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Mitt Romney Booed At Another GOP Conven, Sided With Democrats To Convict Trump

Started by G.L.R., Sun 02 May 2021

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Sen. Mitt Romney booed at Utah GOP convention

Utah Sen. Mitt Romney was  greeted by a barrage of insults and boos Saturday from a crowd of more  than 2,100 delegates at the state Republican convention.

Despite  the boos, Utah Republicans rejected a motion to censure Romney over his  votes to impeach former President Donald Trump, the Salt Lake Tribune reported. "I'm a man who says what he means, and you know I was not a fan of our last president's character issues," Romney said as a chorus of jeers rose from those gathered inside the Maverick Center. "Oh  yeah, you can boo all you like, but I've been a Republican all my  life... I worked for Republicans  across the country, and if you don't recall, I was the Republican  nominee for President in 2012." Don Guymon, sponsor of  the censure resolution, previously said Romney should be held accountable after voting against Trump in both impeachment trials...

You have to wonder why this guy is even a 'Republican'

"I express my mind as I believe is  right and I follow my conscious as I believe is right." Romney  has often distanced himself from others in his party who have supported  Trump, and he was among seven Republican senators who joined Democrats  in voting in favor of convicting the former president for his role in  events leading to the Jan. 6 Capitol riot. He is the only Republican senator to vote to convict Trump in both of his impeachment trials. Romney was heckled in January by Trump supporters  while flying from Washington, D.C., to Utah. He had been among a group  of senators who called for an end to an effort to overturn President Joe  Biden's victory over Trump in the 2020 election, which angered some in  the former president's base. He was also booed in 2012  at the NAACP convention in Houston, Texas, after vowing to eliminate  the Affordable Care Act and other "non-essential, expensive programs" if  elected president.

"Let's Go Brandon ... I agree!" :ok

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