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YouTube Deleted 2.5 Million Dislikes From Biden White House Videos, Data Indicat

Started by G.L.R., Sat 03 Apr 2021

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YouTube Deleted 2.5 Million 'Dislikes' From Biden White House Videos, Data Indicates

April 2, 2021

You Tube has deleted about 2.5 million 'dislikes' from videos on the official White House channel of President Joe Biden,  according to data collected and posted online by a researcher who  wished to remain anonymous.

YouTube recently announced that it's testing  a new page design that hides the dislike count. The Google-owned  video platform allows users to give videos either a thumb up (like) or  thumb down (dislike). For at least two years, it's had a policy to  remove likes and dislikes it considers spam. "We have policies and systems in place to ensure that the engagement on YouTube is authentic, and remove any fraudulent metrics," a YouTube spokesperson told The Epoch Times via email, but when asked, wouldn't go into details on what criteria it uses to make these calls. The channel has posted more than 300 videos that have garnered nearly  3.7 million dislikes of which nearly 2.5 million were removed, according to data posted on the website ... YouTube is deleting close to 8,000 dislikes per video on average. Not a single like was removed, the data indicates. Even after the interventions, the videos have nearly six times more  dislikes than likes on average, the data shows. Without intervention the  ratio would be over 17 dislikes for every like. Posts on social media indicate that some supporters of former  President Donald Trump make a point of disliking the Biden White House  videos. The videos often get thousands of dislikes shortly after popping online, only for a large portion of the dislikes being deleted later.

In some cases, batches of dislikes would be removed about once an  hour, keeping the dislike count around the same number. In other cases, a  large portion of dislikes would be chopped down at once, the data  indicates. YouTube recently announced testing of a design that still includes  the dislike button, but no longer shows the number of dislikes.  YouTube and its owner, Google, have long faced accusations of  political bias. According to research psychologist Robert Epstein, Google shifted millions of votes in the Nov. 3 election by skewing its search results and other tools, compared to competitors. "Google search results were strongly biased in favor of liberals and Democrats. This was not true on Bing or Yahoo," ...  Read more ...

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