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Trump Says No To Jewlensky's War

Started by Rob82, Thu 26 Jan 2023

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President Trump simply pointing out the obvious. How silly people are when a nuclear threat doesn't seem to bother them. Just please let Jewlensky collapse. However, liberal Europe and degenerate-niggerized Biden won't do that.

                                      DO NOT SUPPORT JEWLENSKY'S BOSH WAR EFFORT

'First Come the Tanks, Then Come the Nukes': Trump Calls on Biden to End 'Crazy' Ukraine Conflict

Sputnik International (Russia) | 26 January 2023 - Fantine Gardinier

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters on Thursday that NATO states sending weapons to Ukraine was "perceived as direct involvement in the conflict" by Moscow, rather than being separate from it.

In a post on his Truth Social platform on Thursday, former US President Donald Trump called on US President Joe Biden to end "this crazy war" in Ukraine before it leads to the use of nuclear weapons.

"First come the tanks, then come the nukes. Get this crazy war ended, now. So easy to do," Trump said.

The former US leader was referring to Biden's decision earlier this week to ship nearly three dozen M1 Abrams main battle tanks to Ukraine as Poland agreed to send its own Leopard 2 tanks as well. Several NATO allies have also recently announced plans to send other light armored vehicles to Ukraine, too.

Trump has railed against the dangers posed by US support for Ukraine since February 2022, when Russia launched its special operation in Ukraine and NATO rushed to prop up the Ukrainian military. He's far from being alone in that, as critics from across the political spectrum and from many NATO states have warned of a variety of dangerous consequences from the conflict, ranging from fuel shortages to the outbreak of thermonuclear war.

Biden has shown his awareness of the dangers of nuclear war, warning of the risk of "Armageddon," but has done so in a way that suggests Russian President Vladimir Putin was threatening to use nuclear weapons. In fact, Putin said Russian nuclear forces had been placed on high alert due to "aggressive" statements by NATO about Russia paying a "severe price" for the operation, and he said nuclear war can have no winners and should never be invoked.

Biden has also ignored several attempts by Moscow to begin negotiations to end the conflict in Ukraine and advised Kiev to abstain from talks as well, pinning their consideration on Russia's withdrawal from Russian-speaking regions that voted to leave Ukraine and join the Russian Federation.

Path to Peace

Moscow launched the operation in February 2022 with the aim of neutralizing the country as a potential base for NATO weapons. The operation came after months of failed talks in which Washington diplomats said Russia's security red lines were "non-starters," and Kiev dramatically ramped up its attacks on rebels in the Russian-speaking Donbass region, where neo-Nazi formations had pushed a war on Russophone Ukrainians since 2014 that had killed nearly 20,000 people by that time.

Moscow now demands Kiev de-Nazify its government and armed forces and declare itself a neutral state, giving up the goal of joining the NATO alliance that is presently written into its constitution.

Trump's Record on Escalation

Ironically, when Trump was president, he was often accused by critics of attempting to start World War 3, variously with Iran, China, and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK). In August 2017, amid a tense showdown with US ally South Korea, Trump threatened the socialist state with "fire and fury like the world has never seen" if it continued to make threats against the US. Weeks later, Pyongyang tested its first thermonuclear weapon, and Trump soon proposed creating the W76-2 "micro-nuke," which analysts warned was extremely dangerous because it lowered the threshold for the use of nuclear weapons.

Despite the Russiagate accusations of collusion with Moscow, Trump was no less hostile toward Russia, either. During his tenure, the Pentagon and National Security Council declared a shift in the US' strategic orientation away from the War on Terror and toward what it described as "great power competition" with Russia and China.

Trump also oversaw the continued basing of US forces along Russia's western flank, weapons sales to Ukraine, and pushed ahead plans for the Aegis Ashore base in Redzikowo, Poland, and the overhaul of a similar base in Deveselu, Romania, which are capable of firing offensive strike missiles deep into Russia. He also signed the Countering America's Adversaries Through Sanctions Act (CAATSA), a law passed by the Democrat-controlled Congress that punishes states for buying advanced military equipment from Russia and China, among other makers.

The former president recently restablished control over his accounts on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, following their suspension after the January 6, 2021, insurrection by his followers. He created the Truth Social platform in response to their suspension, but has so far not used his Twitter account since it was reactivated last October.

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