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Illegal Mexicans Treated Better than Australian Whites in US Prisons

Started by Rev.Cambeul, Wed 02 Jul 2008

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Adelaide woman Laura McKenzie reveals US detention centre hell,22606,23956865-5006301,00.html

AN Adelaide woman who was stuck in US detention centres for nearly three weeks says she was treated worse than the illegal Mexican immigrants with whom she shared a cell, Messenger News reports.

Laura McKenzie, 21, says she had to eat food with her hands, sleep on a concrete floor and, unlike the Mexicans, was not given a proper chance to explain her situation - which she says resulted from an entry card mix-up.

Ms McKenzie is waiting for a US court hearing next week when she is expected to be issued with documents to allow her to fly back to Australia. She was released from the Willacy Detention Centre, Texas, on June 11.
Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
Church Administrator, Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

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"In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man, brave, hated, and scorned.
When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot."
Mark Twain.


Mexican consulates across the US are launching legal assistance centers to defend the rights of those fearing deportation in the wake of the stringent measures enacted by the Trump administration to root out illegal immigration.

Tension between the two countries has increased since new US President Donald Trump signed a pair of executive orders that paved the way for a border wall, expanded the pool of immigrants who are to be prioritized for deportation and called for a newly expanded immigration enforcement body to detain and deport undocumented immigrants.

U.S. border patrol agents detain two men from India after they entered the United States by climbing over the border wall from Mexico in Calexico, California, U.S. February 8, 2017

Immigrants See American Dream Fade in Wake of Surge in Hate CrimesThe new guidelines allow federal agents to cooperate with local and state law enforcement agencies to more effectively crackdown on unauthorized immigration.

Rather than paying for the wall that Trump vowed to build on the US-Mexican border during his election campaign, Mexico's President Enrique Peña Nieto gave about $50 million to 50 Mexican consulates in America to guarantee protection for migrants.

Mexico's consul general in San Diego told reporters at a conference that all help offered will align with US and Mexican laws.

Lawyers and advocates at the centers will educate undocumented immigrants on their legal rights in the US, as they are protected by both the 14th Amendment and federal statute.

"What changes today is that we are prioritizing legal matters over everything. Previously, we didn't have the need to seek so much legal support for our people," Mexican Consul General in Miami Jose Antonio Zabalgoitia said Friday."But now, we need to protect them against an eventual deportation."

According to Zabalgoitia, the number of calls and visits to the consulate has increased dramatically over the past couple of months, with people standing in line to receive assistance on legal documents.

Mexican consulates are forming partnerships with nonprofit groups and immigration clinics and reaching out to private law firms interested in taking on pro-bono work.

Foreign Minister of Mexico Luis Videgaray referred to the effort as "a moral imperative" as he visited New York City's consulate on Friday.

Mexican diplomats in Houston, where half a million Mexican immigrants live, said requests for Mexican birth certificates at the consulate are up 50% since Trump announced the severe measures.   
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So far, Muslims in Trump's USA are getting it easy. It's Whites that are getting the rough end of it ...

Australian man held in US detention centre after overstaying visa by 'a single hour' (Australia) | 2 May 2017

AN AUSTRALIAN man is being held in a detention centre in the United States after being arrested for overstaying his visa by "a single hour".

Canberra man Baxter Reid, 26, and his American girlfriend Heather Kancso, were attempting to leave and re-enter the US via Canada on April 23 to fulfil the requirements of his five-year US visa.

But because the former Australian Army worker was delayed by hours of questioning by Canadian border authorities, he stayed less than two hours too long in the US, prompting his arrest.

Mr Reid is currently being held in Buffalo Federal Detention Centre and could be jailed for six months until his case is heard by a judge, Fairfax reports.
His girlfriend Ms Kancso has set up a GoFundMe campaign to raise money to cover Mr Reid's legal costs.

Ms Kancso said in order to keep his visa valid, Mr Reid had to exit and re-enter the US every six months.

So on April 23 the couple drove to the Canadian border in upstate New York before his visa was due to expire at midnight on April 24.

But as they approached the border, Ms Kancso said Canadian border officials began to give the couple "a bit of a hard time".

"They spent hours asking us remedial questions and giving us the run-around, with hours of dead time in between," she said.

"After wasting over four hours there, they [Canadian authorities] sent us to the US border patrol because they refused to let Baxter through.

"The US border patrol ended up taking Baxter away, because after waiting for hours with the Canadians, he technically violated his visa requirements and was illegally in the US for a single hour."

Ms Kancso said border police then arrested Mr Reid and took him to the prison.

"This is a man who has no prior incidents with the law, not in the US or his native Australia," she said.

"Now, because of bureaucracy and an unwillingness to listen to him he is being charged as felon under random immigration laws ... this is going to make a criminal out of an innocent man."

She said the couple's families were raising money to hire an immigration lawyer. The GoFundMe campaign has raised more than $3200 towards its $8000 goal.
Reverend Cailen Cambeul, P.M.E.
Church Administrator, Creativity Alliance
Church of Creativity South Australia
Box 7051, West Lakes, SA, Australia, 5021

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Noli Nothis Permittere Le Terere
The only way to prevent 1984 is 2323
Joining the Creativity Alliance is Free

"In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man, brave, hated, and scorned.
When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot."
Mark Twain.

Aleister Adams

We're gonna have Hell to pay.Open borders and full citizenship for filth.88

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