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Hail the Martyr

Started by RaspStarb, Fri 28 May 2010

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Hail the Martyr
by Rev. Kenneth Molyneaux

Hail the Martyr

    The courageous martyrs that have existed throughout the tumultuous annals of struggle, must be remembered. These comrades of incredible magnitude have rejected pusillanimous ideas and embraced the holy ideals of the hero. Whenever times have become bleak and seemingly hopeless, a martyr is born to revitalize hope and make salvation possible. Our strong warriors have produced many martyrs but the most recent have had their names etched in our hearts. Kozel and Smith are some of the names that have been chiseled into the monumental rock of our struggle.

    Before a martyr is born, a life of dedication to the cause must be shown. Battles of the mind and the body, will engage these soldiers in their righteous cause. Wielding weapons of a holy design, these resplendent paladins blaze a river of fire through the revolting turpitude that they instinctively sense. This life becomes a sacrosanct mission to restore light to the abominable nightmare that has pervaded the universe since the birth of man. Those that come in contact with this fervent figures, can feel the energy that fuels the hero. This contact is warmly pleasant and infectious to those that agree with the ambitions of the hero, but the wicked are scarred by the flames that seek to overwhelm all baseness.

    The flesh of all heroes is transient and will eventually wither away, but the martyr can become immortal. The creation of the martyr sends a firestorm of zeal throughout the army of supporters who value what is noble. Many heroes can light only several torches, but the explosion of a martyr can create a sweeping inferno that can brighten enough torches so as to illuminate even the most foul of travesties. While the transformation from a hero to a martyr may be a tragedy, the gift of life that the hero has bequeathed upon us should elevate us to new heights. The martyr not only lived for his cause but even his last deed was for the lovers of light.

    Without defenders of our Holy Race, there will be no hope for us. Those who are willing to live and, if necessary, die in our honorable plight, must be found or created. Most of our kinsmen will hold virtuous ideals on a pristine pedestal but will not ascend that very same pedestal. We must inspire and assist our brethren to join with us on the throne of nobility where the White Race has sat for so many years. With the passage of time, the crushing waves of decadence will grow and grow unless the few heroes we have are able to swell the ranks until we have an elite sentinel force of powerful authority.

    The past has provided us with martyrs and the future will provide them as well. Great shrines and joyous celebrations must remember and honor those that paid the price to the grim spectre of Death. Already, we have a day to celebrate martyrs in the holiday of Martyr's Day on September 15. The inspiration these diligent souls have given us must be passed on to our comrades of the future so that the essence of the martyr does not perish. Hail the Martyr!
Formerly a Minister with the World Church of the Creator (WCOTC)

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