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Somalian Refugee Finally Charged With Shooting Murder of North Dakota Mother

Started by G.L.R., Wed 15 Sep 2021

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Somalian Refugee Charged With Shooting Murder of North Dakota Mother

Sept 15, 2021

It's unclear whether he's a US citizen, and why his earlier  felony convictions didn't result in deportation proceedings

A Somalian refugee has been charged with the shooting death of a  North Dakota mother, just over a year after being convicted of felony  terrorizing in North Dakota.  Grand Forks, North Dakota police identified 26-year old Ahmen Mohamed  Abdullahi as the arrestee in the shooting of 28-year old Megan Lea  Gustafson. Police reports regarding the shooting recount police arriving  at an apartment complex early Sunday morning after receiving reports of  a suspicious person in the area. They spoke to Gustafson after knocking  on an apartment door, and heard arguing as they left the scene. A  gunshot was heard inside, with the victim and Abdullahi leaving the  partner, the latter allegedly holding a gun...  Abdullahi was already prohibited from owning a gun, stemming from a  conviction in 2020 for 'terrorizing.' The gun found at the scene of the  crime was reported stolen from a vehicle in Grand Forks in September. Abdullahi appears to have entered the United States as a refugee from  Somalia. It's unclear whether he's a US citizen, and why his earlier  felony convictions didn't result in deportation proceedings. He is currently being held at the Grand Forks County Correctional Center without bond.

"Let's Go Brandon ... I agree!" :ok

Aleister Adams

The Lutheran church brought those filthy scum to Nd. I'm guessing Biden plans on importing more muds.88

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