to turn into niggers.

Why is interrogating a Mexican like a pool ball?
The harder you hit it the more English you get.

How many jews can you fit in a VolksWagon?
All of them if you put them in the ashtray.

A nigger and a spic jump off the Empire State Building, who hits
the ground first?
Who cares.

A nigger and a spic jump off the Empire State Building, who hits
the ground first?
The spic, because the nigger had to stop on the way down and
spray paint "mother*er" on the wall.

Why don't spics have barbeques?
The beans keep falling through the grill.

You hear about the new car made in Israel?
Not only can it stop on a dime, it will go back and pick it up.

What do you call an Ethiopian with a pickle on his head?
A quarter-pounder.

How many Ethiopians can you fit in a phone booth?
All of them.

How do you start a foot race in Ethiopia?
Roll a doughnut down the street.

How many niggers does it take to pave a driveway?
One if you spread him real thin.

How do you blindfold a chink?
Dental floss.

How do chinks name their kids?
They throw silverware down the stairs.

What's the difference between a nigger and a bag of *?

The bag.

What's the most confusing day in Harlem?
Father's Day.

When does a Black man turn into a nigger?
As soon as he leaves the room.

What do you call a nigger with a Harvard education?

What do you call a nigger in a courtroom in a 3 piece suit?
The defendant.

There is a nigger and a spic in a car, who's driving?
The cop.

Why is Stevie Wonder always smiling?
He doesn't know he's black.

How long does it take a nigger bitch to take a *?
9 months.

Why don't nigger women wear panties to picnics?
To keep the flies off the chicken.

Why does Alabama have niggers and California have
California got first pick.

Why do Mexican cars have those little steering wheels?
So they can drive handcuffed.

Why are niggers like sperm?
Only one in a million actually work.

What do you call Mike Tyson with no arms?
Niger nigger nigger.

How do you fit 100 Cubans in a shoe box?
Tell them its a raft.

Why do police dogs lick their ass?
To get the taste of nigger out of their mouth.

Why did the nigger carry a piece of * in his wallet?

What is red green yellow orange purple and pink?
A nigger dressed for church.

Why do niggers have flat noses?
That's where god put his feet when he was pulling off their tails.

Did you hear that the KKK bought the movie rights to Roots?
They're going to play it backwards so it has a happy ending.

What is the difference between a white owl and a black owl?
A white owl goes, "Who, who," a black owl goes, "Who dat? Who

Did you hear about the new Black Barbie?
It comes with 12 kids, AIDS and a welfare check.

What is black, white, and rolls off the end of the pier?
A nigger and a seagull fighting over a chicken wing.

What do you get when you cross a nigger with a gorilla?
A dumb gorilla.

What is the difference between Batman and a black man?
Batman can go out at night without Robin.

Did you hear about the new Chap Stick for niggers?
It comes in a spray can.

What's the difference between niggers and pit-bulls?
It's still legal to own a pit-bull.

What do you say to a black man in uniform?
"I'll have a Big Mac with cheese and a coke."

Why do niggers walk the way they do?
Because they spent the first nine months of their lives dodging a coat hanger.

What happened when the Ethiopian fell in the crocodile pit?
He ate six crocs before they could pull him out.

How do you stop a nigger from going out?
Pour more gas on him.

Did you hear about the nigger with insomnia?
He kept waking up twice a week.

What do you do if you run over a nigger?

Why do decent white folks shop at nigger yard sales?
To get all their stuff back.

Who were the three most famous women in black history?
Aunt Jemima, Diana Ross, and Mother *er!

Hear about the new bumper sticker that says "Run, Jesse, Run"?
You put it on the front of your car.

What do Stevie Wonder and Ray Charles have in common?
They're both niggers.

How come Stevie Wonder & Ray Charles can't read?
They're both niggers.

HEY! If you think these jokes are funny,
wait until you hear 30 of the funniest
racist country songs ever produced, like
"Some Niggers Never Die, They Just
Smell that Way." Click HERE.

Why do niggers wear wide-brimmed hats?
So pigeons can't * on their lips.

What do you get when you cross a nigger with a Vietnamese?
Nothing. There are some things even a Vietnamese won't do.

What's black and tan and looks good on a nigger?
A Doberman Pinscher.

What's the fastest animal in the world?
The Ethiopian chicken.

Did you hear about Evel Knieval's new motorcycle stunt?
He's going to ride through Ethiopia with a sandwich tied to his back.

Why was golf invented?
So white people get a chance to dress like niggers.

What do you do if you see a nigger with half a head?
Stop laughing and reload.

Why did god create orgasms?
So niggers know when to stop.

