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Reminder Why I'm Here/Why New Prospects Should Join & Help in the Fight

Started by JamieW, Sat 12 Nov 2011

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RaHoWa! brothers and sisters. As some of you would know I've been around these forums for several months and an official member for a month. I live on the mid-north coast of NSW Australia in a town called Kempsey.

Kempsey is  a beautiful river town with a rich history. Unfortunately we also have one of the largest abo populations on the north coast and at the moment these monkeys have the town in the grip of fear due to their crime spree and general nigger standover tactics.

in the the past twelve months we have had several tourists robbed in motels and rest stops. Several serious home invasions, mostly on elderly, one of which resulted in an elderly man defending his home being bashed to death with a shovel. Several break and enters a day. Several instances of vandalism a day. Groups of coon kids walking the streets day and night. Cars being torched in driveways. Numerous drunk coon adults passed out in public areas, drinking in public areas, asking good white folk for money and then abusing and standing over them.

And all this in a town of only 28000 people.

We have a bunch of JOG puppets as a police force whose constant response is generally "our hands are tied" or "there's nothing we can do."

Truth of the matter is if you're black you're handled with the softly softly approach and released. Or grossly under sentenced as this link to my local media shows:

Me and my family as well as my fine White neighbours are unfortunate enough to have a house full of unsupervised and uncontrollable coons two doors up from us. They constantly graffiti and throw items at cars and when dark comes they're stealing. We have identified them to JOG police and nothing is done.

Two weeks ago prior to our son having major surgery and a stay in hospital he was stood over by monkey teens for his phone whilst at the local skate park enjoying his last scooter ride until a few months of recovery have passed.

And then yesterday our family pet, a four yr old kelpie working dog was murdered by the bastards. I know this as they have been trying to kill the dogs in our neighbourhood for a while. The tears in my family's eyes served as a reminder for me why I am a CREATOR.

It should serve as motivation to us all, old members new members and prospective members. The fight is far from over and while most White folk are JOG sheep we will never win over, we need fine people to open their eyes and minds in an attempt to save our fine race.

in the Alliance I have found a group of great fellow minded people who are supportive and passionate. I hope we build bigger better and stronger. RaHoWa!


Excellent thread Brother Jamie! :)

Make no mistake about it, one day we will have total White victory and the filthy, criminal mud races will be put back in their places.

The aboriginals for one will be sent to reservations where they will be given the opportunity to sink or swim. We know what the outcome will be - they will drink, murder and starve themselves to extinction. Not our problem, so be it, good riddance to the primitive monkeys. If it weren't for the White British colonising this country, they'd have been wiped out over 100 years ago by Torres Strait islanders and south east Asians.

What we must remember Brothers and Sisters, is we must keep our heads!

Upon the extortion and robbery of Jamie's son and the cold blooded murder of his family pet, any lesser man would have seeked revenge paid in blood. Brother Jamie stood staunch, vented his anger to some White Racial Comrades of the Alliance and simply renewed his dedication and determination to fight our way. Brother Jamie has followed the Creativity creed in staying 100% legal but that does not mean he has failed to act. He is distributing fliers on a weekly basis and doing everything he can to build his Church Primary Group. He WILL recruit new Creators, he WILL make an influence in his area and he WILL combat the NIGGER SAVAGES that plague his town night and day!

Brother Jamie should be an example to all of you. How many of you are faced with the daily threat of robbery, home invasion, the bashing/rape of your family at the hands of nigger savages? How many of you are told point blank by the local police that they cannot and will not do their job to protect you? Brother Jamie faces this threat, yet he still works tirelessly to promote our creed and program.

It is because of staunch, loyal and dedicated men like Br. Jamie Winiarczyk that one day, we will have a WHITER and BRIGHTER WORLD!


Reverend Scott Harrison.


On the road ... travelling from the UK to the Black Sea. Then after a little rest, back across Europe all the way to the Arctic Circle through Sweden and Norway. The trip will last until around October. I am not well off or getting any sponsor, but if you would like a visit while I am on the road feel free to drop me a line. And I will do my best to stop in and see you.  I will be doing my best to get the word out about our Church. There are lots of so-called Right-Wing groups throughout Europe and whenever possible I will be meeting up and putting the good word forward.


cheers for youre kind words and thoughts brothers.that is the reason i feel at home from fellow racialists.and yes to be honest iam in a racial war zone here but im trying to win the war.ill try and build and fight harder in the realms of the law and morally as a good whiteman should.ill keepnyou all updated on the ground i make..R!


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