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Stupid NYC Negro DA Trying To Charge Trump Could Land In Prison Himself If....

Started by G.L.R., Mon 03 Apr 2023

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Bragg Was Looking to Charge Trump with a Felony, Could Land Himself in Prison for Years Instead
Apr. 2, 2023
As Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg tries to hang a felony charge on former President Donald Trump, leaks from the grand jury indictment against the former president could leave Bragg facing his own felony charge — if he was the source of the leak...  Pieces of the indictment, but not the full document, have been leaked to the media, hence reports have been flying that there are 30 counts against Trump, at least one of which is a felony. Bragg is also dealing with calls from House Republicans to provide documents related to his investigation of Trump...  Leaking grand jury documents is a felony in New York. And that means Bragg could be in trouble... "It is likely that a serious felony has been committed right under District Attorney Alvin Bragg's nose, and he is not investigating it. Under New York law, it is a felony to leak confidential grand jury information, such as whether the jurors voted to indict. The protection of secrecy is as applicable to President Trump as it is to anyone else," Dershowitz wrote. "The most likely, though uncertain, scenario is that a person in Mr. Bragg's office or a grand juror unlawfully leaked the sealed information," he wrote. "It is possible of course that an investigation is underway, but it seems more likely that Mr. Bragg is too busy making up a crime against the man he promised in his campaign to get than investigating a real crime ... Bragg's reliance on former Trump attorney Michael Cohen as his key witness could be trouble because Cohen has already pleaded guilty to lying to Congress... "If [Bragg] uses Cohen as a witness, he could actually lose his bar license," Dershowitz told Fox Business Network's ... Read more ...


"Let's Go Brandon ... I agree!" :ok


Throw the worthless nigger in prison; stop the scum mud races from harming our superior people.
Jewish Supremacist Quote: "The goal for which we have striven so concertedly for three thousand years is at last within our reach. I can safely promise you that our race will soon take it's rightful place in the world with every Jew a King and every Gentile a Slave." - Rabbi Rabinovitch, Budapest Conference of European Rabbi's - 12 January 1952. [More ...]


I said he was stupid and even the Gateway Pundit says he is!  He's a token-appointed negro like Obama and the mayor of NYC and he's going ape literally!  He's already determined the outcome of this "case" that ensures there will never be a case - he's leaked information to the Jew press.
President Trump Comments on DA Bragg Illegally Leaking Bogus Trump Indictment to the Press 
Apr. 3, 2023

We know Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg is backed by George Soros and promised to indict President Trump when he was running for office.  He is as crooked as the day is long and he's not too bright either.  We also know that Bragg's office recently hired Obama White House Attorney and Biden DOJ attorney Matt Colangelo a woke and clearly crooked prosecutor.  It's no surprise these people committed a felony by leaking the indictment against President Trump to the press.  These people are evil and sick Obama and Biden puppets...   D.A. BRAGG JUST ILLEGALLY LEAKED THE 33 points of Indictment. There are no changes or surprises from those he leaked days ago directly out of the Grand Jury. No Crime by Trump. What a MESS. Bragg should resign, NOW!

"Let's Go Brandon ... I agree!" :ok


The Jew (George Soros) is using the negro again as a battering ram against White civilization.  The negro is too stupid to realize this...
Trump Attorney to Don Lemon: Let's Remember That the Real Crime That We Have is That Da Bragg Did Leak That There Were 34 Counts... That In Itself Is a Felony (VIDEO)
Apr. 3, 2023
Trump's lawyer Alina Habba on Monday blasted Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg during an appearance on CNN.  Alina Habba brought the fire and said Alvin Bragg is the one who committed a felony by leaking Trump's indictment to CNN.

"Let's Go Brandon ... I agree!" :ok


Well had to post this somewhere.  Sure there are enough White traitors, but when you install negroes in your justice department...

"Let's Go Brandon ... I agree!" :ok

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