Why did god give niggers rhythm?
Because he *ed up their hair, nose and lips.

Why are so many niggers moving to Detroit?
They heard there were no jobs there.

Why can't nigger women become nuns?
Because they can't get used to saying 'superior' after 'Mother'.

How do you fit 15 niggers in the back of a Cadillac?
Don't worry, they'll figure it out.

What's yellow and black and makes you laugh ?
A bus full of niggers going over a cliff.

How do you stop a nigger from drowning?
You don't.

Whats the differance between Afghanistan and Christmas?
Christmas will be here this year.

Whats blue and hangs in my front yard?
My nigger I can paint him whatever color I want.

Why do seagulls have wings?
To beat the niggers to the dump.

What's a crying shame?
When a bus full of niggers drives off a cliff and there were 3 empty

What do you call an Ethiopian with a feather up his ass?
A dart.

Why did the Jews wander in the desert for 40 years?
Because one of them lost a quarter.

What does N.A.A.C.P stand for?
Niggers Are Always Causing Problems

How many spics does it take to have a bath?
Five, one to lie in the tub and four to spit on him.

What do a nigger and an apple have in common?
They both look good hanging from a tree.

Why are niggers always buried 12 feet deep?
Deep down they're good people.

What's the difference between a porch monkey and a yard ape?
The length of the chain.

What's black, orange, and very pretty?
A nigger on fire.

What do you have if you've got a nigger up to his neck in cement?
Not enough cement.

How was copper wire invented?
Two jews fighting over a penny.

How do you starve a nigger?
Hide his welfare check under his work boots.

How do you get 12 niggers in a Volkswagen?
Throw in a welfare check.

How do you get them out?
Throw in a job application.

How does a black woman fight crime?
She has an abortion.

What do you say when you see your T.V. floating around at night?
"Drop it nigger."

What happened when the nigger looked up his family tree?
A gorilla * on his face.

Why don't niggers like blowjobs?
They don't like any jobs.

What do you call a nigger priest?
Holy *.

Why do niggers put their garbage out in clear plastic bags?
So mexicans can window shop.

Why do mexicans buy Cabbage Patch dolls?
Because they come with birth certificates.

Why don't mexicans have any Olympic teams?
Because all the mexicans who can run, jump, or swim have already left the

Why don't mexicans play hide and seek?
Because no one will look for them.

Why do mexicans have re-fried beans?
Have you ever heard of a mexican doing anything right the first time?

How can you tell a mexican airline?
It's the one with hair under the wings.

What do you get when you cross a mexican with an octopus?
I don't know but it sure can pick lettuce.

What are three things you can't give a nigger?
A black eye, a fat lip and an education.

What do niggers use to wash their white clothes?

Why can't spics be firefighters?
They can't tell Jose from hose B.

What did the nigger say when he slid down the zebra?
Now you see me, now you don't, now you see me, now you

What is the difference between a pair of jeans and an Ethiopian?
A pair of jeans only has one fly on it.

What word starts with "N" and ends with "R" that you never want to call a black

What do you call two Ethiopians in a gold sleeping bag?

Why is a Spic like a Skunk?
Beause they're half balck and half white, and smell like *.

What's the difference between a nigger and a letter?
You can send a letter back to where it came from.

What's the difference between the holy grail and a nigger's daddy?
You may find the grail.

What is black, runny, and scratches on glass?
A nigger in a microwave.

What do you call 9 mexicans in front of your house?
A spicket fence.

How does the navy use niggers?
They debone them and use them as wetsuits.

Do you remember the nigger family on the Jetsons? No?
The future looks pretty good!

Did you hear about the nigger that thought he was bleeding to death?
Turns out he just had diarrhea.

Why don't jews like oral sex?
It's too close to the gas chamber.

Why don't you run over a nigger on a bike?
Its probably your bike.

What do you call 50 niggers burried up to their necks in dirt?

Why do niggers drive with their windows up?
They think the smell is coming from outside.

Why do niggers eat tootsie rolls with a fork?
So they don't bite their fingers.

What do you call two nigger cops on motorcycles?
Chocolate chips.

Why don't niggers celebrate Thanksgiving?
KFC isn't open on holidays.

Why do niggers like basket ball?
It involves running, shooting and stealing.

What has four legs and a black arm?
A happy pitbull.

How do you know if a nigger is well hung?
If you can't fit your finger between his neck and the noose.

How many nigger college students does it take to screw in a
Only one, but he gets 6 credits for it.


Most of you are well aware that NASA sent several chimps into orbit before they risked a human. But did you know that NASA actually sent a nigger into orbit with a chimpanzee once? Of course, NASA will deny it - and for good reason because here is what happened.

