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"Positive Results Don't Mean A Clinical Infection" Says Top Pathologist Pelosi..

Started by G.L.R., Thu 22 Jul 2021

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BREAKING: Fully Vaccinated Pelosi and Biden Aides Test Positive for COVID

July 20, 2021

A staff member of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi tested positive for coronavirus despite being fully vaccinated, Fox News reports. Drew Hammill, a top aide to Pelosi, confirmed this information about an unidentified aide. This aide also did not have recent contact with Pelosi, the report adds. Hammill said, "Yesterday, a fully vaccinated senior spokesperson in the speaker's press office tested positive for COVID after contact with members of the Texas state legislature last week." "This individual has had no contact with the speaker since exposure. The entire press office is working remotely today with the exception of individuals who have had no exposure to the individual or have had a recent negative test...

Papaya and goats tested positive for Covid-19
Additionally, a White House official also tested positive for coronavirus after attending the same rooftop reception in Washington as the Pelosi staffer last Wednesday night. The report says this White House aide was also fully vaccinated and experienced mild symptoms. A White House official said, "We know that there will be breakthrough cases, but as this instance shows, cases in vaccinated individuals are typically mild...

"Let's Go Brandon ... I agree!" :ok

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