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2024-04-03, 05:06:35


2024-04-03, 04:31:45
Mr Bond
Right Music For
Young Whites

6 Gorillian Copies Sold


2024-03-06, 11:33:45


2024-01-30, 22:01:22
RaHoWa!!! Good to be back! 🤚🏻


2023-07-29, 02:08:13
Edit: WE BEAT 'EM! F.T.V!


2023-07-24, 01:07:37
White Rights Right Now!
* * *
Another Win!
She was Rehired


2023-07-06, 11:47:20
Press the above image to remove this column.
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2023-03-15, 11:53:21


2023-03-01, 14:21:52
Audio Book
Eternal Religion

NER Audio Pt 1
NER Audio Pt 2


2023-02-21, 15:17:30
Are you reading NER? You should be. It's Founding Day. ;D RaHoWa!!! Hail Ben Klassen!!!


2023-02-21, 15:01:39


2023-02-20, 18:48:05
75 flyers out this month. This is the last week of February. Are you getting your flyers out? R!


2023-02-13, 14:38:06
Put a flyer on or near a town sign. Take a pic & upload it to our Gallery.

Spread the Word of R!


2023-02-11, 05:32:36
25 flyers a week is all it takes, my fellow Prospects. Show your dedication and march forth with pride. RaHoWa!!!


2023-01-28, 23:22:16


2022-08-19, 22:07:58
Call out the Jewish menace daily.


2022-03-10, 09:28:45
March 10 RaHoWa Day
Creator Calendar Link


2022-02-27, 01:49:13
The Church of Creativity thanks Sister Kerry's generous donation to PM Joe. RaHoWa!


2022-02-21, 06:44:59
Happy Holy Days! RaHoWa!


2022-02-21, 01:06:40
Feb 21 Founding Day
1st Publication of NER
Creator Calendar Link


2022-02-20, 09:59:17
Feb 20 Klassen Day
Creator Calendar Link


2022-02-07, 05:53:00
The Church of Creativity thanks Sister Kerry's generous donation to PM Joe. RaHoWa!


2022-01-20, 03:38:36
Happy Ray Day!


2022-01-18, 02:34:01
PM Joe just called and wishes everyone a

James Earl Ray Day



2022-01-16, 15:26:24
Happy to help. :ok


2022-01-09, 05:14:12
P.M. Joe thanks @Br.FelixRex for his latest donation. R! :ok


2022-01-01, 07:28:40
Today is the Seventh
& Final Day
of Festum Album

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Festum Album PDF Link

Today is Purity Day


2021-12-31, 13:55:50
Today is the Sixth Day
of Festum Album

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Festum Album PDF Link

Today is Law Day


2021-12-30, 06:25:49
Today is the Fifth Day
of Festum Album

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Festum Album PDF Link

Today is Memorial Day


2021-12-29, 09:37:30
Today is the Fourth Day
of Festum Album
& West Victory Day

Creator Calendar Link
Festum Album PDF Link

Today is Ingenuity Day


2021-12-28, 03:24:54
Today is the Third Day
of Festum Album

Creator Calendar Link
Festum Album PDF Link

Today is Unity Day


2021-12-27, 21:12:59
We need more nigger free holidays! Happy Festum Album >:D


2021-12-27, 02:21:45
Today is the Second Day
of Festum Album

Creator Calendar Link
Festum Album PDF Link

Today is Destiny Day


2021-12-26, 04:10:00
Today is the First Day
of Festum Album

Creator Calendar Link
Festum Album PDF Link

Today is History Day


2021-10-16, 02:25:32
Notice from PM Joe: The Zionist Swine are now rejecting mail with "Rahowa" included in it. Advises to use alt-:
R! 18! 23/23 31/23 W23


2021-10-07, 12:33:10
Check out our new Shortened Web LinkIt also works for all email addresses.


2021-09-28, 15:02:24
I agree with you Rev Cambeul. Fags must be killed using pneumatic cattle stunners and thrown into the trash compactors of garbage trucks before being thrown into the furnaces of waste-to-electricity power plants to be used as fuel for electric power generation and the production of ash fertilizer and fly ash concrete strengthener. RaHoWa! White Power!


2021-09-28, 15:00:09
It is great news to know that high testosterone badass Rev Joe Esposito is being released in 2023. He is a great asset to the White Power Movement! RaHoWa! White Power!


2021-09-07, 09:10:12
Kiddy fuckers are the worst kind of Faggotry. Gassing is too good for them. They need to be crucified.


2021-07-31, 07:34:02


2021-07-30, 06:37:18
R! Rev. Joe free in 23!


2021-07-29, 13:18:16
P.M. Joe sends @Br.FelixRex his thanks for his latest donation. RaHoWa!

Anarchist Cookbook & Kurt Saxon

Started by Jim, Wed 03 Nov 2010

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I can only speak for Australia in this instance: The JOG have not banned the Anarchist's Cookbook, so people are free to download, print or buy and talk about it freely. The catch is if you are known to have it, your home may be raided at any time by the JOG and the Anarchist's Cookbook will be waved infront of the press as a prime reason why you need to be locked up.

Apart from that, the Anarchist's Cookbook is a kiddy terrorist manual with a reputation it doesn't deserve. Amateurish but deadly pranks most fifteen year olds already know combined with out of date methods on how to get free access to telephones and the pre-world-wide internet (BBS).

All in all, the Anarchist's Cookbook is a propaganda coup for any JOG agent that captures a "White Supremacist" or any enemy of the week with it in his or her possession. So if you do read it, read it as Brother Jim did to find out what youthful but deadly pranks your local niggers can play on you so you know what to look out for, but never speak of it publicly and dispose of it ASAP!

Recovering after surgery.
Expect 3 Weeks. Pass it on.

Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
Church Administrator, Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

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Noli Nothis Permittere Le Terere
The only way to prevent 1984 is 2323
Joining the Creativity Alliance is Free

"In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man, brave, hated, and scorned.
When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot."
Mark Twain.


Kurt Saxon books are older Survivor books - some may said out of date.  Still lots of great ideas
Before the 14 Words, there was the First Commandment of Creativity: "It is the avowed duty and holy responsibility of each generation to assure and secure for all time the existence of the White Race upon the face of this planet."


Kurt Saxon compiled his 4-volume Poor Man's James Bond series from legitimate, legal sources because he noticed some of the information in Anarchist Cookbook was flawed.  His information is culled from military manuals, chemical formularies, gunsmithing books, etc.

You can readily find these in .pdf form using a web search engine, I think there's a torrent, too, to get all four volumes at once.

"United and organized the White Race is ten times as powerful as the rest of the world combined."


Saxon also wrote granddad's wonderful  book of chemistry.  Great book - I think  8)
Before the 14 Words, there was the First Commandment of Creativity: "It is the avowed duty and holy responsibility of each generation to assure and secure for all time the existence of the White Race upon the face of this planet."


Quote from: Br.Jim on Fri 05 Nov 2010
Kurt Saxon books are older Survivor books - some may said out of date.  Still lots of great ideas

Creators aren't anarchists and should be very careful discussing anything that has the appearance of illegality as AC does.

That said, demolition experts who have read the Anarchist's Cookbook think about it along the lines of this reviewer at Amazon Books (if not quite as paranoid as he):

I think it's a provocation, May 4, 2010
By G. E Farr "Grayal" (Tallahassee, FL)

This review is from: The Anarchist Cookbook (Paperback)
I spent 26 years in the military, mostly Rangers and Special Forces. I attended a sabotage course taught by the "other governmantal agency" and taught a sabotage class myself for members of a classified Special Forces detachment in Europe. I can assure you all that there's a reason why the military refers to "improvised" explosives and incendiaries. Many, if not most, are obscenely unstable even if the best formulas and proceedures are followed. My SF demolitions sergeants thought the "AC" recipes were weirdly, consistently,dangerously, wrong. We never, never did things the "AC" way. Suspiciously, I find no mention of ammonium nitrate fertilizer mixed with diesel fuel. Both ingredients are highly stable, even when properly combined, yet together constitute a highly effective explosive. Both are bought by the ton in thousands of commercial agriculture operations across the world and often stored with minimal security or accountability. That was well known even back then, but there's no mention of it. Just all this unnecessarily dangerous stuff. What's all that about, if not a provocation?

The weapons stuff was weird too. For instance, "AC" kept talking about pairs of weapons that were "great teams together." To me that suggests one of two things. Maybe weapons whose capabilities complemented each other. Say, a sniper rifle and a shotgun for close-in team protection. Or a pair of weapons that shared ammunition and possibly accessories, or even allowed cross-canibalization of parts. These suggested "great teams together" seem to have been paired to negate any such synergistic benefits.

I can't address the drug formulation. I can say that I thought the "theory" stuff was lame and low-brow. "The Wretched of the Earth" this ain't. And from a practice and tactics standpoint it isn't even a "Mini-mmanual for the Urban Geurilla".

So what's up with all this? I can't help but suspect that it was written and published to flush out wannabe terrorits and get them to do stupid, dangerous things, operate in ineffective ways, and generally self-destruct beforethey could actually develop into efective terrorits in effective organizations. Who knows? Maybe we can hear from the author. For sure the dreaded Weathermen did not cause as many casualties total as they inflicted upon themselves in one botched bomb-making operation. Wonder whose recipes they were using...

If you want to own this book get the original, not the 2002 ripoff this reviewer describes:

Garbage Re-Print, November 3, 2010
By Jeremy D. Stillwagner

This review is from: The Anarchist Cookbook (Paperback)
I am an avid collector of controversial books both for their historical and entertainment value. Don't waste your money on The Anarchist Cookbooks sold here on Amazon. While the picture(s) may show an original one, these are actually re-prints from 2002 and a lot of the original content has been removed or edited. I am very disappointed in the misleading sales tactic.
Former Hasta Primus for P.M. Ben Klassen with the Church of the Creator at North Carolina, and later the right-hand man for Dr William Pierce with the National Alliance. Currently the Chairman of the National Alliance.


The anarchist cookbook has been known as being false and often dangerous. There are plenty of other educational publications available that provide factual, military standard guides to both production of improvised weapons and proper practice of guerrilla tactics.

That said, at this stage, studying racial theory (Creativity) and propagandising is much more important than knowing how to make explosives or homemade guns. Get a good grounding in Creativity and spread it to the masses, if we can't get the masses on board, any form of guerrilla uprising will be fruitless.

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Due to a 2003 CE decision in the US 7th Circuit Court Of Appeals, the name “Church of the Creator” is the trademarked property of a Christian entity known as TE-TA-MA Truth Foundation-Family of URI®. Use of the name “Church of the Creator” in any context is historical, and is presented for educational purposes only. The Church of Creativity makes no attempt to assume or supersede the trademark. Trademark remains with the trademark holder. [More ...]
The Church of Creativity is a Professional, Non-Violent, Progressive Pro-White Religion. We promote White Civil Rights, White Self-Determination, and White Liberation via 100% legal activism. We do not promote, tolerate nor incite illegal activity. [More ...]

Creator Origins
Church of the Creator: Founded by Ben Klassen - Year Zero (1973CE)
Your Own Creator Forum: Continuously Online Since 25AC (1998CE)
Creativity Alliance & Church of Creativity: Founded 30AC (2003CE)
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What is good for the White Race is of the Highest Virtue;
What is bad for the White Race is the Ultimate Sin.

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