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Thieves Casually Ransack Silicon Valley Apple Store & Staff Allow It

Started by G.L.R., Fri 09 Dec 2022

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Incredible moment thieves casually ransack Apple store in tech mecca Palo Alto
and staff HOLD BACK customers from trying to stop them

2 December 2022

This is the incredible moment employees at an Apple store in the heart of California's iconic Silicon Valley allow a pair of thieves to brazenly ransack the store, and even tell employees not to interfere. The startling footage was filmed at the Apple store in Palo Alto on Black Friday, and showed the masked thieves storming about the store and ripping iPhones, iPads, and laptops from their displays. As the ransacking played out startled customers asked employees if they should do anything to stop it, but the employees told them not to intervene, and even guided some customers out of the way. The thieves made off with about $35,000 worth of merchandise...

Make way for the crook!
An Apple employee in a red shirt can be seen
moving a customer out of the way of the thief

Though the thieves appeared to be unarmed, at some point during the raid one of them allegedly threatened a customer with violence, which elevated their crime from burglary shoplifting to robbery. Two thieves could be seen in the video lurching around the Apple store, haphazardly tearing devices from the display tables, ripping them loose from their security cables, and stuffing them into bags. At one point as a thief hauled on a phone, it came loose from his hands and it flew across the room to crash on the floor, but he carried on unfazed. The thieves weaved through customers, even shoving some out of the way, as Apple employees in red polos stood by, and even guided customers out of the criminals' way.

Don't get in dem dar way folks!

'Yo, should we stop 'em, or what?' one customer asked as a thief stuffed phones into his bags mere feet away. 'Let him go!' an Apple employee responded, throwing his hands up in the air as the thief scurried by. At other points in the video employees could be heard telling customers 'You gotta back up.' The crooks took off in a red Mazda hatchback, according the the Post, and fled north on U.S. Highway 101. No arrests have been made, but cops said they believe the suspects to be in their teens or early twenties.

"Let's Go Brandon ... I agree!" :ok


Quote from: MSM on Fri 09 Dec 2022'Yo, should we stop 'em, or what?' one customer asked as a thief stuffed phones into his bags mere feet away. 'Let him go!' an Apple employee responded, throwing his hands up in the air as the thief scurried by.

The final solution to control looting ...

Don't Rely on the Police - Fed Up North Philly Store Owner Hires Armed Security Guards with AR-15s

Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
Church Administrator, Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

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