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Will The ADL Save Jew Zieler For Raping, Murdering 11 Year Old & Babysitter?

Started by G.L.R., Thu 29 Jun 2023

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Murderer who raped and killed girl, 11 and her babysitter in 1990 elbows his lawyer in court and then flashes the word 'killer' etched on his teeth - before being sentenced to death by judge
27 June 2023
A man who was convicted of murdering an 11-year-old girl and her babysitter in 1990 punched his own attorney and was wrestled to the ground in court Monday.  Joseph Zieler, 61, on Monday was sentenced to death in the slayings of 11-year-old Robin Cornell and her babysitter, Lisa Story, 32, who were raped and suffocated.  While in front of a judge, Zieler asked for the cameras in the room to be taken down before using an expletive and then elbowing attorney Kevin Shirley in the face.  Three bailiffs quickly tackled the man - who appeared to have 'killer' etched on his teeth - to the ground before escorting him out of the courtroom within seconds.  In May, a jury in Lee County, Florida recommended the death penalty and Monday's appearance was to appeal to the judge hours before he gave his sentence.

The Victim - An 11 Year Old White Girl

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"Let's Go Brandon ... I agree!" :ok


Apparently this happened in Florida, but could have been anywhere.  Florida governor Ron DeSantis has enacted laws to protect every Jew in Florida, and I'am guessing that we haven't heard yet from the ADL which was formed to protect another Jew rapist and murderer - Leo Frank.  Frank and no doubt the ADL tried to pin the murder on two negroes.  Funny and strange that the Jew also started and runs the NAACP and SPLC.  Earlier the Jew started and ran CORE (Congress of Racial Equality).  The Jew puts himself above all other races and uses the negro as cannon fodder against Whites.

"Let's Go Brandon ... I agree!" :ok

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