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The Democrats Will Lose In 2024: PA Senate Votes To Ban Drop Boxes & 'Zuckerbuck

Started by G.L.R., Sun 17 Apr 2022

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Pennsylvania Senate votes to ban drop boxes and 'Zuckerbucks'

April 16, 2022

The Pennsylvania state Senatepassed legislation on Wednesday prohibiting ballot drop boxes and private funds used to manage elections. By a narrow margin of 29-20, the chamber advanced Senate Bill 1200  to eliminate the use of drive-through ballot returns. The revised  election code will "require an elector choosing to return a ballot to a  county board of elections, return it to an employee." However, the employee whom the voter chooses must be "located in the county seat of the county board of elections." Moreover, if a constituent cannot submit the ballot personally, the  board of elections will grant an absentee ticket to an authorized  representative designated by the balloter...

The Senate's decision arrives almost two years after the Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruled in favor of extending the state's 2020 deadline to vote by mail and the utilization of drop boxes.  "Zuckerbucks" are now forbidden  in the Keystone State... Facebook CEO Mark  Zuckerberg contributed millions of dollars across the nation to fund  election operations through CTCL. A report released by Rep. Claudia Tenney, R-N.Y., revealed that the  "vote-generating group," primarily funded by the tech billionaire, gave  90 percent of its dollars to blue counties in swing states. Pennsylvania received over 20 million dollars from the group backed by Zuckerburg.The Pennsylvania House of Representatives will vote on the bills in the coming weeks.

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