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The Dark Side Of Christian History

Started by Maritz, Tue 30 Dec 2014

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Chapters include :

  • Seeds of Tyranny
  • Political Maneuvering : Making Christianity Palatable to the Romans
  • Deciding Upon Doctrine : Sex, Free Will, Reincarnation and the Use of Force
  • The Church Takes Over : The Dark Ages
  • The Church Fights Change : The Middle Ages
  • Controlling the Human Spirit : The Inquisition and Slavery
  • The Reformation : Converting the Populace
  • The Witch Hunts : The End of Magic and Miracles
  • Alienation From Nature
Status: Currently On Leave

"We go back to the basic Laws of Nature : Take Care of Your Own, Love your Own. Hate your Enemies, Destroy your Enemies. The Law of Survival of your own kind is the Highest Law of Nature and Transcends All Others" - Ben Klassen


In summarizing the book, I thought the title below to be appropriate - it will be in four parts for easier digestion  ;)

A Real Case Against Christianity - Part 1

I have read many books on the origins of Christianity and it never ceases to amaze me how this new religion was forced down the throats of White Pagans by brutal force and intimidation until they were duped into believing it to be the religion of the White Race. The question that always comes to mind is why this "religion" had to be enforced on people ? If you`re going to create a new religion at least give people a choice if they want to accept it or not, and at least use your own symbolism, mythology and days of celebrations. Did these early Christians really think that they would be able to suppress the truth from those whose mission it is to search out the truth about the origins of Christianity and its twisted history ? The problem with anything that gets forced down your throat through fear, torture and intimidation, lies in the fact that there is something unnatural about it, something the people would not want to accept, something untrue. And this is exactly what we find when we examine the origins of Christianity, and fortunately for us, its all pinned down in historical facts, symbolism, mythology and days of celebrations which points to an earlier White Pagan spirituality. By stealing these elements from an earlier time, Christianity exposes itself as a fraud. Christianity changed natural, spiritual Paganism into materialized Christianity.

Although the early Christians lived in Rome, they made no attempt to assimilate into Roman culture, and like the Jews, they segregated themselves and saw themselves above the law. They were seen as traitors to the Roman state when they refused to profess loyalty to the Roman pantheon of gods. The Christians quickly became hated by the Romans and we read in Smiths` "The Death of Classical Paganism" the following : "They were 'the ultimate filth', a gang 'of ignorant men and credulous women', who 'with meetings at night, solemn fasts and inhuman food' made up 'a hole-in-the-corner, shadow loving crew', 'silent in public but clacking away in corners', 'spitting on the gods and laughing at holy things". Can you imagine ? Here we have a new religion that sees itself above the law and instead of moving out to a new land, they huddle together, spit and laugh at things which the Romans considered holy. Now you know why they were eventually fed to the lions. And this, a religion as late as 450, which still had at least 200 different gospels circulating in his own diocese. We read in the Catholic Encyclopedia that the "idea of a complete and clear-cut canon of the New Testament existing from the beginning, has no foundation in history" and, "In all the departments forgery and interpolation as well as ignorance had wrought mischief on a grand scale". Before I continue, there is another excuse that Christians so often use when defending Christianity, and that is the falsehood that "these things you mention was done by the Catholic Church and not the Christians". To this I say, the roots of Christianity lies in Catholicism. Catholicism is definitely not Islam or Judaism (the only three monotheistic religions), and although the authors are the same, Catholicism was early Christianity. In a similar way, a Protestant is not a Methodist or Presbyterian, but the one is an earlier form of Christianity.

The Roman philosopher Celsus had the following to say about the falsification of Christian writings in the second century, "Some of them, as it were in a drunken state producing self-induced visions, remodel their Gospel from its first written form, and reform it so that they may be able to refute the objections brought against it". Scholars have shown that all four canonized Gospels have been doctored and revised, despite Church prohibitions against any further research into the origins of the Gospels. The question arises, "Why prohibit research into the origins of the Gospels ?" Sounds like the Holocaust story. Once again Christianity exposes itself devoid of truth, but yet followers are to believe it`s the word of God. The Church continually found cause for changing that truth, while claiming that truth was static in nature and had been revealed only once, but despite all the efforts, attempts at uniformity did not entirely succeed. When looking at the four canonized Gospels, they contradict one another. Jesus goes from an aristocrat descended from David via Solomon to a being from humble stock to a poor carpenter. He gets visited by kings in Matthew during his birth and by shepherds in Luke. In Mark and Matthew we are told that Jesus's last words were "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me ?" According to John he said "it is finished", and according to Luke, "Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit". When we look at the resurrection scene we also find contradictions as to what people saw. 

Roman Emperor Constantine saw in Christianity a pragmatic means of bolstering his own military power and uniting the vast and troubled Roman Empire. This man who had his own son executed and his wife boiled alive, found the Church`s insistence upon uniformity very appealing. The new religion incorporated Paganism into their beliefs, their Son (Sun) of God based on the Pagan Roman Mithra, who was closely related to the sun gods Helios and Apollo. Although Christians still don`t have any evidence when Jesus was born, the day that was chosen was the 25th of December, close to the winter solstice, the birthday of Mithra. Other similarities to the Mithra story includes the shepherds, the last supper and the ascension, being the most prominent. The Christian holiday of Easter, correlating to the sun's return to prominence around the spring equinox was stolen from Mithra's ascension. A cave-temple dedicated to Mithra in Rome on the Vatican Hill was taken over by Christians, making it the seat of the Catholic Church. Pater Patrum, soon became the title for the bishop of Rome, Papa or Pope, the title of the Mithraic high priest. Once again the question arises : Why steal the Pagan gods for your new religion ? When confronted with this plagiarism, the fathers of Christianity explained the remarkable similarities of Mithraism as the work of the devil, declaring the much older legends of Mithraism to be an insidious imitation of the one true faith. How can older myths be stolen from later ones ? Also interesting to note the use of the devil concept which  is exclusive to monotheism. The symbology was once again stolen from the Pagans, Pan the horned, cloven hoofed and flute-playing god. The difference between the Christian devil and Pan was that the former was used as an instrument of fear and intimidation for the weak of mind, while Pan like all the Pagan gods, was simply a personification of Natural Force.