Once the capsule was in orbit, the nigger watched the chimp like a hawk to see what it would do. It wasn't long before the chimp reached up and flipped a toggle switch on the panel directly over its head. The nigger then did exactly the same thing with the toggle switch on the panel over his head.

A little later, the chimp reached forward and made a minor adjustment to one of the rotary knobs directly in front of it. Once again, the nigger saw what the chimp did and did exactly the same thing with the rotary knob in front of him.

After several orbits, the chimp reached into a zippered pocket on its left sleeve and removed a small piece of paper. The chimp looked at the paper, folded it carefully, and returned it to the pocket.

Once again, carefully emulating the chimp, the nigger unzipped the pocket on the left sleeve of his spacesuit to learn the contents of the paper. Much to the nigger's dismay, there was no paper in the pocket. The nigger then feverishly searched every pocket of his spacesuit looking for the paper, but to no avail. There was no paper.

When the chimp was occupied elsewhere, the nigger carefully reached over and removed the paper from the chimp's pocket. Turning away from the chimp so that the chimp couldn't see, the nigger unfolded the paper. Here is what it said:

"Feed the nigger at noon."
The Price is Reich!

Find me on Stormfront as QueJumpingAfghan where I have been banned!
Formerly Based in the Northern Territory
Now in Adelaide, South Australia
The Whitest City in Australia
Click to see map of Australia


Why did Michael Jackson take a monkey everywhere with him?
He needed the spare parts.
Recovering after surgery.
Expect 3 Weeks. Pass it on.

Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
Church Administrator, Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

Crypto Coin Details in Forum Profile

Noli Nothis Permittere Le Terere
The only way to prevent 1984 is 2323
Joining the Creativity Alliance is Free

"In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man, brave, hated, and scorned.
When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot."
Mark Twain.


.. WEll just heard that Prince died He's been a composer for so long. He finally got the chance to be a de-composer.

"Prince" Now formally known as the artist who was formally known as the artist formally known as Prince.

What is the difference between Prince and my lap top? I ACTUALLY CARE WHEN MY LAP TOP DIES!

what did the Queen of England get on her Birthday?A DEAD PRINCE

What do you call the new bloke in Heaven? THE FRESH PRINCE.

My colleague just told me Prince died in a lift? PERHAPS HE WAS COMMING DOWN WITH SOMETHING BAD?!

When Prince was down in the lift who'd he see? SADDAM HUSSEIN.

The artist formerly know as Prince eh? well now he's called the artist that was formerly known as ALIVE!

A duck and a skunk are walking down the road and get hit by a car they wake up and both have amnesia the duck says I don't know what I am the skunk looks at him and says well you have feathers a beak and webbed feet you must be a duck the duck says yeah I'm a duck the skunk says well I don't know what I am the duck looks at him and says well you are half black and half white and smell like * you must be Puerto Rican

A black Jewish boy runs home from school one day and asks his father, "Daddy, am I more Jewish or more black?" The dad replies, "Why do you want to know, son?" "Because a kid at school is selling a bike for $50 and I want to know if I should talk him down to $40 or just steal it!"

What's another name for the Baltimore Riot?
Dawn of the Planet of the Apes.

A black guy walks into a bar with a parrot on his shoulder and asks for a beer. The bartender brings a beer and notices the parrot on his shoulder and says, "Hey that's really neat. Where did you get it?" The parrot responds, "In the jungle, there's millions of them."

What do you call a nigger in a suit?


Why do black women sit with their legs open ?

To keep the flies off the fried chicken

What do you do if you run over a nigger ?

Reverse and then drive forward again

Why can't Ray Charles and Stevie Wonder read?... BECAUSE THEY ARE BLACK!
How do you email OJ simpson? SLASH SLASH BACKSLASH ESCAPE.
Heard about the new poker rules the LAPD play? 4 CLUBS BEATS A KING!
What a black guy who goes to College? THE JANITOR!
What is the difference between the Lion King and OJ Simpson? ONE'S AN AFRICAN LION THE OTHER IS A LYIN' AFRICAN!

What do you call a bunch of NIGGERS buried up to their heads? AFRO TURF! WHAT DO YOU CALL A bus full of nigs,spics & kike's that falls off a cliff? A GREAT START!
What happens when a boat full of nigs sinks? THE EXXON/VALDEEZ!

What did the Alabama sheriff call the nigger who had been shot 15 times? Worst case of suicide he had ever seen.

What do you call a bunch of old niggers in a barn? Antique farm equipment!

What do you get when you cross a nigger and a gorilla? A dumb gorilla!

What do you call a nigger having sex? Rape!

