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US Army: White People Are the Enemy

Started by Rev.Cambeul, Fri 24 Aug 2012

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Aleister Adams

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And this is only getting worse by the day.They're not gonna stop till we're extinct.838


I met a man, 14 years service in the US military and discharged... He told me that over half a million soldiers had been raided by swat team and disarmed by force in America since he was discharged (this was 3 or 4 years ago). He said He had not "admitted" to PTSD and that as soon as a soldier has the label of "Post Traumatic Stress Disorder" by the psychiakikes he is systematically disarmed by armed SWAT teams and often locked away in a psych ward... He said as soon as they accept the diagnosis they are as good as marked for death. he had not taken the mark and was still armed.
We will win!


Whole psychoanalysis is under control of Freud. He had hated Rome (Whites) and was honorary member of B'nai B'rith. Religion is as mind program. Once when you programmed group of people with it,all works. Elites are creating religion,soliders are just followers. When you turn elite under your side,there will be lot of soliders.
I am still learning English. Please forgive any errors you may see.

Aleister Adams

An old friend suffers shell shock and gets $2.500 monthly and they monitor him like a level 5 sex offender. The meds they have him on are killing him and he's fully aware. If he questions anything they do he's hauled back to the feeb farms. Good guy but one of Americas walking dead.88


Yeah--the military is all about diversity now--homo/trans rights and promoting their twisted hatred of any white male with a set of balls and pride for who he is.
The U.S. military is now in a very weak and vulnerable state. They can't get recruits and are offering huge financial incentives to join up.
Here's the reality regarding the terrible condition of our youth in this country--just saw this fact in the newspaper--only 27% of those between the ages of 18 and 24 years are seen as fit to serve in our military.
As part of Creativity-- I keep my body fit--work it daily--test it regularly--don't pollute it with shit food--drugs and mindless entertainment. I have better things to do then watch others play sports.
I work my mind as well as my body. We should be shining examples of the Creativity beliefs we espouse.


They keep this up, and a single CREATOR with a shanghai and a SET OF BALLS will be able to hold off the entire US Army, Navy and Airforce.
At home recovering after surgery

Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
Church Administrator, Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

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