The worship of Mary resembled the worship of faces of the Goddess, particularly that of mother/son traditions such as Isis/Horus, Juno/Mars, Cybele/Attis, and Neith/Ra, because Christianity paralleled Mithraism. To discourage her association with older pre-Christian faces of the Goddess, Mary's significance was diminished. Sacred sites and temples, once dedicated to pre-Christian goddesses, were rededicated or replaced with churches for Mary. Cybele's temple in Rome on the Esquitine hill was replaced by the the Santa Maria Maggiore. Isis's sanctuary, near the Pantheon, was adjoined to a church dedicated to Mary while another was built on a site which had been dedicated to Minerva. The temple of the Phoenician goddess Tanit was supplanted by the Santa Maria on the Capitoline in Aracoeli. Shrines that were Aphrodite's hallowed ground easily became those of Mary, who to this day is still called Panaghia Aphroditessa in Cyprus. Pagan temples were destroyed and pillaged. In the "The Death of Classical Paganism" we find written protest in 386 to the Roman government of Christian pillaging : If they [the Christians] hear of a place with something worth raping away, they immediately claim that someone is making sacrifices there and committing abominations, and pay the place a visit—you can see them scurrying there, these guardians of good order (for that is what they call themselves), these brigands, if brigands is not too mild a word; for brigands at least try to conceal what they have done : if you call them brigands, they are outraged, but these people, on the contrary, show pride in their exploits ... they believe they deserve rewards !

In 392 the Christians took their new religion to greater madness by prohibiting ancient, multi-dimensional Pagan worship, and made it a criminal activity. Christians believed in but one face of God, it was now legally enforced, due to one religion. Because they believed God controlled in an authoritarian manner, they set about finding a way in which they, in God's name, could exercise similar authoritarian control. Strangely enough, Judaism remained the only other legally recognized religion. Strange ? Not at all. Is this not what the Jews wanted, authoritarian control ? Is this not what we see today in our chaotic world of politics around the globe ? Indeed. But the control was to get far worse. In order to compel obedience the Church also developed a doctrine which justified its use of force and it was not long before the Church needed that doctrine to defend its violent suppression of heresy. Early heretics lent doctrinal validation to the Church's control of the individual and society in response to the tenets formulated. The heresies led to particularly significant new doctrine, especially the ones surrounding Pelagius, Origen, the Donatists and the Mannichaeans. By opposing Pelagius, the Church adopted Augustine's idea that people are in need of strong authority because they are incapable of choice and inherently evil. By castigating Origen's theories of reincarnation, the Church upheld its belief that a person has but one life in which to obey the Church or risk eternal damnation as well as its belief in the unique physical resurrection of Christ. With the Donatists, the precedent of using force to compel obedience was established while the Church demonstrated its willingness to abandon its own beliefs for political expediency with the Mannichaeans.

Activity in the fields of medicine, technology, science, education, history, art and commerce all but collapsed as the Church assumed leadership. Europe entered the Dark Ages. What was defined as civilization disappeared, but in spite of this the Church amassed immense wealth during these centuries. The Christian Visigoths sacked Rome which had held strong for 620 years and criticism of the new religion intensified. Could you blame the Romans ? Although Christian scholars fiercely defend Christianity in Roman times, historical facts shows that the new religion played a huge role in the collapse of the Empire. The eastern Roman Empire, also called the Byzantine Empire, fared better under Emperor Justinian's rule (527-565), but in 540 the bubonic plague struck claiming 10,000 people a day. In the end it is thought to have taken 100 million lives - the Roman Empire never recovered. The Church was the first to take advantage of the situation and further cement it authority by explaining that the plague was an act of God, and disease a punishment for the sin of not obeying Church authority. Justinian was branded a heretic and the field of Greek and Roman medicine was declared useless in fighting the plague, and to be heresy. As the Church strengthened with people flocking to the Church in terror, the plague assured the downfall of the Roman Empire. So it was no surprise that the Church dominated the formal discipline of medicine after the plague. A common medical practice between the sixth and sixteenth centuries used for every malady became "bleeding", and Christian monks taught that bleeding a person would prevent toxic imbalances, prevent sexual desire, and restore the humors. This practice would kill tens of thousands each year, yet, when a person died during blood-letting, it was lamented that treatment had not been started sooner and performed more aggressively. The Church could never be wrong, how could they ? They were Gods representatives on earth !

With the Church becoming the most cohesive power in Western society, technology disappeared. Extensive aqueduct and plumbing systems vanished, after all, Orthodox Christians taught that all aspects of the flesh should be reviled and therefore discouraged washing as much as possible. Disease became commonplace as sanitation and hygiene deteriorated with the disappearance of toilets and indoor plumbing. Epidemics decimated towns and villages for hundreds of years while the Roman central heating systems were also abandoned. In the scientific community the losses were monumental. The burning of books and repression of intellectual pursuit by the Church set humanity back as much as two millennia in its scientific understanding. Pythagoras had come up with the idea that the earth revolved around the sun in the sixth century B.C.E.; Aristarchus had outlined the heliocentric theory and Eratosthenes had measured the circumference of the Earth by the third century B.C.E.; and Hipparchus had invented longitude and latitude and had determined the obliquity of the ecliptic by the second century B.C.E. It would not be until the sixteenth century C.E. that Copernicus would reintroduce the theory that the earth revolves around the sun. Galileo was tried by the Inquisition in Rome when he attempted to promote the heliocentric theory in the seventeenth century, and the Church would only revoke its condemnation of Galileo in 1965. In Lloyd M. Grahams` book "Deceptions and Myths of the Bible", we read St. Augustine echoing the Church's stone age understanding of the world : "It is impossible there should be inhabitants on the opposite side of the earth, since no such race is recorded by Scripture among the descendants of Adam".

