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How Clintons & Democrats Profited: Bankman Fried May Have Crushed The DEEP STATE

Started by G.L.R., Mon 21 Nov 2022

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Samuel Bankman Fried May Have Started the Demolition of the Deep State

November 20, 2022

The unfolding scandal, fraud of the collapse of FTX, is not  just some  minor financial disaster. This is global and is going to  ensnare many  seemingly smart people who mistakenly believed that if you  engaged in  cyber currency transactions you could hide from law  enforcement... to understand the train wreck that is occurring with the bankruptcy  of Bankman Fried's crypto-currency trading platform. Thirty-seven billion more dollars for Ukraine? Bringing the total this year  to a click-or-two over ninety billion, on  top  of whatever Sam Bankman-Fried's FTX company funneled through that   sad-sack international money laundromat — soon to be the darkest backwater of a European failed state since ...It really doesn't matter how much more money we pound down that  rat-hole, you understand, because by the time various parties — the  weapons-makers, Volodymyr Zelensky, sundry members of the US House of  Representatives, the Biden family, the World Economic Forum — are finished ...


What Trump was trying to say was true

  They have gotten away with crimes against the nation for  years, which has only made them bolder and more reckless.   As investigators unravel this web of corruption do not be surprised  if Hillary and Bill Clinton, and some of their acolytes, emerge as key  players in the deception and fraud. You think that Bill Clinton hanging out with Samuel Bankman Fried is just a coincidence?... Political Moonshine has been prolific in writing  about the corrupt  finance linking Washington political players and  Ukraine. It has been  going on for years...

  • Tens of billions of U.S. dollars have been funneled to Ukraine
  • The money was laundered through FTX
  • The laundered money now in the form of FTX cryptocurrency was funneled back to Democrats and the Bidens
  • All of that money is now gone and FTX is bankrupt
  • FTX gave at least $40 million to Democrats in advance of the 2022 midterms
  • Bankman-Fried was the #2 donor to the Democratic party; George Soros was #1
  • The  money laundering circle was: Democrats vote to send funds to Ukraine,  Ukraine invests in FTX, FTX cryptocurrency was funneled back to  the  same Democrats... Read more ...

"Let's Go Brandon ... I agree!" :ok

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