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When Americans Lost Faith In The News According To The Jew-Owned "New Yorker"

Started by G.L.R., Thu 02 Feb 2023

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When Americans Lost Faith in the News

January 30, 2023

Half a century ago,
Most of the public said they trusted the news media.
Today, most say they don't.
What happened to the power of the press?

The Washington Post unveiled the slogan "Democracy Dies in Darkness," on February 17, 2017, people in the news business made fun of it. But it was already clear, less than a month into the Trump Administration, that destroying the credibility of the mainstream press was a White House priority... The Post kept track of the lies. The paper calculated that by the end of his term the President had lied 30,573 times. Almost as soon as Donald Trump took office, he started calling the news media "the enemy of the American people." ... "Fake news" became a standard White House response... Reporters need access so that they can write their stories, and politicians would like those stories to be friendly. Reporters also want to come across as fair and impartial, and officials want to seem coöperative and transparent. Trump is rude. Cordiality is not a feature of his brand. Trump waged war on the press, and he won, or nearly won. He persuaded millions of Americans not to believe anything they saw or heard in the non-Trumpified media...

Was "Trump being rude" to the press
Or just honest about the same narrative coming from the same
Jew-owned media?

The press wasn't silenced in the Trump years. The press was discredited, at least among Trump supporters... That we need a free press for our democracy to work is a belief as old as our democracy. Hence the First Amendment. Without the free circulation of information and opinion, voters will be operating in ignorance when they choose whom to vote for and what policies to support. But what if the information is bad?

The "New Yorker" from which this thread is quoting,
Is itself Jew-owned and the whole article is one-sided.
The problem is not journalists but who they work for and tell them what to print.

Journalists came to believe in objectivity, to the extent that they did, because they wanted to, needed to, were forced by ordinary human aspiration to seek escape from their own deep convictions of doubt and drift." In other words, objectivity was a problematic concept from the start.

A book written in the year 1543.
So "The New Yorker" refers to Julian Assange as "possibly a criminal.
Why not let the reader decide?

Yet journalists are quick to defend anyone who uncovers and disseminates information, as long as it's genuine, by whatever means and with whatever motives. Julian Assange is possibly a criminal. He certainly intervened in the 2016 election, allegedly with Russian help, to damage the candidacy of Hillary Clinton... It is hard to be "objective" and sell news at the same time.

"Let's Go Brandon ... I agree!" :ok

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