How do you get a nigger out of a tree? Cut the rope!

What was missing from the Million Man March? About a thousand miles of chain and an auctioneer!

What does a nigger give his kid for his birthday? YOUR bike!

How do we know Adam wasn't black? Ever try taking a rib from a black guy?

What's long, dark and stinks? The unemployment line!

Why can't Ray Charles or Stevie Wonder read? They're niggers!

What's 8 miles long and has a combined IQ of 56? The Martin Luther King Day parade!

What's long and hard on a nigger? Third grade.

What would you call the flintstones if they were black? Niggers!

What's the difference between a nigger and a bucket of *? The bucket.

How do you starve a nigger? Hide his foodstamps under his work boots.

Why are trees so close in Harlem? Public transportation.

What do you call a nigger with a Harvard education? A nigger!

How do you keep a nigger from going out? Pour more gas on him!

How can you tell a nigger's just had sex? His eyes are all red from the mace.

What's black and brown and looks good on a nigger? A rotwheiler!

What do you call a white guy surrounded by 3 niggers? In trouble.

What do you call a white guy surrounded by 5 niggers? Coach.

What do you call a white guy surrounded by 1000 niggers? Warden.

Why do blacks have flat noses? That's where god put his feet when he was pulling off their tails.

How do you stop a nigger from drowning? Take your foot off the back of his head.

Why do niggers stink? So blind people can hate them too.

What is a nigger? Proof that skunks * monkeys.

What do you call an Ethiopian with a pickle on his head? A quarter-pounder.

When does a Black man turn into a nigger? As soon as he leaves the room.

Why do niggers walk the way they do? Because they spent the first nine months of their lives dodging a coat hanger.

How is a nigger like a broken gun? It doesn't work and you can't fire it.

Why do police dogs lick their asses? To get the taste of nigger out of their mouths!

Why are so many niggers moving to Detroit? They heard there were no jobs there.

Why do niggers carry * in their wallet? Identification.

What are 3 things you can't give a nigger? A black eye, a fat lip, and a job.

Why do Black People lean to the middle when they drive? They think the smells comin' from the outside.

What goes Fee Fi Foe Fee Fi Foe Fee? Mike Tyson giving out his phone number.

What do black people give their daughter when she turns 13? A baby shower.

Why do niggers wear high heel shoes? So their knuckles won't drag on the ground.

Did you hear about the nigger with insomnia? He kept waking up twice a week.

Hear about the new perfume for black women? It's called "Eau de doo dah day.

Why was the wheelbarrow invented? To teach Niggers to walk on their hind legs.

What do you call the New Orleans Superdome full of milk? Cocoa Puffs.

What's the difference between a nigger and a picnic table? A picnic table can support itself.

What do you call a black bowling ball? A nigger egg.

Why are blacks so tall? Their knee grows.

Why does Stevie Wonder always smile? He doesn't know he's black.

What's the difference between bigfoot and a working nigger? Bigfoot's been spotted!

Why do niggers and spics always have nice clothes, jewelry and cars but still live in *ty houses? They haven't figured out how to steal houses yet!

What's the difference between a nigger and a letter? You can send the letter back where it came from!

What do you call a black man in high school? Janitor.

How long does it take a female nigger to take a *? 9 months.

What does a nigger and sperm have in common? Only about 1 out of two million actually work.

Why are aspirins white? If they were black, they wouldn't work!

Top 10 reasons why there are no black NASCAR drivers...











What's the difference between an Ethiopian and a pair of jeans? A pair of jeans only has one fly on it!

What do you call a nigger drinking out of the toilet? Pushing his luck.

What do you call 10 niggers in a steam room? Gorillas In The Mist.

What do you throw a drowning nigger? The rest of his family.

Why did so few niggers vote for Jesse Jackson? He promised them jobs.

Did you hear about the nigger who had a heart attack on Halloween? Somebody came dressed as a job.

What do you call a French nigger? Jacues Custodian.

What do you call 5 niggers hanging from a tree? A Mississippi wind chime.

What do you call a nigger hitchhiker? Stranded.

What do you call a nigger after his white girlfriend breaks up with him? Homeless.

What's the difference between nigger pussy and a bowling ball? You could eat a bowling ball if you had to.

How do you get a nigger to commit suicide? Toss a bucket of fried chicken into traffic.

What do you call a nigger with an IQ of 15? Gifted.

What do you call a nigger with a regular job, who doesn't drive a lowrider, sleeps in the same bed every night, doesn't collect welfare, and doesn't rape White women? An inmate.

When is the only time you smile and wink at a nigger? When you are looking through the scope on your rifle.

Why are chimps always frowning? They know in a million years they are going to turn into niggers.

