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National Justice Party Rally - America's Largest Pro-White Gathering In Decades

Started by G.L.R., Thu 08 Sep 2022

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NJP's Labor Day Rally was America's Largest Authentic Pro-White Gathering in Decades

September 5, 2022

Over Labor Day weekend, I attended the 8th National Justice Party meeting in the picturesque heartland of middle America

With the podium and stage flanked by two long floor-to-ceiling NJP banners and framed by gently rolling hills checkered with farmhouses, barley and corn fields, and an occasional patch of woods, this served as a fitting backdrop for the history that was made there. To paraphrase NJP founding member and party chairman, Mike Peinovich, in his interview with me, this was the largest authentic pro-White gathering in decades. It was also the most exhilarating so far in NJP's short but impressive history as a political party. Kosher fake dissidents, computer chair pundits, Jews, homosexuals, feds, and antifa (but I repeat myself) alike have scoffed at attendance numbers in the range of 300-400 people as a sign of irrelevance. And yet they do so without a hint of irony. With virtually every social media outreach and financial tool at their disposal, which, technologically speaking hasn't ever been more easy and convenient, and no fear of censorship, reprisal, or air travel restrictions...

NJP has accomplished what these organizations never could in just two short years while being underfunded relative to its competition, completely censored, with limited ability to travel, and under continuous attack by Jewish media, pundits, NGOs, and intelligence operatives. 400 men and their families drove hundreds, and in some cases, thousands of miles to attend this event. Unlike our political competition, no one was coerced or paid to be there. They came because they believe in everything we stand for and can't stand for what our enemies and half-measures, nominally dissident organizations believe. If there was ever to be a "mask-off" moment for kosher American nationalism or Republican party "infiltrators", I would have expected to see them at a secret meeting, in a secret location, at which truly based issues were being discussed, and yet not one of them was there. If you've been in search of a "mask-off" moment in American politics, NJP is the only game in town. This wasn't my first NJP event like this, but it was the most electrified and had taken on an undeniable feeling of something very real and palpable. The organizational effort undertaken by the National Staff to ensure an event of this size was executed so successfully was unprecedented and it was all done by people who are not being paid for their time ...

"Let's Go Brandon ... I agree!" :ok

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