This clearly debunks the Christians` false notion that the White Race made huge advances under the new religion. With the rise of the Christian church came a severe economic collapse throughout the western world. By stigmatizing usury, which made funding economic ventures extremely difficult, they left the doors wide open for the Jew to amass enormous wealth and get control of the money system. Ancient academies of learning were closed and education for anyone outside of the Church came to an end. The little education there was during the Dark Ages were limited to the clergy, and was advocated by powerful kings as a means of providing themselves with capable administrators. One of the world's greatest libraries in Alexandria, said to have housed 700,000 rolls, were burned down by the Christians in 391, together with all the books of the Gnostic Basilides, Porphyry's 36 volumes, papyrus rolls of 27 schools of the Mysteries, and 270,000 ancient documents gathered by Ptolemy Philadelphus. This was the Christian holocaust against education and learning in action. In 398 bishops were forbidden to even read the books of gentiles by the Fourth Council of Carthage. Once again the question arises, why the need for the suppression of education and learning ? When confronted with these questions the Christian religion jumps from one excuse to the next. The answer is simple, a new order of control was being implemented, which today is clearly visible. The same questions were being asked in the Dark Ages and the same lies given, and the same actions implemented by the Christian followers. In his "Seven Books of Histories against the Pagans", Augustine's disciple, Orosius, demonstrated that the evils of the time could not be blamed on Christianity because earlier times had experienced even worse calamities. Through distortion and the rewriting of history, the impression was given that Christianity had not only lifted society from harsher, more barbaric times, but that a social structure of hierarchy and domination had always existed and was therefore inevitable. This was a lie. It was shown that Democracy originally date back not to the Greeks, but far earlier to the neolithic age, and these cultures show no evidence of hierarchy as we know it; they knew no war, organized oppression or slavery. For those interested can read "The Chalice and the Blade", "Merlin Stone" and "When God Was a Woman" by Riane Eisler. The problem with most Christians is that they do not know the origins of their religion. The tragedy is that when someone shows them the truth about the origins of Christianity, you get labeled an anti-Christ. So be it.
Status: Currently On Leave

"We go back to the basic Laws of Nature : Take Care of Your Own, Love your Own. Hate your Enemies, Destroy your Enemies. The Law of Survival of your own kind is the Highest Law of Nature and Transcends All Others" - Ben Klassen


Part 2

The Church also had a devastating impact upon artistic expression. According to orthodox Christianity, art should not serve simply as an individual's creative exploration and expression, but should enhance and promote Christian values. Gregory the Great tore down marble statues of ancient Rome and turned them into lime. It was also common practice to take some of the architectural marbles and mosaics to adorn cathedrals all over Europe and as far away as Westminster Abbey in London. It`s no secret that the Church amassed inordinate wealth during the Dark Ages. Their theft included collecting revenues from imperial rulers, by confiscating property as the result of court judgments, by selling the remission of sins (called "indulgences"), by selling ecclesiastical offices (called "simony"), and sometimes by simply taking land by force. This is well laid out in "A History of Medieval Christianity" by Russell. The Pope's support of a king was thought to be essential in an age when the belief in the divine right of kings prevailed. By converting its people to Christianity, the Church also brought a semblance of unity to an imperial realm. Although widespread, these conversions were usually little more than a facade. Pope Gregory I illustrates his concern with the appearance that people had converted to Christianity in a letter to his emissary to Britain, St. Augustine of Canterbury : "The people will have no need to change their place of concourse; where of old they were wont to sacrifice cattle to demons, thither let them continue to resort on the day of the Saint to whom the Church is dedicated, and slay their beasts, no longer as a sacrifice to demons, but for a social meal in honor of Him whom they now worship".

This clearly illustrates the hi-jack operation the Church was engaging in - it was all about authoritarian control over the individual and society. Churches were built over the sites of pagan temples and sacred springs were renamed in honor of saints, yet the nature of reverence and worship remained unchanged. This reminds me of the piece called "Confessions of a Jew" where it states : "Then a patriotic Jew named Paul or Saul conceived the idea of humbling the Roman power by destroying the morale of its soldiery with the doctrines of love and non-resistance preached by the little sect of Jewish Christians. He became the Apostle to the Gentiles, he who hitherto had been one of the most active persecutors of the band. And so well did Paul do his work that within four centuries the great empire which had subjugated Palestine along with half of the world, was a heap of ruins. And the law which went forth from Zion became the official religion of Rome ... From this time forth your history is little more than a struggle for mastery between your own old pagan spirit and our Jewish spirit ... You no sooner broke free from your primitive religious simplicity and attempted the practice of the pagan Roman learning then Luther armed with our Gospel arose, to down you and re-enthrone our heritage ... In full, of course, you never have accepted our Christian teachings. In your hearts you still are pagans ... You Christians have never become Christianized. To that extent we have failed with you. But we have forever spoiled the fun of paganism for you ... We should contemplate this confused ineffectual muddle which we call civilization, this half-Christian half-pagan medley, and we should say to you point-blank : For this mess thanks to you, to your prophets, and your Bible". While most people adopted a Christian veneer, the one area where the medieval Church had little profound impact was in changing the spirituality of common people.       
As so often happens when something gets forced down peoples` throats and they find out that they are being conned, the spirit of the Middle Ages challenged the Church's now established authority. And as so often happens when people challenges the con-artists, including the government and organized religion, the Church responded by bolstering its authoritarian structure, asserting the Pope's supremacy over all imperial powers. Cause and effect. Like the elites preparing for a world war today, things were coming to the boil, and the money masters were ready to put out any wild fires. With the revival of classical literature, the Church regarded poetry with particular disfavor, sometimes classifying poets with magicians whom the Church despised. Supporters of the arts were declared to be heathens and pagans because of their flourishing creativity. Dominican prophet Girolamo Savonarola dictated that classical poets should be banished and that science, culture and education should return entirely to the hands of monks. In "The Civilization of the Renaissance in Italy", edited by Irene Gordon he states "The only good thing that we owe to Plato and Aristotle is that they brought forward many arguments which we can use against the heretics. Yet they and other philosophers are now in hell. It would be good for religion if many books that seem useful were destroyed. When there were not so many books and not so many arguments and disputes, religion grew more quickly than it has since". What this idiot means is that its easier to brainwash people when you destroy their culture and re-write lies into history, forming your own twisted idea of culture, is that not so Mr. Savonarola ? Much of the work of Renaissance Florence, particularly those books of Latin and Italian poets, illuminated manuscripts, women's ornaments, musical instruments, and paintings were burned in a huge bonfire in 1497.