What can a pizza do that a nigger can't? Feed a family of four.

What is the best way to blow a gang-nigger? Pack his fat lips full of gunpowder and light his AFRO on fire!

Why did they only count 500,000 niggers at the million man march? Forgot to look in the trees.

Why don't nigger kids play in the sandbox? Cats keep covering them up.

Why do niggers keep chickens in their back yards? To teach their kids how to walk.

Why are there no niggers in the Flintstones cartoons? Because they were still monkeys back then.

Whats the difference between good niggers and bad niggers? Good niggers are locked up in the medium security prison.

How many polacks does it take to clean a bathroom? None, it's a niggers job!

What do you call an Ethiopian on a hunger strike? An Ethiopian!

How do you get a nigger to wear a condom? Put a Nike logo on it!

What is black, white, and rolls off the end of the pier? A nigger and a seagull fighting over a chicken wing.

What do you call two blacks on one bike? Organized crime!

Why are niggers getting stronger? T.V.s are getting bigger!

What do you call 100 parachuting niggers? Skeet!

What do you say to a nigger in a three piece suit? "Will the defendant please rise. "

What do a bicycle and a nigger have in common? Neither works without a chain.

How can you tell if a nigger is well hung? You can't fit your finger between the neck and the noose.

What do you do when you see a nigger with half a head? Stop laughing and reload!

What do you call niggers playing in leaves? Rasin bran.

Why do more niggers get hit by cars when it is snowing out? They are easier to see.

Why shouldn't you ever run over a nigger on a bike? Its probably your bike.

Did you hear about Ku Klux Knieval? He tried to jump 50 niggers with a steam roller.

Why was golf invented? So white people get a chance to dress like niggers.

Why does Alabama have niggers and California have earthquakes? California got first pick.

What is red green yellow orange purple and pink? A nigger dressed for church.

What is the difference between a white owl and a black owl? A white owl goes, "Who, who," a black owl goes, "Who dat? Who dat?"

Did you hear about the new Black Barbie? It comes with 12 kids, AIDS and a welfare check.

Did you hear about the new Chap Stick for niggers? It comes in a spray can.

Why do decent white folks shop at nigger yard sales? To get all their stuff back.

What word begins with "N", ends with "R", and you never want to call a black person? Neighbor.

What do you say when you see your T.V. floating around at night? "Drop it nigger."

What do society and jelly beans have in common? We all hate the black ones.

I heard that a nigger put Oder- Eaters in their shoes once and the next day all they could find were two shoe laces and a belt buckle!

A nigger and a spic jump off the Empire State Building, who hits the ground first?
The spic, because the nigger had to stop on the way down and spray paint "mother*er" on the wall.

How can an Ethiopian woman tell when she's pregnant? When she pulls out her tampon and it's half eaten.

What is black, runny, and scratches on glass? A nigger in a microwave.

What do you call a nigger priest? Holy *.

Why don't niggers like blowjobs? They don't like any jobs.

Why did god create orgasms? So niggers would know when to stop.

Why can't nigger women become nuns? Because they can't get used to saying 'superior' after 'Mother'.

What was the best thing about the protests in Jena, LA? Only one person missed work.

What did Zambia use before candles came along? Electricity.

Niggers truly could ruin a truckload of anvils.

Two little black boys were walking in the woods when a raccoon ran
across their path.
"That's what they call us!" said one of the boys.
"You mean," asked the other, "that's a mother*er?"

How do you make a nigger float?

Two scoops of ice cream; one scoop of nigger.

Too funny to ignore:

How was copper wire invented?
Two jews fighting over a penny.
The Price is Reich!

Find me on Stormfront as QueJumpingAfghan where I have been banned!
Formerly Based in the Northern Territory
Now in Adelaide, South Australia
The Whitest City in Australia
Click to see map of Australia


Blazing Saddles Nigger Joke
Followed by Sorrowful Vid about Alzheimers
YouTube Video Removed from Source

That Jew Gene Wilder is dead! HA HA! .. But he probably doesn't know he is dead?!

Gene wilder died .. I forgot about it already!

You know what's wild? A person can die from complications from alzheimers....EVEN WILDER IT'S ALWAYS IN THE GENES!
The Price is Reich!

Find me on Stormfront as QueJumpingAfghan where I have been banned!
Formerly Based in the Northern Territory
Now in Adelaide, South Australia
The Whitest City in Australia
Click to see map of Australia


The Price is Reich!

Find me on Stormfront as QueJumpingAfghan where I have been banned!
Formerly Based in the Northern Territory
Now in Adelaide, South Australia
The Whitest City in Australia
Click to see map of Australia

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