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Newsflash: Joe Biden is Senile - Shadow Govt Running Nation

Started by Rev.Cambeul, Fri 20 Dec 2024

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As if the entire world hasn't known this for the last five years ???

This is electoral fraud not seen in the modern world. Even King George the Loony that supposedly ruled the British Empire, and whom the American Colonies blamed for their rebellion, was only a puppet king put in place by Parliament, as is King Chuck III today.  But America's not the United Kingdom where the King has been an acknowledged but mere figurehead since the days of Cromwell. The President of the United States of America has real power. The power to destroy the world should he choose. And whom or what group is it that has that power today? Will the final Presidential Decree on January 19 2025 be Jill Biden sinking the world in a nuclear war?

The Democrat party leaders should be arrested and tried for what was essentially a White House coup. And the Democrat Party needs to be outlawed as a criminal organisation, with the Democratic senators and party apparatchiks forever forbidden from partaking in politics. ... As should Republicans that were in the know/worked with the Democrat Party.

Or perhaps all parties should be banned from politicking in the USA? If that's what Americans want, now's their opportunity.


The terrifying scandal is that Biden was NEVER president.

Maureen Callahan | Daily Mail (UK) | 20 December 2024

Excerpt: Having been lied to for years by the Democratic Party machine and most of the mainstream media — who insisted Joe Biden was not diminished by his age but energized by it — well, it turns out we skeptics were right all along.

And what we're learning is terrifying. Infuriating. An unacceptable abuse of power, a usurpation of the presidency itself by a nameless, faceless cohort.

Will we ever know who these conspirators are?

Two bombshell reports out this week, in the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal, depict a president thoroughly out to lunch for his entire term.

The gaslighting has failed to catch fire. If only legacy media had pursued this new line of reportage, I don't know, back in 2019. When it mattered.

Now that these outlets are shedding eyeballs and subscribers, we're getting some actual investigative reporting — albeit on the obvious.

BREAKING NEWS: Joe Biden has no idea what's going on.

[And] the Dems, knowing full well how incapacitated Biden was, plotted to install him again.

Such is Trump Derangement Syndrome. Such was their fear that VP Harris, the ultimate DEI hire, didn't have what it takes.

So now, the rage. Now the truth. Biden is a dead man walking, and they're going to throw his desiccated political corpse on the funeral pyre — if Joe doesn't 'burn it all down' first, as his vengeful wife Jill is reportedly urging him to do.

We've always known Biden's legacy was going to be one of decrepitude, deceit and dirty dealings. But on his ignominious way out the door, Biden has revealed his true self: Perpetually aggrieved.

A malignant narcissist who put his own thirst for power above party and country.

A loser so sore that he pardoned his son Hunter — defying a pledge never to do so, a pledge he made repeatedly — and more than 1,500 others, including: Two Chinese spies who stole top-secret American tech information and the relative of a Chinese Communist Party member who possessed thousands of child porn images.

That's Biden for you, the man Barack Obama said has an uncanny ability to 'f*** things up'.

The biggest humiliation of all: it now seems clear that Joe Biden, who only ever wanted to be president, was never running the world. He was never the actual American president. There will forever be an asterisk next to his name.

So, we ask again: Just who has been running the country for the past four years? As that live TV debate proved beyond a doubt, it sure as hell hasn't been Joe.

Subpoena Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Kamala Harris and Barack Obama, who apparently was running his third term from behind the curtain, Biden his useful idiot.

Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
Church Administrator, Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

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