The power-drunk Church, now enormously wealthy, interested itself more in collecting money than in relating to its members. Sound familiar ? In order to prevent property from passing out of the Church to the families of clergy the Church forbade clergy to marry in the twelfth century. With the theory of the "plenitude of power", the Pope now became the vicar of Christ and had full authority over both secular and spiritual affairs. In short, he became God on earth, the plan from the start, and now nearing its crescendo, the Church become ruthless to finish the job. This "theory" allowed the Pope to prohibit the distribution of sacraments within an imperial realm and to both excommunicate and depose a king. As evidence of the Pope's supremacy over imperial powers, ancient letters were "discovered" and incorporated into canon law. One such letter purported to be a letter from Emperor Constantine to Pope Sylvester in which Constantine attributes his power to the Pope. The "Donation of Constantine" read : ""We give to Sylvester, the Universal Pope the city of Rome and all the provinces, districts, and cities of Italy and the Western regions". These letters were exposed as total forgeries by the sixteenth century, but despite that, the Pope became increasingly involved in directing political conflicts and the conquering of lands. By now the conspiracy should be clear - remind you of politicians today ? In another letter, Pope Boniface VIII wrote to the Hapsburg Albert of Austria, "We donate to you, in the plenitude of our power, the kingdom of France, which belongs of right to the Emperors of the West". The twelfth century Pope Adrian IV sanctioned the English invasion of Ireland, and in his letters to King Henry II of England he wrote, "It is not doubted, and you know it, that Ireland and all those islands which have received the faith, belong to the Church of Rome; if you wish to enter that Island, to drive vice out of it, to cause law to be obeyed and St. Peter's Pence to be paid by every house, it will please us to assign it to you".

Popes now claimed not only that every person was subject to papal authority, but that the Pope himself was accountable to no one but God. The power-drunk Popes now saw themselves as superior to all other mortals, no wonder a few of these shysters would in later years get a bullet in the head sending them off to never-never land. Later in 1204 Pope Innocent III sent a group of crusaders to Constantinople where the soldiers of Christ fell upon with a vengeance, raping, pillaging and burning the city. Geoffrey Villehardouin chronicled the event and had this to say, never since the creation of the world had so much booty been taken from a city. No conversions ? Of course not ! It was all about vengeance, rape and pillaging - welcome to the New Order. In 1208 the Albigensian Crusade, to slaughter the Cathars began when Innocent III offered in addition to indulgences and eternal salvation, the lands and property of the heretics and their supporters to any who would take up arms. "Innocent?" Get real ! The savagery of the thirty-year-long attack decimated Langedoc with 12,000 people being killed at the Cathedral of St. Nazair (10,000 people were killed by Bishop Folque of Toulouse). So this is what you call a "Bishop" ? The massacre at Beziers as reported by papal legates was 20,000, by other chroniclers the numbers killed were between 60,000 and 100,000. When all was said and done, the Albigensian crusade killed an estimated one million people, not only Cathars but much of the population of southern France. Crusades were now launched against the Muslim, Greek and Jewish infidel to bring about lasting European unity under the banner of Christianity, but when that failed, the Church struck closer to home, attacking anyone who threatened its power or disobeyed its commands. Although the Albigensian crusade lasted 30 years, it ushered in a five-hundred-year-long period of brutal repression, the length and scope of which has no parallel in the Western world. Thats right, no parallel in the Western world !
Now that the Church was in the position to grab all power, it set out to smash all opposition and control the human spirit. The Christian Inquisition was the ultimate plan of organized religion to control people and contain their spirituality. Developed within the Church's own twisted and sick framework, the Inquisition attempted to terrify people into obedience. The Inquisitor Francisco Pena stated in 1578, "We must remember that the main purpose of the trial and execution is not to save the soul of the accused but to achieve the public good and put fear into others". And there you have it as clear as day light - it was never about saving souls, but about the control of society and the imprisonment of individual thought and freedom. In these few words the whole religion conspiracy is revealed, and anyone that does not see the light deserves to be hit over the head with a sledge hammer, the truth hurts ! Any person reading this and still believe that under Christianity the White Race achieved great accomplishments are either ignorant of historical facts or just plain stupid. For total power the inquisitor presided over inquisitional procedure as both prosecutor and judge, growing very rich from bribes and annual fines they received from the wealthy who paid to escape accusation. The Inquisition would claim all the money and property of alleged heretics and even went as far as to accused the dead of heresy, sometimes as much as seventy years after their death. Ruthlessness was the order of the day as the body of alleged heretic`s was exhumed and burned and all property confiscated from the heirs. Evidence for this can be found in "The Inquisition of the Middle Ages" by Lea. So money hungry were these Inquisitors that they were reluctant to pay for even the cost of feeding their victims, encouraging the families or the community to pay such costs.

