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'Michelle Obama A Dude'? - Was Listed as a Man on Voting Records Until 2008...

Started by G.L.R., Mon 08 Aug 2022

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Filmmaker: Michelle Obama Listed as a Man on Voting Records Until 2008

July 19, 2022

'We already have it with Obama, so let's just calm down. You know Michelle is a tranny...'

 Newly revealed evidence may put to rest longstanding speculation over whether former first lady Michelle Obama is, in fact, a biologically male transgender, according to American Thinker. Joel Gilbert, and the recently released book and documentary Michelle Obama 2024... Is Michelle Obama a dude?... the rumor—which goes hand-in-hand with suggestions that former President Barack Obama met his future wife through a gay cult run by his Chicago pastor, Jeremiah Wright—first appeared prior to his 2012 re-election campaign.
 "We already have it with Obama, so let's just calm down. You know Michelle is a tranny," Rivers said. Her comment led to posts on social media where people were uploading photos depicting Michelle as a man and a video in slow-motion videos of her dancing on the Ellen DeGeneres show that showed that something was going on in the area of pants. Less than two months after her comment, Rivers died as a result of a minor throat procedure. Her sudden death led to people questioning whether she actually died because of the stated reason. According to Gilbert, he recently obtained official documents - Michelle's voter registration card—from the Illinois State Board of Elections that proved that she registered to vote as a man in 1994. He also has proof that after voting as a man for 14 years, she changed "M" to "F" on her card on July 14, 2008, when her husband was about to be nominated as a Democratic presidential candidate. "Her voter registration as a male was likely a clerical error of some sort made when Michelle completed her 1994 voter registration form,"...

"Let's Go Brandon ... I agree!" :ok


"Let's Go Brandon ... I agree!" :ok


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Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
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