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Biden's Now Armed IRS Tells THIEVES They Must Pay Taxes On Stolen Property

Started by G.L.R., Sat 11 Mar 2023

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BEYOND PARODY: The IRS Reminds Thieves That They Have to Pay Taxes on Stolen Property
Mar. 10, 2023
The Internal Revenue Service is now reminding thieves that they must report income gained through their crimes.  This would be hilarious, if it wasn't also a stark reminder of how normalized crimes like robbery and shoplifting have become in recent years.  It gets more difficult to distinguish between parody and reality every day.  The IRS's bewildering rule about self-reporting income from crimes has caused some Twitter users to mock the federal agency. According to IRS Publication 525, taxpayers are legally required to report the value of whatever property they stole during the tax year. "If you steal property, you must report its FMV (Fair Market Value) in your income in the year you steal it, unless in the same year you return it to its rightful owner," the rule reads.

The same rule applies to bribery, drug deals and other income-earning crimes. The IRS purportedly uses the information solely for tax purposes and does not hand over any evidence to law enforcement. The only situation where law enforcement may have access to the information is through court orders.

"Let's Go Brandon ... I agree!" :ok


"Let's Go Brandon ... I agree!" :ok


This meme had to go somewhere.  We hear about this all the time - how they lost track of billions, even trillions.  Like when the Pentagon couldn't track down a couple trillion dollars (actually the very pentagon accounting office doing the accounting was conveniently hit in the 9-11 attack on the pentagon).  The bigger the amount the better, cause no one will believe it anyway.

"Let's Go Brandon ... I agree!" :ok


And once again, funny that many find this unbelievable.  And so why not!  Look who the IRS answers to.  Presidents like JFK and Trump have criticized the federal reserve to no avail.  The answer Trump got from the federal reserve...  "We don't answer to government".

"Let's Go Brandon ... I agree!" :ok

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