The Council of Narbonne in 1244 ordered that in the sentencing of heretics, no husband should be spared because of his wife, nor wife because of her husband, nor parent because of helpless children, and no sentence should be mitigated because of sickness or old age. The words of the Gospel of John 15v16 were understood to sanction burning : "If a man abide not in me, he is cast forth as a branch, and is withered; and men gather them, and cast them into the fire, and they are burned". To ease their minds of the crime they were committing against humanity, the inquisitors and their assistants were granted the authority to quietly absolve each other from the crime of bloodshed in 1262. The excuse, the tortured had died because the devil broke their necks ! As if burning was not painful enough, victims were rubbed with lard or grease and slowly roasted alive. Another method of torture included victims being thrown into a pit full of snakes and buried alive. Yet another particularly gruesome torture involved turning a large dish full of mice upside down on the victim's naked stomach, making a fire on top of the dish causing the mice to panic and burrow into the stomach. Before long all hell broke lose between the different Christian factions. Missionaries fought among themselves just as had early orthodox Christians who had "wanted to command one another" and lusted "for power over one another", with no understanding of shared supremacy and authority. The Dominicans fought bitterly with the Jesuits in Japan and China, the Franciscans fought with the Capuchins in the Near East and the Jesuits fought several wars against the Capuchins in India. Orthodox Christians defended slavery as part of the divinely ordained hierarchical order finding support in passages of the Bible condoning slavery. Leviticus 25v44-46 stated, "Both thy bondmen, and thy bond maids, which thou shalt have, shall be of the heathen that are round about you; of them shall ye buy bondmen and bond maids. Moreover of the children of the strangers that do sojourn among you, of them shall ye buy, and of their families that are with you, which they beget in your land : and they shall be your possession. And ye shall take them as an inheritance for your children after you, to inherit them for a possession; they shall be your bondmen for ever". In Ephesians 6v5, I Timothy 6v1 and Titus 2v9-10 St. Paul instructed slaves to obey their masters. Edmund Gibson the Bishop of London wrote, "The Freedom which Christianity gives, is a Freedom from the Bondage of Sin and Satan, and from the Dominion of Men's Lusts and Passions and inordinate Desires; but as to their outward Condition, whatever that was before, whether bond or free, their being baptized, and becoming Christians, makes no manner of Change in it". The barbaric Inquisition spanned centuries and was still active in some places as late as 1834. More on the Inquisition can be found in The White Mans Bible part 51 - "Thumbscrew and Rack".
Status: Currently On Leave

"We go back to the basic Laws of Nature : Take Care of Your Own, Love your Own. Hate your Enemies, Destroy your Enemies. The Law of Survival of your own kind is the Highest Law of Nature and Transcends All Others" - Ben Klassen


Part 3

In an attempt to purge Christianity of pre-Christian and Pagan elements, the Protestant Reformation and the Catholic Counter Reformation was born. Can you imagine ? A religion trying to purge itself from Pagan elements while its birth was centered in Mithraism; a religion trying to purge itself from Pagan elements while it celebrated Pagan festivals ... a religion trying to purge itself from Pagan elements while a cave-temple was dedicated to Mithra in Rome on Vatican Hill, the seat of the Catholic Church. The irony. Anyway, the Protestant Reformation was ignited by Martin Luther with fear mongering taking center stage. People were frightened with stories of the devil and the danger of magic, and they were to be convinced to believe in an authoritarian God who demanded discipline, struggle, and the renunciation of physical pleasure. A series of civil wars followed between Protestants and Catholics in France and England as well as the bloody Thirty Years War involving Germany, Sweden, France, Denmark, England, the Netherlands, and the Holy Roman Empire represented by the Hapsburgs. Although both sides considered themselves Christian, blood flowed freely, on the 24th of August 1572 in what is known as the massacre of St. Bartholomew's Day, 10,000 Protestants were slaughtered in France. Instead of condemning the bloodshed of thousands of Whites, Pope Gregory XIII wrote to France's Charles IX, "We rejoice with you that with the help of God you have relieved the world of these wretched heretics". Did not both Christian factions pray to the same God ? Protestant mobs incited by preachers and with the endorsement of public authority, destroyed images of saints, much in the way that fourth century Christians vandalized the sacred sites and images of more ancient traditions. What ye sow ye shall reap ? 
Protestant leaders were no more tolerant. John Calvin, whose doctrine formed the basis of Presbyterianism, established a powerfully repressive, police-state theocracy in Geneva that is perhaps best remembered for burning the well known physician, Michael Servetus, because of his dissenting views of Christianity. Just like Catholocism, the Protestants fragmented, each new denomination laid claim to the sole divine truth, denouncing all others. Reformers taught that God was in heaven, not on earth and that any supernatural energy in the physical world could therefore only be the work of the devil and his demons. The whole belief in and fear of the devil became paramount during the Reformation. Attributing malevolence and negativity to the devil removes the power that accompanies responsibility, as well as the responsibility from human beings. If one is responsible for something, one can do something about it, but if negativity comes from an external devil, one can do little but cower in fear or attack those who represent the devil. The belief in the devil engenders a sense of powerlessness, making people easier to control, as does the lack of human free will. Belief in the devil's power became an essential counterpart to the belief in God, and a means of frightening people into obedience. Both the Protestant Reformation and Catholic Counter Reformation converted the people of Europe to orthodox Christianity.

The Reformation did not convert the people of Europe to orthodox Christianity through preaching and catechisms alone, but it also took 300 years of witch-hunting from the fifteenth to the eighteenth century, that ensured the European abandonment of the belief in magic. The elaborate concept of devil worship was created by the Church and then, used the persecution of it to wipe out dissent, subordinate the individual to authoritarian control, and openly denigrate women. Orthodox Christianity's vilification of women spawned the witch hunts, or as it is stated in I Peter 3v7, "the weaker vessel". St. Clement of Alexandria wrote : "Every woman should be filled with shame by the thought that she is a woman". The Church father Tertullian declared the woman "the devil's gateway". According to the sixth century Christian philosopher, Boethius, in The Consolation of Philosophy, "Woman is a temple built upon a sewer". Odo of Cluny declared, "To embrace a woman is to embrace a sack of manure" while the Lutherans at Wittenberg debated whether women were really human beings at all. I Corinthians 7v1 states, "It is a good thing for a man to have nothing to do with a woman". As reformational fervor spread, the feminine aspect of Christianity in the worship of Mary became suspect with the Protestants entirely dismissing reverence for Mary while reformed Catholics diminished her importance. Nice people these, hey ladies ? I smell some Judaism and Islam in there. Most of what became known as witchcraft was invented by Christians, however, certain elements of witchcraft did represent an older Pagan tradition.

