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Niggers and Beaners Surprisingly Against Illegals?!

Started by Br.IanVonTurpie, Fri 25 Oct 2024

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An MSNBC host was stunned when black and Latino voters in crucial swing state Pennsylvania revealed why they will be choosing GOP candidate Donald Trump in the election.
Prominent host Alex Wagner met with members of the Black Republicans Club of Philadelphia in the latest segment of her namesake show on the weekend and asked why they were supporting the former president over Vice President Kamala Harris.

One voter, who is from a Guatemalan migrant family, said that immigration was his primary reason, claiming the crisis on the border was making people like him 'look bad.

'For us, like, seeing the new immigrants come in, it's just - they are more violent, it is more chaos, they do more bad than anything, and we have been here for longer than them,' Dorian Urizar told the host.

'And it is starting to affect us more, because stuff is getting stolen, they are making us look bad as immigrants, and we stayed longer than them, and we have been getting more misrepresentation because of them.

While he added he was unsure whether he supported Trump's mass deportation policy, he believed 'it's a good idea for the immigrants that are coming in, because they are the problem'.

While Urizar displayed mix feelings, Pastor Philip Fisher voiced his complete support for the controversial policy.

'I agree with the idea of mass deportation, largely. We have criminals in this country who are destroying our nation, they are coming in here, getting earmarked bills, policies to open up businesses, free housing, and access to welfare and other benefits easier than others,' he said.

'So, as a taxpayer, we have to pay for these guys to have luxuries of life, and we don't get anything. Especially Black Americans, who have suffered so much in the system under Democrats.

'We don't get anything. That's insane.

Sheila Armstrong, another passionate Trump supporter, agreed with the former president's longstanding claim about 'illegal aliens taking Black jobs.'

'Well, first of all, they are. They are illegal aliens. They are taking jobs that belong to the citizens of this country. It is just the fact that Trump is saying it out loud. That is why the fact that we rally around, behind Trump, because at the end of the day, this is the stuff we have been shouting out as a community,' Armstrong said.

'The part that is driving me crazy about immigration is the fact that I feel, and I really do feel, that the Democrats are celebrating people breaking the law. Why create the law, create a whole process for immigration, for y'all to break it?

Voter Amsar Butt also voiced his disdain for the Democratic Party, saying that the ruling party tends to take minority groups for granted

'They think Republicans are so out of touch with what the minorities need so [voters] don't have a choice. I think that's going to be a big surprise [on Election Day],' Butt said.

'A lot of people just walking down the street are not feeling the Democrats.'

Robert Williams added: 'The Black men that don't vote for Democrats, it's not what Mr. Trump did, it's [because] they have been disappointed with [Democrats].

The discussion came weeks after an NBC/Telemundo poll showed a dip in support from Latinos for Kamala Harris.

Support for Harris was at 54 percent, according to the poll, while Trump had 40 percent. Six percent said they were unsure who they wanted to be president or would not vote.

While Harris enjoys a healthy 14 point advantage from Latinos, it's much lower margin than past Democratic presidential candidates.

President Joe Biden had a 36 point lead with Latinos in 2020 and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had a healthy 50 point lead over Trump.

Former President Barack Obama had a 39-point lead over former Governor Mitt Romney.

Trump earned higher marks than Harris on the economy, dealing with inflation and the cost of living, and border security and controlling immigration.

Harris earned more positive ratings for competence, honesty, and having the right temperament to be president.
The Price is Reich!

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Formerly Based in the Northern Territory
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The Whitest City in Australia
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They want to stop the illegals, but want more muds and less Whites. It's in the article. And it's in Trump's, Farage's and the rest of the so-called Conservative's speeches.

Republicans ...
Putting the Con into CONservative
Putting the Service to Israel into ConSERVative

"You will all be replaced by nice legal brown and black immigrants.
Not those dirty, sneaky,  illegal border-hopping criminals.
It's good for America, because Israel wants it ...
And what Israel wants, Israel gets."

At home recovering after surgery

Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
Church Administrator, Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

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"In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man, brave, hated, and scorned.
When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot."
Mark Twain.


Throw the illegal non-white immigrants out of our nations, along with their evil jew masters.
Jewish Supremacist Quote: "The goal for which we have striven so concertedly for three thousand years is at last within our reach. I can safely promise you that our race will soon take it's rightful place in the world with every Jew a King and every Gentile a Slave." - Rabbi Rabinovitch, Budapest Conference of European Rabbi's - 12 January 1952. [More ...]


Quote from: Rev.FrankSmith on Fri 25 Oct 2024Throw the illegal non-white immigrants out of our nations, along with their evil jew masters.

Yes! We'll give them jobs in our Antarctic colony as walkers on treadmills and exercise bikes that generate green energy that goes in batteries that get sent back to assist Pensioners at bill time.

When they all break ... well we got a fertiliser plant next door where they can finally serve our community by assisting the Roses grow down the local Sports Oval.
The Price is Reich!

Find me on Stormfront as QueJumpingAfghan where I have been banned!
Formerly Based in the Northern Territory
Now in Adelaide, South Australia
The Whitest City in Australia
Click to see map of Australia

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