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Morale Among Border Patrol PLUMMETS As Biden Regime Removes Hundreds Of Agents

Started by G.L.R., Mon 23 Aug 2021

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Morale among 'downtrodden' Border Patrol agents PLUMMETS as Biden policies leave them unable to protect national security – report
22 Aug, 2021
"On the road again"
US Border Patrol agents are reportedly suffering low morale, to the point they feel "almost dead inside," as President Joe Biden's policies leave only skeleton crews working in the field to intercept national-security threats. "Everyone shows up to work sort of downtrodden, almost dead inside, for lack of a better term," Jon Anfinsen, a spokesman for the Border Patrol's union... The US has set new 20-year highs in each of the past two months for the number of illegal aliens encountered by Border Patrol, including 213,000 in July, after Biden dismantled the policies of his predecessor Donald Trump, which he called "an assault on the dignity of immigrant communities." Agents know that many more people are crossing the border undetected, as hundreds of agents have been pulled from the field to process and care for the crushing flow of migrants.
The libtards can't use this (helping the economy) anymore as an excuse, cause the illegals are given immediate public assistance and put up in hotels
      "Agents are primarily indoors, processing, and we're dealing with the people who are flagging us down – the ones who are walking up to us and turning themselves in," ... In one 245-mile stretch of the southwest US border, there are only 12 agents patrolling... Texas, Border Patrol Station had just one person and a dog working in the field because all other agents were needed for non-enforcement tasks, such as processing and transporting illegal migrants. That's especially troubling to agents, knowing that drug traffickers and suspected terrorists, among other threats, are exploiting the porous border. People on the FBI's terrorist watchlist are crossing into the US at an unprecedented level, according to Rodney Scott, whom the Biden administration forced out as Border Patrol chief earlier this month.

Also this month, Mark Morgan, a top border official in the Obama and Trump administrations, said the Biden administration has dropped at least 40,000 illegal aliens infected with Covid-19 into US cities. The Examiner said many field agents have been turned into corrections officers, being jammed into crowded holding facilities with dozens of migrants packed in small rooms. Morgan said 37 employees have died from the virus since the pandemic began.  Read more ...

"Let's Go Brandon ... I agree!" :ok

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