The origin of the word "witch" comes from the old English wicce and wicca, meaning the male and female participants in the ancient Pagan tradition which holds masculine, feminine and earthly aspects of God in great reverence. Orthodox Christians maintained that it was is impossible for humanity to live without domination and fear, something that this tradition affirmed. It took the Church a long time convince society that women were inclined toward evil witchcraft and devil-worship. In the thirteenth century the Church began depicting the witch as a slave of the devil, reversing its policy of denying the existence of witches. No longer was she to be associated with an older Pagan tradition, but seen as an evil satanic agent. No longer was the witch to be thought of as benevolent healer, wise woman, teacher, or one who accessed divine power. In the twelfth and thirteenth centuries the Church began authorizing frightening portrayals of the devil. Sound familiar to the Hollyweird brainwashing ? In 1280 the witch was riding a broom followed by "a small clandestine society engaged in anti-human practices, including infanticide, incest, cannibalism, bestiality and orgiastic sex" at Black Mass. Devil worship was a simple parody of Christianity, the very concept of the devil was exclusive to monotheism and had no importance within the Pagan, Wiccan tradition. The devil demanded adherence to a pact, whereas God imposed divine law. The Christian showed reverence to God by kneeling, the witch paid homage to the devil by standing on her head. Black Mass became Communion and Christian prayers could be used to work evil by being recited backwards. Unbelievable ? You better believe it, go read "Religion and the Decline of Magic" and "The World of Witches".

In 1320 Pope John XXII formalized the persecution of witchcraft when he authorized the Inquisition to prosecute sorcery. And so the Inquisition had successfully transformed the witch from a phenomenon whose existence the Church had previously rigorously denied into a phenomenon that was deemed the antithesis of Christianity. Exodus 22v18, "Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live", were cited to justify the persecution of witches. Strangely enough the Inquisition overlooked "if you eye bothers you, pluck it out". John Wesley, the eighteenth century founder of Methodism declared to those skeptical of witchcraft, "The giving up of witchcraft is in effect the giving up of the Bible." The Inquisition exposed a whole new group of people from whom to collect money by adding witchcraft to the crimes it persecuted, and it took every advantage of this opportunity. As the author Barbara Walker notes in her book, "The Woman's Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets" : "Victims were charged for the very ropes that bound them and the wood that burned them. Each procedure of torture carried its fee. After the execution of a wealthy witch, officials usually treated themselves to a banquet at the expense of the victim's estate". In 1592 Father Cornelius Loos wrote in "The Encyclopedia of Witchcraft and Demonology" : "Wretched creatures are compelled by the severity of the torture to confess things they have never done, and so by the cruel butchery innocent lives are taken; and, by a new alchemy, gold and silver are coined from human blood. It was certainly no coincidence that trials for witchcraft began exactly as the trials for other types of heresy stopped.

Amorous relations with Satan included warts, freckles, and birthmarks. Even if the witch's mark was not found on a woman, guilt could still be established by methods such as sticking needles in the accused's eyes, however, guilt was only confirmed if the inquisitor could find an insensitive spot during the process. Unless the witch died during torture, she was taken to the stake in the public square, where the inquisitors would cut out her tongue or use a wooden gag to prevent her from talking to the crowds. Such was the hypocrisy, that when the men persecuting the accused witches found themselves sexually aroused, they assumed that such desire emanated, not from themselves, but from the woman. The punishment unleashed on the witch included attacking the breasts and genitals with pincers, pliers and red-hot irons. The treatment of witches' children was particularly brutal and they were liable to be prosecuted and tortured for witchcraft : girls, once they were nine and a half, and boys, once they were ten and a half.To elicit testimony that could be used against their parents younger children were tortured, even the testimony of two-year-old children was considered valid in cases of witchcraft though such testimony was never admissible in other types of trials. Witches were held accountable for nearly every problem, any threat to social uniformity, any questioning of authority, and any act of rebellion could now be attributed to and prosecuted as witchcraft.

Both Catholic and Protestant preachers would instigate a witch hunt with their sermons, the Basque, Salem and Massachusetts witch hunt are good examples. In England where there were no inquisitional courts and where witch-hunting offered little or no financial reward, many women were killed for witchcraft by mobs. These mobs used methods to ascertain guilt of witchcraft such as "swimming a witch," where a woman would be bound and thrown into water to see if she floated, instead of following any judicial procedure. The Church included in its definition of witchcraft anyone with knowledge of herbs for "those who used herbs for cures did so only through a pact with the Devil, either explicit or implicit", therefore, the mere possession of herbal oils or ointments became grounds for accusation of witchcraft. After Alison Peirsoun of Byrehill successfully cured the ailing archbishop of St. Andrews, he not only refused to pay her but had her arrested for witchcraft and burned to death. Not only were the clergy guilty of murder, but some proudly reported the number of witches they condemned, such as the bishop of Wurtzburg who claimed 1900 lives in five years, or the Lutheran prelate Benedict Carpzov who claimed to have sentenced 20,000 devil worshipers. "The chronicler of Treves reported that in the year 1586, the entire female population of two villages was wiped out by the inquisitors, except for only two women left alive". "Germany is almost entirely occupied with building fires for the witches" and "Switzerland has been compelled to wipe out many of her villages on their account", wrote another man around 1600. "Travelers in Lorraine may see thousands and thousands of the stakes to which witches are bound".

The persecution of witches was the official policy of both the Catholic and Protestant Churches and not small in scope nor implemented by a few aberrant individuals. Anyone could be disposed of who questioned authority or the Christian view of the world, under the pretext of first heresy and then witchcraft. Witch-hunting secured the conversion of Europe to orthodox Christianity, enslavement through terror and fear. And this my friend is how Christianity became the religion of most of the White Race, not through accepting the teachings of Christ as modern-day self-righteous Christians would like the sheeple to believe. As in Communism, the White Race was force fed and those that stood up against the oppressor were slaughtered. As I already stated earlier, 90% of White Christians don`t know how Christianity became the "official religion" of the White Race. If Christianity had to face a Nuremberg-style trial the evidence would be so damning that this "religion" would be wiped off the face of the earth. Reformational Christians convinced common people to believe that a singular male God reigned from above, that he was separate from the earth, that magic was evil, that there was a powerful devil, and that women were most likely to be his agents, and this they enforced brutally through the terror of the witch hunts. The field of medicine transferred to exclusively male hands and the Western herbal tradition was largely destroyed and ridiculed as "old wives tales". As then, today the medical field is largely run by governments` money-grabbers and charlatans with their mind-bending psydrugs. The Western herbal tradition had to be destroyed to bring it under authoritarian control. 
Status: Currently On Leave

