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Why Not Just Join Us? Vets Pushed To Suicide By Corrupt, Woke Pentagon

Started by G.L.R., Thu 22 Sep 2022

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Vets are being pushed to suicide by a totally corrupt Pentagon and Woke flag officers!

September 21st, 2022

Men trained to die but can't cope in peacetime America

  The 'exhaustive' study which was four years in the making examined suicides and "self-injury mortality" - or deaths classified as accidental or undetermined, in those aged 18-64, over the period between 2014 and 2018, Stripes reports. The VA, meanwhile, gets its suicide figures from county authorities where the deaths occur - which fails to identify veterans around 18% of the time. America's Warrior Partnership, a suicide prevention group, contracted gather state-provided death data and coordinate with the DOD to corroborate military affiliation.

The study identified a 37% greater suicide rate than reported by the VA. That was because"Operation Deep Dive," as the study is called, worked to get specificity of the decedent's demographics, military experience and death details.

Kneeling for the burning down and looting of their own cities - so why go fight and burn down somewhere else?

The study looked at death data for Alabama, Florida, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana and Oregon. If death information these eight states is applied to the rest of the country, around 24 veterans die each day by suicide, as determined by a coroner or medical examiner, vs the VA's average of 17.7 veteran suicides per day. What's more, around 20 former service members die each day by self-injurymortality - which is defined as accidents or an undetermined cause of death, of which over 80% were overdoses... Those most at risk of suicide are veterans who had served for under three years, had been demoted, and lived alone in a suburban or rural area....

"Let's Go Brandon ... I agree!" :ok

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