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Forging Excalibur

Started by RaspStarb, Mon 29 Mar 2010

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Forging Excalibur
by Rev. Kenneth Molyneaux

Forging Excalibur

    As we stroll through our merry lives, we are faced with a multitude of ideas, experiences, and people. We each perceive things differently so whereas one might adore the plays of Shakespeare, another might lapse into a coma at such words. It is possible to declare the rigidity and uniformity of such concepts as beauty, health, and intelligence but aren't we really deceiving ourselves if we fall into this alluring trap? Do the masses really decide what we are attracted to or do we free spirits determine what our likes and dislikes are?

    Many believe that the world in which we live has been consumed by a chaotic void and sent spiraling down into the dank depths of a demonic labyrinth. Others see the illustrious grandiosity of our realm shining brilliantly and spreading radiating warmth about the fields and meadows. Obviously, there is a sharp contrast of possible views on life and it is up to us decide which view benefits our people the most.

    The one who loves his life most likely will not love every single creature in the universe but his overall view is one of optimism and hope despite how many wrongs he perceives in the world. This man will probably strive to correct those errors that he sees. In the same vein, the man who takes a dim view of existence will not hate everything he encounters. Therefore, it becomes clear that not only perception of an event dictates our deeds, but also whether we wish to see a brilliant world or a gloomy one.

    The pessimistic man can see a lush garden filled with dazzling flowers whose fragrance fills the heart with bliss and realize the inherent beauty in the scene, but wish it away in favor of a gloomy abode. He can have great riches and prosperity but disdain it all as he contemplates how meaningless life is. These creatures dominate when decadence abounds and can cause the destruction of all splendor even though they realize what they are doing. The pessimists welcome the cold chill of the abyss upon the world but rarely embrace it themselves. Perhaps it would be better if they all sprang eagerly into the bleak, barren chasm like lemmings who collectively dive into the ocean.

    The optimistic man greets every day with vigor and vibrance as he awaits the joyful frolicking in the park that he calls life. He is aware of the ugliness that thrives in the world but he lives in order to transform the bleak darkness into a pulsating brilliance of infinite magnitude. Every event that befalls him is used to his advantage and he is jovial always, although the pessimists will call him insane when he laughs in the face of adversity. However, what the pessimists call adversity, he calls opportunity. An injury that befalls him will heal and become stronger while imprisonment will toughen his stalwart spirit. Rarely have such men populated the planet in any great numbers but when they are present, a divine glow encases the land and spreads warmth, love, and beauty. The world as a whole, has never felt the supreme mirth that the optimistic man feels every day. I believe it is clear that the only way to save the world from a cesspool of filth and decay, is to firmly clasp the virtue of optimism.

    Every blow, every strike, every injury that our enemies assault us with must be a hammer blow that tempers the mighty sword of Excalibur. This sword of our folk has defeated our foes many times in the past but it now lies dirty and dented as it had been abandoned many years ago. The spirit of our race has reawakened as those worthy of wielding this mighty weapon have come forth. The Lady of the Lake has safeguarded this sundering sword but now, we, optimistic blacksmiths, have taken this mangled, but intact, blade to our forge where we are hard at work restoring the cold steel that will redeem the planet. It yearns for blood and soon we shall appease it.
Formerly a Minister with the World Church of the Creator (WCOTC)

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