"We go back to the basic Laws of Nature : Take Care of Your Own, Love your Own. Hate your Enemies, Destroy your Enemies. The Law of Survival of your own kind is the Highest Law of Nature and Transcends All Others" - Ben Klassen


Part 4

Christianity has distanced humanity from nature as people came to perceive God as a singular supremacy detached from the physical world. In Christian eyes, the physical world became the realm of the devil in contrast to a society that had once celebrated nature through seasonal festivals, and were now forced to commemorate biblical events bearing no connection to the earth. Holidays lost much of their celebratory spirit and took on a tone of penance and sorrow, and time, once thought to be cyclical like the seasons, was now perceived to be linear. Because of their rejection of the cyclical nature of life, orthodox Christians came to focus more upon death than upon life and Nature was seen as the realm of the devil. The image of Pan, the Greek god of Nature, was chosen by the Church to portray the devil. The hoofed, goat-legged and horned man had been associated with a number of fertility figures and had previously been deemed essential to rural well-being. It was now used by the Church to fight God in a never ending struggle. Pan's skill on the pan-pipes was believed to fill the woods and pastures with enchanted music, hence the distorted Christian view that the devil was the "angel of music". After the turn of the millennium when the Church authorized specific portrayals of the devil, the vilified Pan came to evoke terror or "panic" as the image of satan. The perceived separation of nature from God affected the treatment of animals and they were often thought to be agents of the devil. The frightening belief in werewolves were also spread by the Inquisition.

Lewis Regenstein writes in his 1991 book "Replenish the Earth" the following, "In the ten centuries preceding the present one, there are accounts of the trials, torture and execution (often by hanging) of hundreds of animals, mainly by ecclesiastical courts acting under the assumption that animals can be used by the devil to do his work". Another cruel practice which continued throughout the centuries of witch-hunting, was the burning of cats together with witches - this became official policy in 1484 under Pope Innocent VIII. Zealous Christians most frequently targeted cats, wolves, snakes, foxes, chickens and white cocks as animals to be eliminated, and since many of these animals helped control the population of crop eating and plague-carrying rodents, their elimination intensified outbreaks of plague. Ignorant Church-licensed physicians ordered cats and dogs to be killed during times of plague thinking that this would halt infection. The Church spent centuries prohibiting displays of reverence that involved nature, and worship now took place indoors away from the natural elements. Christians destroyed outdoor temples and built churches with roofs in their stead while the Church condemned the veneration of trees and springs, where people would place candles or decorations. The sixth century ignoramus Martin of Braga asked in a fitness of insanity, "But what is the lighting of wax lights at rocks or trees or wells or crossroads if it is not worship of the devil ?" In 789 the General Capitularies of Charlemagne decreed : "With regard to trees, and rocks and springs, wherever ignorant people put lights or make other observances, we give notice to everyone that this is a most evil practice, execrable to God, and wherever they are found, they are to be taken away and destroyed". Ignorant people ? You must be talking about yourself General Madness. The Church was unable to convince people of the absence of God in Nature, so instead they incorporated aspects of the very Nature worship it condemned, much in the same way that it developed ecclesiastical magic when it could not eliminate pagan magic. Hypocrisy or what ? Church columns were sculpted to simulate tree trunks and perhaps even the mythical tree of life while those trees which had traditionally been venerated by Pagans, often appeared in churchyards.

While the Pagans used to mark the seasons with celebrations and rituals that integrated their activity with the earth's cycles, the Church now incorporated annual Pagan festivals and holidays, claiming them as Christian. In the hope of winning easier acceptance and recognition for its new religion, the Church placed Christian holidays to coincide with these older festivals. While the traditional meaning of most of these holidays had nothing to do with orthodox Christianity, the Church usually tolerated the older rituals as it tried to teach a new biblical meaning. To the Pagans the cycle of the year, at both the change of the four seasons as well as the height of each season, used to hold great importance. The winter solstice, the darkest day of the year, was a time of new birth, and often symbolized by the birth of an annual male fertility figure, a representation of the year's new sun. The height of the winter, midway between the winter solstice and spring equinox, was a time to nurture that new life while spring was about encouraging fertility, when the sun and earth would unite to later bring forth the abundance of the harvest and the bounty of the hunt. The sun's energy transferred to the crops from the summer solstice through autumn. Celebrations of the year's harvest and bounty was held at the height of summer and the fall equinox. At the height of autumn was a time to honor the dead and release the past, as the year came to an end and as fields lay dormant and the earth seemed to die. All this had to make way for the watered down, materialized, centralized and authoritarian Christianity. Instead of creating their own religion based on their own holidays, own festivals, own myths and their own symbols, their arrogant and intolerable "church"  had to steal from the Pagans, and in the process sow discord, division and death on innocent White Naturalists. Disgrace !

While no evidence are known to indicate the actual time of Jesus's birth, such an event most easily correlated to winter solstice festivals. The Roman celebration of the birth of the sun god, Mithra, had also been observed on December 25th. A winter solstice ritual involved participants who would withdraw into the inner womb-like sanctuary of shrines in pre-Christian Egypt and Syria, and at midnight they would come forth trumpeting, "The Virgin has brought forth ! The light is waxing !". In that way the Pagan birth of God's sun at the solstice now became the Christians` birth of God's son. The Christian Epiphany on the 6th of January was taken from an Egyptian winter solstice celebration, the birth of Osiris, the divine representation of masculine fertility. Although the Church declared that it signified the manifestation of Jesus's divinity, it is clear that the spirit of both Christmas and the Christian Epiphany embodied the timeless celebrations of the winter solstice. Celebrations to mark the height of winter also found their way into Christianity. The Christian Candlemas was also stolen from the Pagans, whether celebrated on the second or fourteenth of February, celebrations was in honor of feminine faces of divinity such as Brigit and Venus, who encouraged art, poetry, healing, fire and wisdom. Spring equinox celebrations were adopted by the Church and became the Christian Easter. So similar were the Easter celebrations, particularly those which recognized the resurrection of the Babylonian Adonis, the Greek Apollo and the Roman Attis, that a bitter controversy arose with Pagans claiming that the Christian Easter celebration was a spurious imitation of the ancient traditions.             

