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White Genocide Flyers Found on Cars in Albany, Oregon

Started by Uncle88, Sat 22 Nov 2014

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Last week on the Veteran's Day parade in Albany, Oregon, residents found flyers against White Genocide placed on their car windshields.

The flyers featured the phrases "ANTI-RACIST is a code word for ANTI-WHITE" and "DIVERSITY is a code word for WHITE GENOCIDE."

Some anti-Whites were outraged and called the police and local government, and wrote letters to the Democrat-Herald.

According to the Democrat-Herald, Peter Goodman, a member of "Community Action For Racial Equity" or "C.A.R.E", a local activist group, opposed the message of the White Genocide flyers.

He said "When something like this happens we encourage people to make an individual protest [...] Contact the police or write to the paper to let the community we don't want that here."

"We're asking the city affirm opposition to this sort of hate literature and promote a welcoming attitude"

"Unless this type of thing is challenged it will fester and grow, [...] These things are an attack on all citizens."

Legally speaking, "hate" means something that targets a group. When anti-Whites like Goodman say "hate", what they mean is "I hate it".

Anti-Whites targeting White people for massive non-White immigration and forced "diversity" could certainly be defined as "hate", but it's much more accurately defined as genocide.


Great somebody is doing something like this. Oregon is mainly white though isn't it? That is where the Volksfront HQ is?
The Price is Reich!

Find me on Stormfront as QueJumpingAfghan where I have been banned!
Formerly Based in the Northern Territory
Now in Adelaide, South Australia
The Whitest City in Australia
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Aleister Adams

Oregon is mostly white but they're liberal brain washed ass clowns.I made a comment once in Ashland about how muds ruined the south and an office full got offended.Theyre blind.88

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