Fertility symbols such as the egg and the incredibly prolific rabbit, associated with spring, survived as well. Sadly, as Christianity spread, festivals of spring and summer gradually lost their original meaning. The height of spring became Pentecost or Whitsunday, an biblical event when people spoke in tongues, and a commemoration of the birth of the Church, and not an observance of fertility. No longer was the summer solstice to recognize the culmination of the sun's light, but rather was to honor St. John who had baptized Christ. Holidays now honouring the Virgin Mary such as "Our Lady's Herb Day" and Assumption Day, the day when Mary was "assumed" into heaven, now replaced Celebrations of the summer season. The fall equinox celebrations made place for Michaelmas (the feast of the archangel Michael, the conqueror of satan) and the Nativity of Mary. Shrines of Mary covered in ears of corn can still be found to this day, resembling the older Pagan figures of grain that can be found in autumn. The end of the earth's annual cycle, the height of fall, was believed to be a time when the veil that separates the world of the living from the world of the dead becomes very thin. The Church did attempt to prevent the celebration of this holiday, but by the ninth century the feast of All Saints Day had been moved to November first and by 1045 the monasteries of Cluny had begun to observe the time as a "day of all the departed ones." The Pagans also observed the cycles of the moon, and when the Church could not halt such celebrations, it again incorporated them into the Christian calendar, usually under the guise of honoring Mary - The day when St. Anne conceived Mary, December 8th; the day Mary was born, September 8th; the day Jesus's conception was announced to Mary (Annunciation), March 25th; the day Mary was purified from having given birth, February 2nd or 14th; and the day Mary was assumed into heaven, (Assumption), August 15th.

Orthodox Christians repudiated the cyclical nature of physical life as well, such as James 1v15, : "Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin : and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death". In 2 Corinthians 5v6 Paul writes the following : "Therefore we are always confident, knowing that, whilst we are at home in the body, we are absent from the Lord". In Romans 8v13 the Bible affirms that meaningful, spiritual life is found only when one is detached from the physical body : "For if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die : but if ye through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live". The Bible states in Ecclesiastes 7v1 that "the day of death [is better] than the day of one's birth". What we see here is that orthodox Christianity had taken on the character of a death cult. Orthodox Christians denied cycles entirely and became preoccupied with death, rather than appreciating the natural life cycle, such as birth, sex, and death, the facets of human life which speak of a connection to cycles. Understanding earthly, physical life to be hostile to spirituality fostered a zealous anticipation of the end of the world and expected God to revisit the earth in a second coming to usher in the end times. In Matthew 16v28 Jesus gives the impression that such an end may be short at hand : "Truly, I say to you, there are some standing here who will not taste death before they see the Son of Man coming in his kingdom". Orthodox Christians used death as a tool to evoke fear in people instead of accepting death as a natural part of the life cycle. Instead of the the ancient concept of an underworld where one would go after death for rest and rejuvenation, it became the frightening Christian idea of hell, a place filled with fire and brimstone where one endures eternal pain and agony. The concept of purgatory adopted by the medieval Church reduced the harshness of orthodox ideology. Instead of being sent directly to heaven or hell after death, one's soul could go to an intermediate place, to do penance and be punished for sins before hopefully being allowed into heaven. The Church was ready to cash in and by maintaining that it could influence the destiny of these souls, the Church collected a good deal of medieval society's money for its services on behalf of those in purgatory.

It`s clear that orthodox Christianity changed the way people think about the earth and the natural environment. The idea that God reigns from above, Nature is understood to be distant from, if not devoid of, God's presence. It is understandable then that such a world view led to dramatic changes in the meaning of holidays, the character of those holidays, and the perception of time, all of which were alienated from the earth's seasonal cycles. In its tradition of hindering scholarly work, the Catholic Church continued by persecuting Galileo through the Inquisition and by opposing much of Newton's work. In the same way that orthodox Christians tried to triumph over lower hierarchical components, Western physicians attempted to conquer over the body rather than to work together with it, by encouraging its ability to heal itself. The treatment of non-life-threatening illness with antibiotics is a good example of this. Antibiotics overpowers the body's own capacity to defend itself from illness, destroying the body's immune system. Antibiotics are valuable in the treatment of life-threatening illness, but the frequent use of them in less serious situations has led to a whole new group of diseases and has spawned new strains of bacteria which do not respond to any known treatment.

The dark side of Christian history has been and continues to be about the domination and control of human freedom and spirituality and. Orthodox Christians built an organization that from its creation encouraged not freedom and self-determination, but obedience and conformity. During the Dark Ages, civilization collapsed as the Church took control of science, medicine, education, technology and the arts. Countless wars were sparked during the the Protestant and Catholic Counter Reformation, where Christians slaughtered other Christians, each convinced that theirs was the one and only true path. The witches holocaust plumbed the depths of horror as it eradicated countless women and men as well as the belief in earth-based divinity. From a multi-dimensional spirituality it took its roots and changed it into a limited belief in a singular supremacy and only one face of God, that has resulted in tyranny and brutality. On what grounds of logic does Christianity see itself as right ? There is none, and by ignoring the dark side of Christian, history allows the beliefs which have motivated cruelty to go unexamined. This belief in a singular face of God who reigns at the pinnacle of a hierarchy sustained by fear, had devastating consequences, as people must constantly determine who is superior to whom. The efforts to convince us that God demands our fear and unquestioning submission, are in fact efforts to control humanity and to contain their spirituality. Yes, the White Pagans (not interested in the practices of the non-white Pagans) were no angels, but their "sins" are mild compared to Christianity, especially seeing that they were still in the process of evolving consciousness. The Church saw the potential to control a lot of people and centralized power into its own hands through theft, murder and oppression. Christianity did more damage to the White Race then good. This is not my opinion but historical fact, and any fool who denies this is just that, an ignorant, arrogant fool.

Status: Currently On Leave

"We go back to the basic Laws of Nature : Take Care of Your Own, Love your Own. Hate your Enemies, Destroy your Enemies. The Law of Survival of your own kind is the Highest Law of Nature and Transcends All Others" - Ben Klassen

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